Examples of the the word, mindset , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mindset ), is the 9079 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Franks who put forth that, while tactically sound, he lacked the strategic, mindset ,and overall intellect necessary for the task. Some close to him argued he was
  2. Text adventure Planet fall). Scott Murphy comments that" Sierra was in a, mindset ,where everything was medieval, and it was all fairly serious. I wanted to do a
  3. Religious beliefs, Blake opposed the Newtonian view of the universe. This, mindset ,is reflected in an excerpt from Blake's Jerusalem: I turn my eyes to the
  4. On what Timothy Leary called set and setting; the" set" being the general, mindset ,of the user, and the" setting" being the physical and social environment in
  5. Italians brought concepts of science to the art, appealing to the Renaissance, mindset , In 16th century Germany compendium of older Fechtbücher techniques were
  6. In the early 1940s in the United States were designed to create a patriotic, mindset ,and convince viewers that sacrifices needed to be made to defeat" the enemy. "
  7. Aware of it. Addressing the fragmentation requires a shift in philosophy and, mindset ,in an organization so that everyone considers the impact to the customer of
  8. And said that the British proposals were" a relic of a colonial-era, mindset ,". When Litvinenko was dying from radiation poisoning, he allegedly accused
  9. He or she is in a comfortable environment and has a relaxed, balanced and open, mindset , Sensory LSD causes expansion and an altered experience of senses, emotions
  10. Make greater use of lower frequency (more unusual) words when in a romantic, mindset ,compared to a non-romantic mindset , meaning that vocabulary is likely to be
  11. Treat this as a game against nature (see move by nature),and using a similar, mindset ,as Murphy's law, take an approach which minimizes the maximum expected loss
  12. In China, which aimed to transform individuals with a reactionary imperialist, mindset ,into" right-thinking" members of the new Chinese social system. To that end
  13. The left (southern) bank (of the River Seine in Paris). A particular, mindset ,attributed to inhabitants of that area, which includes the Sorbonne; ROI
  14. Very start because of his frustrations with ABC (which espoused the opposite, mindset ,). While offering choice in coding methodology, the Python philosophy rejects
  15. The ability of both to make war. However, in modern warfare a soldier's, mindset ,is generally considered surrounding ideals far more than specific leaders
  16. Planning efforts and marking a positive shift away from the urban renewal, mindset ,of the time. " During the late 1970s and early 1980s the site hosted Creative
  17. A cycle of self-improving reincarnation. Extremely alien and incomprehensible, mindset , They must have oral surgery in order to speak human languages. Gram is a unit
  18. Gun safety rules and mindset Gun safety training seeks to instill a certain, mindset ,and appropriate habits by following specific rules. The mindset is that
  19. More unusual) words when in a romantic mindset compared to a non-romantic, mindset , meaning that vocabulary is likely to be used as a sexual display (Rosenberg &
  20. Had become an" American satellite ". Margaret Thatcher later described the, mindset ,she believed had befallen the British political establishment as" Suez
  21. Colonization have been submitted to the curative effort of rape in the, mindset ,that sex with men can fix lesbianism. Despite this paradigm shift, the
  22. Culture via the academic disciplines. Thus, students are forced to think in the, mindset ,of the larger culture, and individual creativity is often squelched.
  23. Offered to Abdul-Jabbar by the NBA. In his words, he said he had a, mindset ,he could not overcome, and proceeded through his career oblivious to the effect
  24. Third parties are built around an ideology which is at odds with the majority, mindset , many members belong to such a party not for the purpose of expecting electoral
  25. Social outlook of the Zulu people. The Zulu tribe soon developed a" warrior ", mindset , which Shaka turned to his advantage. Shaka's hegemony was primarily based on
  26. Stream of unique and newly produced malware, has seen the adoption of a new, mindset ,for businesses operating on the Internet: the acknowledgment that some sizable
  27. And its values continue to be a fundamental component of the Japanese cultural, mindset , Shinto has also spread abroad to a limited extent, and a few non-Japanese
  28. Cultures are, respectively,aspects of one supernal God and Goddess. With this, mindset , a Wicca may regard the Germanic Ensure, Hindu Kali, and Christian Virgin Mary
  29. Injury or damage caused by improper handling of firearms. Gun safety rules and, mindset ,Gun safety training seeks to instill a certain mindset and appropriate habits
  30. Time of the session. Trust and sexual arousal help the partners enter a shared, mindset , Some BDSM practitioners compare related sensations with musical compositions
  31. For Red Sox pitcher Bill" Spaceman" Lee, crediting him with that kind of, mindset , Williams lacked foot speed, as attested by his 19-year career total of only
  32. To solve percentage problems rather than his own intellect, recalling the, mindset ,that created the lazy Eloy. Sequels by other authors Wells's novella has
  33. Of magical texts in which he studied them as a peculiarity of the Medieval, mindset , Another scholar of the time interested in rimfires was the antiquarian
  34. Emotionalism, irrationalism,subjectivism and vitalism. The fin-de-siècle, mindset ,saw civilization as being in a crisis that required a massive and total
  35. To criticize narrow conceptions of the enlightenment. Assessment Creative, mindset ,Northrop Frye, commenting on Blake's consistency in strongly held views, notes
  36. A certain mindset and appropriate habits by following specific rules. The, mindset ,is that firearms are inherently dangerous and must always be handled with care.
  37. With his new sound and seemed to have finally adopted a serious, diligent, mindset , to his musical career, eschewing most drugs and alcohol during the sessions.
  38. While culturally and ideologically distancing itself from the conservative, mindset , practices and traditions of the Middle East, which were regarded by the
  39. Group from those of another. Persian culture therefore reflects the collective, mindset ,of the Persian people throughout time, whether Persian is meant in an ethnic
  40. Putin stated that the United Kingdom was acting like a colonial power with a, mindset ,stuck in the 19th or 20th centuries, due to their belief that Russia could
  41. Him to study under. This Islamic education had a great impact in molding the, mindset ,of Mehmed and reinforcing his Muslim beliefs. He began to praise and promote
  42. Firearms, a common cause of accidents. The rules of gun safety follow from this, mindset , There are many variations, and one of them is the Four Rules introduced by
  43. The cultural lag. This philosophy of education is very traditional in the, mindset ,of passing on the knowledge of the culture via the academic disciplines. Thus
  44. Treat firearms as if they are loaded This rule is a matter of keeping a certain, mindset , The purpose is to create safe handling habits, and to discourage reasoning
  45. Condition. " These things, among others, were meant to put the pilot into the, mindset ,in which he would be mentally ready to die. The Toyota pilot's manual also
  46. Greenhouse is tightly controlled for maximum efficiency, and this new, mindset ,is called soil-less/controlled-environment agriculture (CEA). With this
  47. Church burnings and murder. Within this scene, an aggressive anti-Christian, mindset ,became a must for any artists to be finalized as" black metal ". 'Hahn' of
  48. And the reference was obvious to readers at the time. The book reflects the, mindset ,at the time of writing, when the outbreak of the Second World War had not yet
  49. Handed out low numbered plates as a way to reward supporters or associates. The, mindset ,is that owners are either important enough to have a low-number plate from a
  50. Of the new monarch, Henry VIII, whose character, policies and diplomatic, mindset ,differed significantly from those of his father, Henry VII. A factor in Wolsey

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