Examples of the the word, soak , in a Sentence Context

The word ( soak ), is the 7138 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Payload. This outcome is prevented by ejecting the heat shield (with its heat, soak ,) prior to the heat conducting to the inner wall. Typical Space Shuttle's TPS
  2. A user may choose to control the rate of temperature climb or ramp, hold or, soak ,the temperature at any given point, or control the rate of cooling. Both
  3. Up to a week. It is then fried in butter, and a slice of toast is then used to, soak ,up the pan drippings. The steak is served on the toast and topped with optional
  4. And the ship ascends uncontrollably. Tyler orders the Chief to order Trigger to, soak ,himself in the bilge underwater to repressurize the torpedo tubes. During the
  5. Retain a smaller layer of air (compared to other diving birds) but otherwise, soak ,up water. This allows them to swim without fighting the buoyancy that retaining
  6. The city is a popular tourist destination for New Mexicans, who come to, soak ,in the hot springs or to visit nearby Elephant Butte Lake. It is also a common
  7. For gymnastics). Also, spandex materials are often used as base layers to, soak ,up sweat. Spandex is also preferable for active sports that require form
  8. To the South Forty Foot Drain in Lincolnshire (TF1427). The Weir Dike is a, soak ,dike in Bourne North Fen, near Twenty and alongside the River Glen
  9. Continued load for an extended period of time would demand spike, endurance, soak , or stress testing. 2. Performance Testing should only be done after the System
  10. He and Louis adopted her“ soak -stain” technique of allowing thinned paint to, soak ,into unprimed canvases. Most of Noland's paintings fall into one of four
  11. First, during steeping, the grain is added to a vat with water and allowed to, soak ,for approximately 40 hours. During germination, the grain is spread out on the
  12. To ensure provision of flush toilets or latrines with proper septic tanks and, soak ,pits in all new houses; dismantling VIP latrines and long drop toilets; to
  13. Pensacola. Money would solve everything, declares Berwick, and she decides to, soak ,the four new arrivals for all they’ve got. Scene 8 Jimmy, restless,attempts to
  14. Tightly onto the wood wheel when they cooled. Nevertheless, it was advisable to, soak ,the wheel in water periodically as the desert air could dry the wheel so much
  15. Make the noodles),which comes, in turn, from Latin macerate, meaning 1) to, soak ,in liquid, to soften, or 2) to torment, to mortify, to distress (the term
  16. Texture of hand-made soda noodles is to eat them cold, since letting them, soak ,in hot broth changes their consistency. After the noodles are eaten, many
  17. Whitefish because of its high salt content. The first treatment is to, soak ,the stock fish in cold water for five to six days (with the water changed daily
  18. Nihontō were shipped to Ming Dynasty China in official trade in an attempt to, soak ,up the production of Japanese weapons and make it harder for pirates in the
  19. On it. The skin is washed with water and lime, but not together, and it has to, soak ,in the lime for a couple of days. The hair is removed, and the skin is dried by
  20. Emergence. In order for the seed coat to split, the embryo must imbibe (, soak ,up water),which causes it to swell, splitting the seed coat. However, the
  21. Mouth can be rinsed with non-alcoholic, non-antimicrobial mouth wash) and to, soak ,the outside of the piercing. Anything with alcohol, peroxide,iodine, or any
  22. Aztec world. Traditionally massive fights would break out as people tried to, soak ,one another in flower pollen or scented maize flour. Also flower petals were
  23. Water infiltration where termite tunnels in the soil allow rainwater to, soak ,in deeply and help reduce runoff and consequent soil erosion. Termites as a
  24. Case, and at elevated temperatures, there is a tendency for vaporized carbon to, soak ,into steel and iron, counteracting or negating the decarburizing tendency. This
  25. Legislation that has been passed since the end of Apollo. Thermal soak Thermal, soak ,is a part of almost all TPS schemes. For example, an ablative heat shield loses
  26. Struck. There was once a motel on the springs and travelers came from afar to, soak ,in the springs. The water is not drinkable or used for irrigation due to high
  27. Styles of yoga also promote this theory (cf: B. K. S. Iyengar's" squeeze and, soak ," analogy regarding the effects of deep twists on the internal organs).
  28. Similar to OS-9,but with less functionality and special features designed to, soak ,up excess memory, disk space and CPU time on large, expensive computers. This
  29. Visit of James's brother-in-law Christian IV, king of Denmark, a notorious, soak , adds further scandal. * May 3 – The Treaty of Lou dun is signed, ending a
  30. Animals are created first followed by humans. The first humans of earth and mud, soak ,up water and dissolve. The second humans are created from wood," but they did
  31. And immersed in a float containing the tanning liquor. The hides are allowed to, soak ,(while the drum slowly rotates about its axle) and the tanning liquor slowly
  32. Dissolved substances and thus prevent redeposition. A sodium hydroxide, soak ,solution is used as a powerful degreased on stainless and glass bakeware. It is
  33. The heat of the sun would melt the wax, nor too low, because the sea foam would, soak ,the feathers. They had passed Amos, Delos and Lebynthos by the time the boy
  34. Including Heisman),spices, and rock sugar are placed inside a young coconut to, soak ,in the original coconut juice. The filled coconut is then double steamed for
  35. Let me invite you to mix a cocktail and enjoy a smoke while you sit back and, soak ,up the swing. " In November 2008,Lea completed a tour of Australia, playing
  36. Exhausted; the contango would have deepened as the lack of storage supply to, soak ,up excess oil supply would have put further pressure on prompt prices. However
  37. Temperature within a kiln is often held constant for a period of time to, soak ,the wares to produce the maturity required in the body of the wares. The
  38. Soaked in water for approximately 30 minutes to allow the water to completely, soak ,through the powdered fibers. Lecithin is often added to aid in the process of
  39. De Mai used to be very important for Wevelgem. The people used the river to, soak ,flax, before they processed it in one of the many flax factories in Wevelgem.
  40. Words from the pages with her fingertips. As the words crawl up her arms and, soak ,into her skin, her eyes and hair become black and her posture" aggressively
  41. Who-Who-Whoop — Bow-Wow-Wow-Yough. I say, Mr. Speaker; I've had a speech in, soak ,this six months, and it has swelled me like a drowned horse; if I don’t deliver
  42. Modern designers prefer to avoid this added mass by using ablative and thermal, soak ,TPS instead. Radiatively cooled TPS can still be found on modern entry vehicles
  43. Dried stiff and dirty with soil and gore. First, the ancient tanners would, soak ,the skins in water to clean and soften them. Then they would pound and scour
  44. Central bank will be forced to reverse its monetary accommodation policy and, soak ,up the liquidity in the financial system or risk a collapse of its currency.
  45. To proceed rapidly and energetically. Liquid oxygen spills, if allowed to, soak ,into organic matter, such as wood, petrochemicals,and asphalt can cause these
  46. Environmental legislation that has been passed since the end of Apollo. Thermal, soak ,Thermal soak is a part of almost all TPS schemes. For example, an ablative heat
  47. Example, the word souk (" cold" ) can be pronounced (resembling the English, soak ,) by some speakers. Vowel harmony is the principle by which a
  48. Leather is not stable in water; it tends to discolor, and if left to, soak ,and then dry it will shrink and become less supple and harder. In hot water, it
  49. To take photographs and drawings of local landmarks for inspiration; and to, soak ,up local culture. The filmmakers decided to change Mulan's character to make
  50. Gary soak ings is a delicacy in Ghana that cost less than US$1. One can simply, soak ,Gary in cold water, add a bit of sugar and roasted groundnut (peanut) to

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