Examples of the the word, foam , in a Sentence Context

The word ( foam ), is the 7144 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is. The etymology of Greek is unknown. Hesiod connects it by with (Afros) ", foam ," interpreting it as" risen from the foam ". This has been widely classified
  2. Sandwich panels, where the FRP encloses a lightweight core such as balsa or, foam , Cored FRP is most often found in decking which helps keep down weight that
  3. Floor event occurs on a carpeted 12 m × 12 m square, usually consisting of hard, foam ,over a layer of plywood, which is supported by springs or foam blocks generally
  4. States that the genitals" were carried over the sea a long time, and white, foam ,arose from the immortal flesh; with it a girl grew. " This girl became
  5. Masters often choose a heavier protective jacket, usually reinforced by plastic, foam ,to cushion the numerous hits an instructor has to endure. Sometimes in practice
  6. Goddesses, not individuated in cult: Aphrodite Urania, born from the sea, foam ,after Cronus castrated Uranus, and Aphrodite Pan demos, the common Aphrodite "
  7. Slipping on a wooden floor. Some drummers use an insulation-style filling or, foam ,in the bass drum to lessen the" ringing" sound. Drummers often use a variety
  8. Options. CFS are hollow blocks or panels made of fire-proof insulating, foam ,that are stacked to form the shape of the walls of a building and then filled
  9. Cronus cut off Uranus' genitals and threw them into the sea, and from the sea, foam ,(Afros) arose Aphrodite. Thus, Aphrodite is of an older generation than Zeus.
  10. Of cholesterol from lipid-laden macrophages of atherosclerotic arteries, termed, foam , cells,to the liver for secretion into the bile. This pathway has been termed
  11. Hope of life. Eyes never beheld the sea so angry, so high, so covered with, foam , The wind not only prevented our progress, but offered no opportunity to run
  12. Of hard foam over a layer of plywood, which is supported by springs or, foam ,blocks generally called a" spring" floor. This provides a firm surface that
  13. Concrete Forms (CFS) are hollow blocks or panels made of either insulating, foam ,or Rasta that are stacked to form the shape of the walls of a building and
  14. Entirely filled). ** Solid-core - Can consist of low-density particle board or, foam ,used to completely fill the space within the door. Solid-core flush doors (
  15. Mattress-like object called a crash pad. These are generally thick, rectangular, foam , pads with a heavy-duty fabric shell. They are opened and placed at the base of
  16. Connects it by with (Afros) " foam ," interpreting it as" risen from the, foam ,". This has been widely classified as a folk etymology, and numerous
  17. Catsuit was updated, which was made out of a thinner, slightly more flexible, foam ,rubber material than the suit from Batman. DeVito was uncomfortable with his
  18. Suggested in scholarship. Yet Wanda (2010) considers the connection with ", foam ," genuine, identifying the myth of Aphrodite rising out of the waters after
  19. Door that can be solid or with glass, and is usually filled with high density, foam , Most composite doors carry secured by design accreditation and PAS 23 and PAS
  20. Forms ( foam forms filled with concrete),structural insulated panels (, foam ,panels faced with oriented strand board or fiber cement),and light-gauge
  21. Have been made to introduce fencing to a wider and younger audience, by using, foam ,and plastic swords, which require much less protective equipment. This makes it
  22. The Brandenburg Gate. A high point was when over 1,000 colorfully designed, foam ,domino tiles, each over tall, that were stacked along the former route of the
  23. Helps keep the gazpacho cool and avoids the completely smooth consistency, and, foam , created by blenders and food processors. In addition to the
  24. To indicate dissatisfaction, a pout; mousse: a whipped dessert or a hairstyling, foam ,; in French, means any type of foam N; naturellement: naturally; né, for a woman
  25. Resources such as water mains and fire hydrants, or they might use A and B class, foam ,depending on what is feeding the fire. Fire prevention is intended to reduce
  26. Foam/froth and the tea would have a light foam y feel to the taste. *泡沫奶茶 (): ", foam ,milk tea. " One of the many variants that is prepared the same way as the "
  27. Cronus severed Uranus' genitals and threw them behind him into the sea. The, foam ,from his genitals gave rise to Aphrodite (for which reason she is called "
  28. Chemicals (adjuncts) such as glycerol monostearate, are used to create a, foam ,or head on the finished beer. Despite this consumer concern, keg beer was
  29. Function of the volume of the fuel, whereas agents such as aqueous film forming, foam ,(AFF) need cover only the surface of the fuel to achieve vapor mitigation.
  30. Mayonnaise, hand cream Sol Examples: pigmented ink, blood Solid, foam ,Examples: aerogel, styro foam ,pumice Gel Examples: agar, gelatin
  31. Us has). Wanda (2010) etymologizes her name as" she who rises from the, foam ,of the ocean" and points to Hediod's account of Aphrodite's birth as an
  32. Because the heat of the sun would melt the wax, nor too low, because the sea, foam ,would soak the feathers. They had passed Amos, Delos and Lebynthos by the time
  33. The drink or require a correctly filled one. A common rule for beer — with, foam ,— is that the liquid- foam -line must not be more than one centimeter below the
  34. Peat, duff,humus, synthetic foam s, charring polymers including polyurethane, foam , and dust. Common examples of smoldering phenomena are the initiation of
  35. Mousse: a whipped dessert or a hairstyling foam ; in French, means any type of, foam ,N; naturellement: naturally; né, for a woman),e. g.," Martha Washington, née
  36. Can be made available for consumption without bubble nucleation and resulting, foam ,formation. The unit flew in 1996 aboard STS-77 and held 1.65 liters each of
  37. Thin fiber-reinforced skins over a lightweight but reasonably rigid core of, foam , balsa wood, impregnated paper honeycomb or other material. General features
  38. Gym hockey is a form of ice hockey played in a gymnasium. It uses sticks with, foam ,ends and a foam ball or a plastic puck. * Hurling and Calorie are Irish games
  39. Age. According to this interpretation, the name is from Afros ", foam ," and death" she seems" or" shines" ( infinitive form *death),meaning
  40. People have even made their own boats or watercraft out of materials such as, foam ,or plastic, but most homerooms today are built of plywood and either painted
  41. Or" shines" ( infinitive form *death),meaning" she who shines from the, foam ,ocean ", a by name of the dawn goddess (EOS). J. P. Mallory and D. Q. Adams (
  42. Entirely filled). ** Solid-core - Can consist of low-density particle board or, foam ,used to completely fill the space within the door. Solid-core flush doors (
  43. On not allowing damaged sandwich structures to go unrepaired. Plastic based, foam ,cores are less vulnerable. The phrase 'advanced composites' in FRP
  44. Are oxidized and taken up by macrophages, which become engorged and form, foam ,cells. These cells often become trapped in the walls of blood vessels and
  45. Brasserie Dupont for Saigon ferments even higher at to. They generally form a, foam ,on the surface of the fermenting beer, as during the fermentation process its
  46. Bearded Caribs once inhabiting the island; or, more fancifully, to the, foam ,spraying over the outlying reefs giving the impression of a beard. In 1519,a
  47. Milk tea. " One of the many variants that is prepared the same way as the ", foam ,red tea," well-shaken before serving. *珍珠奶茶 or 珍奶 for short) ():" pearl
  48. Emil Christian Hansen. Top cropping yeasts are so called because they form a, foam ,at the top of the wort during fermentation. They can produce higher alcohol
  49. Popular alternative construction materials include insulating concrete forms (, foam ,forms filled with concrete),structural insulated panels ( foam panels faced
  50. Has developed the Extended Analog Computer based on sampling voltages in a, foam ,sheet. At the http://hrl.harvard.edu/ Harvard Robotics Laboratory, analog

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