Examples of the the word, enlightenment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enlightenment ), is the 7145 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Forwarded the view that alchemy is an art primarily concerned with spiritual, enlightenment ,or illumination, as opposed to the physical manipulation of apparatus and
  2. Dharma is not a speculative philosophy, but is the Universal Law found through, enlightenment ,and is preached precisely. Therefore, it is Excellent in the beginning (Silk —
  3. Which Bar dot is currently publicly contesting. " French culture is a culture of, enlightenment ,and has nothing to do with bloody things like bullfighting," she wrote.
  4. Uncritically handed down from one generation to the next. The only remedies are, enlightenment ,and education ". After the death of Israel's first president, Chaim Weizmann
  5. With nature, discipline the mind, quiet the heart, and attain the purity of, enlightenment , the art of tea becomes teaism. Great philosophical figures * Confucius, seen
  6. And I find that Buddhism is the most amazing, transcendent path to, enlightenment ,for me. " Love has advocated for several liberal causes, including stricter gun
  7. To be" stubbornness" ( 执著),which will become an obstacle to nirvana or, enlightenment , However, if one undertakes a vow to be a Buddhist vegetarian, one is expected
  8. In the early 1970s. The book of the same name is a major document in modern, enlightenment ,thinking in planning and architectural circles. The process, still used by the
  9. Wales) Knowledge and humility: Knowing others is wisdom;: Knowing the self is, enlightenment ,.: Mastering others requires force;: Mastering the self requires strength;: He
  10. But commercial software support has been slow in coming. The Devil (Greek: and, enlightenment , In mainstream Christianity, God and the Devil are usually portrayed as
  11. Consciousness, levels of truth, whether reality is ultimately empty, and how, enlightenment ,is to be achieved. Buddhism has a spiritual aspect that compliments the action
  12. Vows. With these vows, one makes the promise to work for the complete, enlightenment ,of all sentient beings by practicing the six perfections. Indelibly entwined
  13. Famous Japanese professional gamer Other uses include: *Diego (Zen),a great, enlightenment ,in Zen Buddhism *Diego (Dairy),a type of cheese made in ancient Japan Suzuki
  14. Fully understand Gurkha, as required by the first noble truth, and proceed to, enlightenment , As the Buddha said in Calcutta Nikita #35: What ordinary folk call happiness
  15. Cheaper" entered common parlance and is used today to indicate a moment of, enlightenment , The story first appeared in written form in Vitruvian' books of architecture
  16. It is reluctant to posit its own. Only knowledge that is useful in achieving, enlightenment ,is valued. According to this theory, the cycle of philosophical upheavals that
  17. Huxley was a pioneer of self-directed psychedelic drug use" in a search for, enlightenment ,", famously taking 100 micrograms of LSD as he lay dying. His psychedelic drug
  18. The Three Jewels of Buddhism are the Buddha, meaning the mind's perfection of, enlightenment , the Dharma, meaning the teachings and the methods of the Buddha, and the
  19. Organizations on an annual basis. These organizations must provide for the, enlightenment ,and entertainment of the public through the production, presentation
  20. The alchemist himself, the twin goal symbolized his evolution from ignorance to, enlightenment , and the stone represented a hidden spiritual truth or power that would lead to
  21. Is that such questions distract from activity that is practical to realizing, enlightenment ,and bring about the danger of substituting the experience of liberation by
  22. Sanskrit spelling SATA rather than sativa," heroic-minded one (SATA) for, enlightenment ,(bod hi). " The Pale term has sometimes been translated as" wisdom-being,"
  23. Sense of what we are put on this earth to accomplish. Both were on the side of, enlightenment , Both were optimists who believed in progress but were dubious about grand
  24. Bod hi. The place of a bodhisattva's earthly deeds, such as the achievement of, enlightenment ,or the acts of dharma, is known as a bodhimanda, and may be a site of
  25. It is said to be like a radiating light that fully burns that which opposes, enlightenment , The emphasized perfection is vigor (very). #Very difficult to train:
  26. That is impossible to fulfill because it is only possible to lead others to, enlightenment ,once we have attained enlightenment ourselves. Therefore, only king-like
  27. And desire in general, and sexual pleasure in particular, are hindrances to, enlightenment , Buddhist monks and nuns of most traditions are expected to refrain from all
  28. In his six words of advice. Professor C. D. Sebastian describes the nature of, enlightenment ,according to one Mahayana text: The early texts, in contrast, contain explicit
  29. It is only possible to lead others to enlightenment once we have attained, enlightenment ,ourselves. Therefore, only king-like Bodhisattva is actual Bodhisattva. JE
  30. After the ten Bhūmi, according to Mahayana Buddhism, one attains complete, enlightenment ,and becomes a Buddha. With the 52 stages, the Surname Supra recognizes 57
  31. Said to have set out to take their austerities even further. They tried to find, enlightenment ,through deprivation of worldly goods, including food, practising
  32. The offer, but promised to visit his kingdom of Agatha first, upon attaining, enlightenment , He left Raleigh and practiced under two hermit teachers. After mastering the
  33. The poet dreamed he had been transported after death to some place of heavenly, enlightenment , The Ephemeral presented a theological doctrine of a vastly different type in a
  34. An" explicit celebration of the original victory of bloody-minded faith over, enlightenment ,and reason. " Christian views on marriage typically regard it as instituted and
  35. Who will attain Paccekabuddhahood, and the savakabodhisatta who will attain, enlightenment ,as a disciple of a Buddha. According to the Theravada teacher Shikoku Bod hi the
  36. For its own sake is not valued in Buddhism, theory pursued in the interest of, enlightenment ,is consistent with Buddhist values and ethics. Philosophy Historical context
  37. To the Buddha. Furthermore, the non-duality ascribed to the nature of, enlightenment ,in the early texts is not ontological. Mahayana often adopts a pragmatic
  38. Difficult and obscure" text whose basic thrust is to emphasize" the inner, enlightenment ,that does away with all duality and is raised above all distinctions ". It is
  39. The 'Our' ( light) through the" esoteric ", that is, spiritual search for, enlightenment , Ismail Islam also has some characteristics associated with esotericism
  40. Rationality, the era of modernity marks a move away from the liberation of, enlightenment ,and toward a new form of enslavement. His ideas regarding the relationship
  41. An intensely physical one. Theresa described her bodily reaction to spiritual, enlightenment ,in a language of ecstasy used by many mystics, and Bernini's depiction is
  42. Relates this tendency to the private and nonverbal nature of the concept of Zen, enlightenment , By the time of Kagemusha, however,according to Prince, the meaning of this
  43. This life, a better rebirth, liberation from samsara, and the true and complete, enlightenment ,of a Buddha (samyaksambodhi). Ignorance is defined as the root of all evil.
  44. Europe and came to exert a powerful influence during the eighteenth century, enlightenment , By virtue of this, deism as a theological doctrine has had a great influence
  45. Informal pilgrimages to this site" to reflect on life and to seek religious, enlightenment ,". Some believe that the saint possessed magical powers and so his tomb still
  46. To progress the soul to this ultimate goal. Jains believe that to attain, enlightenment ,and ultimately liberation, one must practice the following ethical principles (
  47. To 52 stages. The 10 grounds are: #Great Joy: It is said that being close to, enlightenment ,and seeing the benefit for all sentient beings, one achieves great joy, hence
  48. The plan that was built created a rigid, ordered grid, which fitted well with, enlightenment ,ideas of rationality. The principal street was to be George Street, which
  49. Traditions such as classical Hinduism, Zen Buddhism or Islamic Sufism, a key to, enlightenment ,is" transcending" this sort of dualistic thinking, without merely
  50. These allegedly" external" phenomena (e.g. " Humanism,"" the age of, enlightenment ," " logic," and, perhaps most importantly," human nature" ) need to be

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