Examples of the the word, honourable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( honourable ), is the 7139 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Darcy, on the other hand, has been taught to be principled and scrupulously, honourable , but is also proud and overbearing. Style Pride and Prejudice, like most of
  2. Your Race is nothing,you're nothing ... It is sweet and noble—sweet and, honourable , I guess it is—to die for what you believe in. " (This last statement is a
  3. S voices confirm: he was a man in mind and body absolutely accomplished with, honourable , endowments. He died at his house at Hackney in the month of June Anna 1604,and
  4. Called after their father" the sons of Zebedee" and received from Christ the, honourable , title of Barges,i.e." sons of thunder" (). Originally they were
  5. S term of office, once described him in the House of Commons as a" decent and, honourable , man ". Few observers doubted that he was an honest man, or that he made sincere
  6. Bigotry, and those who question his sanity still view him as an essentially, honourable , figure. Riel nevertheless presents an enigma, although as historian J. M. S.
  7. Indecision ... The only reason that this motion is worded as it is that my, honourable , friends opposite quake when they think of what will happen if an election comes
  8. Were segregated in separate cemeteries. Even for those whose death had brought, honourable , release,the taint of infamy was perpetual. Memorials were a major expense
  9. Unsoldierly conduct. Heroin says" in their opinion Alexander showed no, honourable , intention to pursue the war and preferred a life of ease, when he should have
  10. Few could believe that a renowned former companion of Nero had chosen such an, honourable , end. The soldiers were so moved and impressed that some even threw themselves
  11. As the relation was durable and exclusive; for the jurists, concubinage was an, honourable , de facto situation. When having no legal status but being recognized, or
  12. Khmelnytskyi compared Swedes to the Tsar, claiming that the Swedes were more, honourable , and trustworthy than the Russians. On 22 July he suffered cerebral hemorrhage
  13. Of the 11th century and had a wider diffusion as well as a longer and more, honourable , existence. Owing its real origin as a distinct foundation of reformed
  14. His scholarly legacy justifies his contemporaries' bestowing upon him the, honourable , surname Doctor Universalism. In the centuries since his death, many stories
  15. Chance of winning, but before all ends are completed. Concession is an, honourable , act and does not carry the stigma associated with quitting, and allows for more
  16. In the Mediterranean with a small army of 1,000—Na (O'Healthy) calls it an, honourable , exile. After a tearful farewell to the Old Guard, he is carted away. 10 months
  17. By the Spanish Armada. Richard Hakluyt lists Oxford as among those 'great and, honourable , personages ' who flocked to the English Channel to serve prince and country
  18. Of this general word for woman hating is misogunaios (). *Allied with Venus in, honourable , positions Saturn makes his subjects haters of women, lovers of antiquity
  19. I am delighted to see how many young boys and girls have come forward to obtain, honourable , marks of recognition on this occasion, — if any effectual good is to be done to
  20. Of England has never been so degraded and injured as by the condemnation of the, honourable , Sir Walter Raleigh. " Legacy The state capital of North Carolina and its second
  21. In 611 for the court of King Theodebert of Australia. At Metz, he received an, honourable , welcome,and then proceeding to Mainz, he embarked upon the Rhine in order to
  22. Lives. I understand what the photographer was doing, but what was the right, honourable , gentleman doing? " A biographer, Roy Jenkins, suggests that he went simply
  23. Feeble men '. Others such as Rhode James see Churchill's motives as entirely, honourable , and disinterested, that he felt deeply for the King. Return from exile
  24. The author is on, the antagonists are usually not depicted as villains but as, honourable , on their own terms. The reader is given access to their thoughts and feelings
  25. Watch over legislation; to forward the interests of the stock growers in every, honourable , and legitimate way; and to suggest to parliament legislation to meet changing
  26. A well known Flemish mercenary, and would be introduced to" Mr Gatsby" and ", honourable , friends of the nobility and others who would have arms and horses in readiness
  27. Showed the average German soldier as a heroic victim: noble, tough,brave, honourable , and patriotic while fighting hard in a senseless war for a regime that he did
  28. The censure of a Gascony lady converts the King of Cyprus from a churlish to an, honourable , temper. Elissa narrates another tale of censure. Boccaccio took this story
  29. Munus became a morally instructive form of historic enactment in which the only, honourable , option for the gladiator was to fight well, or else die well. Development In
  30. Iliad, in which she declares to Zeus," I am Cronus' eldest daughter, and am, honourable , not on this ground only, but also because I am your wife, and you are king of
  31. Were genial by the standards of the day—so long as they lived their lives in an, honourable , manner,which some did not. After his mother, his eldest sister Lizzie was the
  32. Said in a speech in Parliament:" Honorable Agenda, I invite you to ask the, honourable , Berlusconi,because he certainly knows that he received a full guarantee in
  33. By contrast, sought peace but only if the war in Germany could be brought to an, honourable , and satisfactory conclusion (rather than Britain suddenly bailing out of it as
  34. Lake; Born, a man who can assume bear form; and Bard the Bowman, a grim but, honourable , archer of Lake-town. Plot Gandalf tricks Bilbo into hosting a party for Thorn
  35. A significant part of his army behind. These men were supposed to be given, honourable , terms by the British forces, yet Admiral Keith decided to attack them anyway
  36. Of English Poetry that: I may not omit the deserved commendations of many, honourable , and noble Lords and gentlemen in her Majesty's court which in the rare devices
  37. Rather on an increase in prosperity than on a“ Helvetic twilight ”. With the, honourable , status as federate taken into account, it is hard to believe that the Helvetic
  38. Wrote about William Sardine::“ You will find Sardine a most conscientious, honourable , and kind-hearted fellow, extremely liberal and an excellent man of business in
  39. Of poetry have been and yet are most excellent skillful, among whom the right, honourable , Earl of Oxford may challenge to himself the title of the most excellent among
  40. Affect the career of Clean, they failed to persuade the Athenians to pursue an, honourable , peace with Sparta, and it is not clear that they were instrumental in the trial
  41. Gratitude, he adds also that of having been the first to win for our country an, honourable , name and position in the History of Letters ". Irving perfected the American
  42. Two years after Selim's accession succeeded in concluding at Constantinople an, honourable , treaty (17 February 1568) with the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian II
  43. I possessed a wife in the lustful passion of desire, and now I possess her in, honourable , sanctification and true love of Christ. " Works Bede wrote scientific
  44. But he was repeatedly subjected to serious provocation. He was a man of highly, honourable , and fervently religious character. In estimating his place among scientific
  45. Which usually confines itself to worthless things, was seen for once in the, honourable , office of promoting the cause of justice, humanity and freedom ". The design on
  46. Opening stages of land battles, and at sea, but tended to be considered less ", honourable ," than a hand weapon. Vikings were relatively unusual for the time in their use
  47. The want of which vain dew: Perchance shall dry your pities; but I have: That, honourable , grief lodged here which burns: Worse than tears drown. Meaning flows as the
  48. Difficult to recreate the original character of the monument. Tanner was the, honourable , secretary of the Dartmoor Preservation Association, and this reconstruction was
  49. He obtained it — in whatever manner he got it — has he been exercising it in an, honourable , or kingly manner, but has surpassed in insolence and lawlessness all the
  50. Even Cicero, when he talked of Rome and its two great enemies, spoke of the ", honourable ," Pyrrhic and the" cruel" Hannibal. Yet a different picture is sometimes

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