Examples of the the word, slavery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( slavery ), is the 4743 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Preserving the Union the central goal of the war, though he increasingly saw, slavery ,as a crucial issue and made ending it an additional goal. Lincoln's decision
  2. Other opponents of the war criticized Lincoln for refusing to compromise on the, slavery ,issue. Conversely, the Radical Republicans criticized him for moving too slowly
  3. He argued before and during his election that the eventual extinction of, slavery ,would result from preventing its expansion into new U. S. territory. At the
  4. And moral crisis — the American Civil War — preserving the Union while ending, slavery ,and promoting economic and financial modernization. Reared in a poor family on
  5. Proclamation Lincoln understood that the Federal government's power to end, slavery ,was limited by the Constitution, which before 1865,committed the issue to
  6. States to accept compensated emancipation in return for their prohibition of, slavery ,(an offer that took effect only in Washington’D. C., in April 1862). Lincoln
  7. Lincoln insisted the moral foundation of the Republicans required opposition to, slavery , and rejected any" groping for some middle ground between the right and the
  8. Had little use for popular sovereignty and had repeatedly sought to restrict, slavery , Lincoln insisted the moral foundation of the Republicans required opposition
  9. Illinois, and Mississippi rivers. After arriving in New Orleans—and witnessing, slavery ,firsthand—he walked back home. Lincoln's formal elementary education consisted
  10. Republican politics 1854–1860 Slavery and a" House Divided" By the 1850s, slavery , was still legal in the southern United States but had been generally outlawed
  11. Husband and father of four children. After deftly opposing the expansion of, slavery ,in the United States in his campaign debates and speeches, Lincoln secured the
  12. For areas already under Union control in two states. Once the abolition of, slavery ,in the rebel states became a military objective, as Union armies advanced south
  13. The abolitionists and anti- slavery Radical Republicans of the Northeast who saw, slavery ,a sin, with the conservative Republicans who thought it was bad because it hurt
  14. States, such as Illinois. Lincoln disapproved of slavery , and the spread of, slavery ,to new U. S. territory in the west. He returned to politics to oppose the
  15. States loyal to the Union. On June 19, 1862,Congress passed an act banning, slavery ,on all federal territory, and in July 1862 passed the Second Confiscation Act
  16. The ticket. Lincoln's success depended on his reputation as a moderate on the, slavery ,issue, and his strong support for Whitish programs of internal improvements
  17. With abolitionist Congressman Joshua R. Giddings, wrote a bill to abolish, slavery ,in the District of Columbia with compensation for the owners, enforcement to
  18. Supporting the American Colonization Society program of making the abolition of, slavery ,practical by helping the freed slaves to settle in Liberia in Africa.
  19. And abolitionism. He first articulated this in 1837,saying," Institution of, slavery ,is founded on both injustice and bad policy, but the promulgation of abolition
  20. Freedom and equality for all, in contrast to the Constitution's tolerance of, slavery , shifted the debate. As Digging concludes regarding the highly influential
  21. The Radical Republicans criticized him for moving too slowly in abolishing, slavery , On August 6,1861,Lincoln signed the Confiscation Act that authorized
  22. Slavery. I cannot but hate it. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of, slavery ,itself. Furthermore, I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its just
  23. Male population was put to the sword and the women and children were sold into, slavery , Jerusalem, on the other hand, opened its gates in surrender, and according to
  24. Declared that the deaths of so many brave soldiers would not be in vain, that, slavery , would end as a result of the losses, and the future of democracy would be
  25. Massacred all the men of military age, and sold the women and children into, slavery , Egypt When Alexander destroyed Tyre, most of the towns on the route to Egypt
  26. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 also made great advances in the abolition of, slavery , New states admitted to the union in said territory would never be slave states
  27. Of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, abolishing, slavery , Lincoln closely supervised the war effort, especially the selection of top
  28. Amendment to the Constitution, which had passed in Congress and protected, slavery ,in those states where it already existed. A few weeks before the war, he went
  29. Progress. Finer argues that Lincoln was a moderate in the middle, opposing, slavery , primarily because it violated the republicanism principles of the Founding
  30. Opposed, specified settlers had the right to determine locally whether to allow, slavery ,in new U. S. territory, rather than have such a decision restricted by the
  31. Including circumcision and subincision, and torture. Topics like racism, slavery ,or human sacrifice, therefore,attract anthropological attention and theories
  32. Of warfare, mostly within the Southern states, the Confederacy surrendered and, slavery ,was outlawed everywhere in the nation. Issues that led to war were partially
  33. United States. The pirates forced the people on the ships they captured into, slavery ,; when the pirates attacked coastal villages in southern and Western Europe the
  34. The speech created an evocative image of the danger of disunion caused by the, slavery ,debate, and rallied Republicans across the North. The stage was then set for
  35. The Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln, had campaigned against expanding, slavery ,beyond the states in which it already existed. The Republicans strongly
  36. Outlawed in the northern states, such as Illinois. Lincoln disapproved of, slavery , and the spread of slavery to new U. S. territory in the west. He returned to
  37. October 16, 1854,in his" Peoria Speech ", Lincoln declared his opposition to, slavery , which he repeated en route to the presidency. Speaking in his Kentucky accent
  38. They did not gain control of Congress. The Republicans' counterargument that, slavery ,was the mainstay of the enemy steadily gained support, with the Democrats
  39. Did not apply to every state, Lincoln increased pressure on Congress to outlaw, slavery ,throughout the entire nation with a constitutional amendment. Lincoln declared
  40. Landowners or not. He was known for his" free soil" stance of opposing both, slavery ,and abolitionism. He first articulated this in 1837,saying," Institution of
  41. Indifference, but as I must think, a covert real zeal for the spread of, slavery , I cannot but hate it. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery
  42. Proclaiming once again that he had no intention, or inclination, to abolish, slavery ,in the Southern states: The President ended his address with an appeal to the
  43. Only in Washington’D. C., in April 1862). Lincoln believed that curtailing, slavery ,in these ways would economically expunge it, as envisioned by the Founding
  44. Lincoln-the-emancipator to an argument that blacks had freed themselves from, slavery , or at least were responsible for pressuring the government on emancipation.
  45. Church, which had high moral standards and opposed alcohol, dancing,and, slavery , As an adult, Thomas never formally joined a church. Thomas enjoyed
  46. By December 1863 a proposed constitutional amendment that would outlaw, slavery ,absolutely was brought to Congress for passage. This first attempt at an
  47. And 12,000 left the country at the end of the war, for freedom in Canada or, slavery ,in the West Indies. Baller (2006) examines family dynamics and mobilization
  48. His Freeport Doctrine, that local settlers were free to choose whether to allow, slavery ,or not, and accused Lincoln of having joined the abolitionists. The debates had
  49. I am an abolitionist, even though I do no more than oppose the extension of, slavery , " Drawing on remnants of the old Whig party, and on disenchanted Free Soil
  50. To the nation's morality and that Douglas represented a conspiracy to extend, slavery ,to free states. Douglas said that Lincoln was defying the authority of the U.

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