Examples of the the word, overload , in a Sentence Context

The word ( overload ), is the 7143 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tanks and increased maximum takeoff weight of up to 68,000 lb (30,700 kg). An, overload ,warning system was also added, which allows the pilot to fly the fighter to 9 g
  2. Designed in to reduce the audible unpleasantness of hard clipping under, overload , Ill effects of nonlinearity can be reduced with negative feedback.
  3. Such as hemochromatosis. Many people have a genetic susceptibility to iron, overload ,without realizing it or being aware of a family history of the problem. For
  4. A process called thermal runaway. Most consumer lithium batteries have thermal, overload ,protection built-in to prevent this type of incident, or their design
  5. a hundred aircraft, some were bound to escape interception because of operator, overload , The balance shifted toward the attackers again. With nuclear bombs potentially
  6. And answering them. The reason for falling behind is often due to information, overload ,and a general sense there is so much information that it is not possible to
  7. For military uses. The 21st-century lifestyle produces a symptom called ", overload ," in many people, and most, including Nick, take tranquilizers to some degree.
  8. Usually over web-friendly HTTP, in order to send and receive them. Information, overload ,A December 2007 New York Times blog post described information overload as" a
  9. Most common disorder in acid-base homeostasis is acidosis, which means an acid, overload ,in the body, generally defined by pH falling below 7.35. In the blood, pH can
  10. Windings. The output and input currents are low enough to prevent thermal, overload ,under all load conditions—even if the secondary is shorted. Leakage
  11. Tested out wild vocalization styles, the instrumentalists experimented" with, overload , feedback and distortion ... pushing their equipment to the limit ". EMI and
  12. A motor starter is a contactor with overload protection devices attached. The, overload ,sensing devices are a form of heat operated relay where a coil heats a bi-metal
  13. Battle of the Alonzo. * 1915 – An International Railway trolley with an extreme, overload ,of 157 passengers crashes near Queenston, Ontario,killing 15. * 1915 – Militia
  14. Retrieval systems are used to reduce what has been called" information, overload ,". Many universities and public libraries use IR systems to provide access to
  15. Units are considered a heavy load, and registrations above 51 units require an, overload ,petition. Approximately 20 percent of students double-major. This is achievable
  16. On chromosome 6. In these people, excessive iron intake can result in iron, overload ,disorders, such as hemochromatosis. Many people have a genetic susceptibility
  17. Work focused on technology and its impact (through effects like information, overload ,). Then he moved to examining the reaction of and changes in society. His later
  18. Is typically used to describe a family of fairly well known tricks that can, overload ,the analog electronics in the CRT monitors of computers lacking hardware sanity
  19. Template is a match for the arguments, otherwise the template is ignored during, overload ,matching. Template Foo (int N) if (N & 1) // A template
  20. Internet start-ups focused on e-mail really eliminates the problem of e-mail, overload ,because none helps us prepare replies ". Gigaohm posted a similar article in
  21. And Kate's house before being overwhelmed by the dogs. Nick, suffering another, overload , blames Kate for the incident, since she, following Hearing Aid policy, cut off
  22. Sometimes multiple operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from, overload ,or faults; in modern electric power systems these functions are performed by
  23. And stand-alone. The effect resembles that of nesting namespaces and can, overload ,keywords depending on the context. A defined word generally consists of head
  24. Not to be confused with carrier-to-noise ratio, in dB). BOV or DBO: dB (, overload ,) – the amplitude of a signal (usually audio) compared with the maximum which
  25. Stimulant drugs while trying to cope with the chronic stress and work, overload ,in Medley (stemming from the Markab extinction),and wanders off to the
  26. Hundreds of active spammers sending this volume of mail results in information, overload ,for many computer users who receive voluminous unsolicited email each day.
  27. Cables or internal faults in the motor windings. One type of electric motor, overload ,protection relay is operated by a heating element in series with the electric
  28. Are mentioned below. Barriers to successful communication include message, overload ,(when a person receives too many messages at the same time),and message
  29. Strip or melts solder, releasing a spring to operate contacts. Where the, overload ,relay is exposed to the same environment as the motor, a useful though crude
  30. Overload A December 2007 New York Times blog post described information, overload ,as" a $650 Billion Drag on the Economy ", and the New York Times reported in
  31. Has become the bane of some people’s professional lives" due to information, overload , yet" none of the current wave of high-profile Internet start-ups focused on
  32. Effects inhibit the filtering function of the brain and may mirror the sensory, overload ,associated with schizophrenia and near-death experiences. The local anesthetic
  33. Bool a)int: (a | 1 | 0); Note that no special declaration is required to, overload ,an operator, and the programmer is free to create new operators. 1980s Ada
  34. Which must be consulted, akin to other techniques for managing information, overload , The most public, visible form of a search engine is a Web search engine which
  35. Relays with accurate operating characteristics were used to detect, overload , short-circuits, and other faults. While many such relays remain in use
  36. This has happened due to his undiagnosed hereditary hemochromatosis (iron, overload ,). He was an Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology and of
  37. Is to combine with nitrogen released in the cell, therefore preventing nitrogen, overload , Α-Ketoglutarate is one of the most important nitrogen transporters in
  38. Iron absorption, iron poisoning can become an issue to people with rare iron, overload ,disorders, such as haemochromatosis. A genetic condition that results in
  39. Methods in order to prevent the body from adapting (maintaining a progressive, overload ,), possibly emphasizing whichever method more suits their goals. I. e, a
  40. Collecting 20 blue chips and delivering them to the Idea capture, which will, overload ,and release the orb it holds. It is possible to complete some levels '
  41. In 2006,the Baltimore Sun reported that the NSA was at risk of electrical, overload ,because of insufficient internal electrical infrastructure at Fort Meade to
  42. A routine vaccination. This has led to unsupported theories blaming vaccine ", overload ,", a vaccine preservative, or the MMR vaccine for causing autism. Although
  43. Managing the information becomes more difficult, which can lead to information, overload , The Online Oxford English Dictionary indicates use of the phrase in a March
  44. Have discussed time management as applied to the issue of digital information, overload , in particular, Tim Ferriss with" The 4-hour workweek ", and Stefania
  45. Titled" Happy Information Overload Day" that compiled research on email, overload ,from IT companies and productivity experts. According to Based, the average
  46. Disadvantages of FET * MOS FET has a drawback of being very susceptible to, overload ,voltages, thus requiring special handling during installation. Applications
  47. A short period each day. The Sun's immense power and broad radiation spectrum, overload ,the Earth station's reception circuits with noise and, depending on antenna
  48. Devices are often used for motor starters. A motor starter is a contactor with, overload ,protection devices attached. The overload sensing devices are a form of heat
  49. Contacts. These auxiliary contacts are in series with the coil. If the, overload ,senses excess current in the load, the coil is de-energized. Contactor relays
  50. Have a full understanding of the context and issue in question. * Information, overload ,: Email is a push technology—the sender controls who receive the information.

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