Examples of the the word, ruby , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ruby ), is the 7142 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gemologist who has made many trips to Burma makes the point that for every, ruby ,sold through the junta, another gem that supports subsistence mining is
  2. Is an object, so this works: -199. Abs # 199" ice is nice ". Length # 11 ", ruby ,is cool. ". Index (" u" ) # 1" Nice Day Isn't It? ". Downcase. Split (" "
  3. Him into a browned, living corpse. Being able to control dreams, he used the, ruby ,to bring out the 'darkness' and 'bestiality' of many people across the world.
  4. Chromium at low concentration is the source of the red fluorescence of, ruby , Divalent europium is the source of the blue fluorescence, when seen in the
  5. Vampires, orcs,trolls),supernatural transportation (flying broomsticks, ruby ,slippers, windows between worlds),and shapeshifting (beast into man, man
  6. Behavior of begin statement end until expression, but it still exists as of, ruby ,1.9. ) * Because constants are references to objects, changing what a constant
  7. Of abundant deposits of colored stones and gemstones, including emerald, ruby , sapphire, garnet,laps, kunzite, spinel,tourmaline and period. In 2010,U.
  8. Amount of replaces in corundum (aluminum oxide,Al2O3),the red-colored, ruby ,is formed. Chromium (III) ions tend to adopt octahedral molecular geometry
  9. Energy states. For example, the first working laser was a ruby laser, made from, ruby ,(chromium-doped corundum). The population inversion is actually maintained in
  10. Popular and most affordable of the three major precious gemstones (emerald, ruby , and sapphire).; Turquoise: Turquoise is found in only a few places on earth
  11. More capital to increase the production of gold, started in 2007. Mining of, ruby ,deposits began in 2007. Other mineral prospects are improving as prices are
  12. Of the relic drove him to savage, monstruous acts of depravity using the, ruby , To quote: 'I think I'll dismember the world, and then I'll dance in the
  13. In them. I don't want to be part of a nation's misery. If someone asks for a, ruby ,now I show them a nice pink sapphire. " Richard W. Hughes, author of Ruby and
  14. Laser media include Nd: YAG, Ti: sapphire, Cr: sapphire (usually known as, ruby ,), Cr: Lisa (chromium-doped lithium strontium aluminum fluoride),Er: ELF
  15. As if toys, until all were dead. Dream double-bluffed him into destroying the, ruby , which Dee believed to be Dream's life. It actually only stored some of his
  16. However, lab created gemstones are not imitations. For example, diamonds, ruby , sapphires and emeralds have been manufactured in labs to possess identical
  17. And hairs): see laser hair removal. Laser types used in dermatology include, ruby ,(694 nm),Alexandrine (755 nm),pulsed diode array (810 nm),: YAG (2940
  18. Maharajah frequently wore. It is an amulet, which comprises diamond, pearl, ruby , sapphire, emerald,topaz, cat’s eye, coral,and hyacinth (red zircon). Each
  19. By doping chromium (III) into the crystals of corundum, which are then called, ruby , Therefore, chromium is used in producing synthetic rubies. Chromium oxides are
  20. Are made in other cultures. In modern usage the precious stones are diamond, ruby , sapphire and emerald, with all other gemstones being semi-precious. This
  21. Is a popular type of quartz containing needle-like inclusions.;, the word for, ruby ,is Ragnarok, meaning king of precious stones.; Sapphire: The most popular form
  22. Ruby Shell or saved in a file and run from the command line by typing, ruby , Classic Hello world example: puts" Hello World! " Some
  23. Turquoise. Impurities in Al2O3,such as chromium or iron yield the gemstones, ruby ,and sapphire, respectively. Although aluminum is an extremely common and
  24. The lowest along this axis. Negative uniaxial crystals (e.g., calcite CaCO3, ruby ,Al2O3) have né
  25. In the cardinal, or most valuable, gemstones (along with diamond, sapphire, ruby , and emerald). However, since the discovery of extensive deposits in locations
  26. Grade sapphires or rubies (padparadscha sapphire or" pigeon's blood ", ruby ,). Albertosaurus (; meaning" Alberta lizard" ) is a
  27. Etc.) except red. The same material can exhibit different colors. For example, ruby ,and sapphire have the same chemical composition (both are corundum) but
  28. While doing this, over a period of 24 hours he focused the energy of the, ruby ,on several people in a café, one of them a friend of Rose Walker and an
  29. The last remaining lead and zinc mine that year. More recently, new sources of, ruby ,in Greenland have been discovered promising to bring new industry and a new
  30. 1930,when he steals a number of treasures (including Dream's helmet, ruby ,and pouch of sand) and £200,000 in cash from the order and flees to San
  31. Of FitzGerald's quatrain XI in his 1st edition, as above): I desire a little, ruby ,wine and a book of verses, Just enough to keep me alive, and half a loaf is
  32. Pride, and witnesses Cain's transformation into Juggernaut when he touches a, ruby ,with an inscription on it in an underground temple. During the war, he receives
  33. First demonstration of stimulated emission; The first working laser (a pulsed, ruby ,laser) was demonstrated on May 16, 1960,by Theodore Maiman at the Hughes
  34. Despite being the first type of laser to be discovered (based on a, ruby ,laser medium, by Theodore Maiman in 1960). A three-level system could also
  35. The naturally occurring variety. Synthetic (lab created) corundum, including, ruby , and sapphire, are very common, and they cost only a fraction of the natural
  36. To determine what constitutes precious stones. Aside from the diamond,the, ruby , sapphire, emerald,pearl (strictly speaking not a gemstone) and opal
  37. To stop a war between a Nāga king and his son-in-law who were fighting over a, ruby ,chair. It is said that on his last visit he left his footmark on Striped ("
  38. He was also able to detect traces of chromium in precious gemstones, such as, ruby ,or emerald. During the 1800s,chromium was primarily used as a component of
  39. Topaz, amazonite from Brazil, spinel,polite, and chrysoberyl from Sri Lanka, ruby ,from India, Afghani laps Pauli, Persian turquoise, Red Sea period, as well
  40. Celebrated during July in the United States. Symbols *July's birthstone is the, ruby ,which symbolizes contentment. *Its birth flower is the Larkspur or the Water
  41. Worse, since he has managed to replicate its power perfectly, though the second, ruby ,is now out of his grasp. However, since the new Ruby is attuned to him, he has
  42. Maiman’s functional laser used a solid-state flashlamp-pumped synthetic, ruby ,crystal to produce red laser light, at 694 nanometers wavelength; however, the
  43. City ENT. ) ... never released; Music videos; Albums External links A, ruby ,is a red gemstone. Ruby may also refer to: Locations * Ruby Mountain, a
  44. Is not absorbed reaches the eye as white light minus the absorbed colors. A, ruby ,appears red because it absorbs all the other colors of white light (blue
  45. Equivalent of January in the Northern Hemisphere. The birthstone for July is a, ruby , In the Northern Hemisphere: * Dog days begin in early July, when the hot
  46. Provide the required energy states. For example, the first working laser was a, ruby ,laser, made from ruby (chromium-doped corundum). The population inversion is
  47. Timothy Hunter to Dream. * Mister Miracle (Scott Free) informs Dream that his, ruby ,is no longer kept at Justice League headquarters. (#7,Preludes and Nocturnes
  48. And Justice Society stories, having retained some residual power from the, ruby , Even worse, since he has managed to replicate its power perfectly, though the
  49. Are classified into different groups, species,and varieties. For example, ruby ,is the red variety of the species corundum, while any other color of corundum
  50. A more desirable blue/purple color. A considerable portion of all sapphire and, ruby ,is treated with a variety of heat treatments to improve both color and clarity.

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