Examples of the the word, harassment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harassment ), is the 4756 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Themselves around the flag vowed to defend themselves from license hunts and, harassment ,by the authorities. The blue Eureka Flag designed by a Canadian miner,"
  2. In 2005,Amnesty International reported a pattern of deliberate obstruction, harassment ,and intimidation of human rights defenders in Belarus. Reporters Without
  3. And battle cavalry was their training; the former was regarded as a tool for, harassment ,and reconnaissance, while the latter was considered best for close-order
  4. Subordinates, stated that she had not considered the behavior to be sexual, harassment , but that others might. She was interviewed by Senate Judiciary Committee staff
  5. From 16 escort carriers in three task groups (many unarmed or armed only for, harassment ,), along with their hopelessly outmatched defending destroyers and destroyer
  6. Toward those they deem unattractive. However, a person may also be targeted for, harassment ,because of their beauty. In Galena, a strikingly beautiful Italian woman is
  7. By the government in repeated prosecution for the same offense as a means of, harassment ,or oppression. It is also in harmony with the common law concept of res
  8. Car accidents, brain surgery and other frightening illustrations. After the KGB, harassment ,in Zurich, Solzhenitsyn settled in Cavendish, Vermont,reduced communications
  9. From country to country, but in most cases, flaming can be considered cyber, harassment , which can result in Internet Service Provider action to prevent access to the
  10. Religious movement has, in his opinion, a long, documented history of hate and, harassment ,activities, which—along with lying and deception—are condoned and encouraged in
  11. To allow only users on a user's buddy list to contact them. This is to prevent, harassment ,or spamming and is also a secure way to chat. * Icon: Also termed an avatar, a
  12. The decade in response to changes in federal regulations, concerned the sexual, harassment ,policy. Today, there are myriad exceptions to the Honor Code in the form of new
  13. The Choctaws in Mississippi were objects of increasing legal conflict, racism, harassment , and intimidation. The Choctaws described their situation in 1849:" we have
  14. Jack Anderson and Brit Hume published an article alleging instances of sexual, harassment ,by Al Camp of students on his lecture tour. Camp soon became involved in a
  15. To neutralize fire superiority of opponent),instead engaging in a campaign of, harassment ,to nullify problems with arms, training,and organization. In the battle that
  16. Cultural attitudes, domestic duties, early marriage and pregnancy, and sexual, harassment , Although attendance rates are higher in the south, Outside the major cities
  17. Emigrated from Malmö to Israel in the past year, specifically to escape from, harassment , Also in March, the Swedish newspaper Swansea Dagbladet reported that attacks
  18. West Berlin by car or train through East Germany and ended the potential for, harassment ,or closure of the routes. In 1989,with the end of the Cold War and pressure
  19. Observers to witness the election. Instances of intimidation, violence,and, harassment ,of opposition political party members and NGO representatives have been
  20. Could be used to initiate an investigation. Unauthorized investigations and, harassment ,of suspected servicemen and women led to an expansion of the policy to" don't
  21. Is said to have launched modern-day public awareness of the issue of sexual, harassment ,in the United States. In their Black feminist anthology, All the Women Are
  22. Any message or post that threatens, harasses,or degrades another user as cyber, harassment , While" flame wars" are not illegal, threats and insults said within them may
  23. University dismissed him from his job for political unreliability. He suffered, harassment ,and received instructions not to leave the country, but he and his wife fled to
  24. Declared that the Nobel Prize caused his father nothing but severe grief and, harassment ,at the hands of the Soviet State. The Pasternak family papers are stored at the
  25. Of antisemitism in the United States that year. The figure included 877 acts of, harassment , including verbal intimidation, threats and physical assaults. Antisemitic
  26. S donkey castrated while looking after it, on the grounds of its" sexual, harassment ," of her own donkey and mare, for which she was taken to court by the donkey's
  27. The Americans declared war on Britain. The Americans were angered by British, harassment ,of U. S. ships on the high seas and seizure (" Impressment" ) of 6,000
  28. To move against Castro in a positive and aggressive way which went beyond pure, harassment ,". He asked the CIA to develop an enlarged program which was presented in March
  29. Of women who supported the Thomas nomination despite allegations of sexual, harassment ,by Anita Hill, a former colleague at the Equal Employment Opportunity
  30. To appeal the judge's ruling at that time due to personal hardships and to, harassment ,and violence he was subjected to by some of Koresh's followers and from Pace.
  31. His candidacy after a whispering campaign raised the profile of earlier sexual, harassment ,allegations. No new information about the well-publicised 1996 case came to
  32. The refusal of higher education for the dissidents' children, police, harassment , and prison. After 1989 In 1989,the Velvet Revolution restored democracy. This
  33. For contempt of court for giving" intentionally false statements" in a sexual, harassment ,civil lawsuit. *2002 – A female suicide bomber detonated at the entrance to
  34. From Clinton's testimony about his relationship to Lewinsky during a sexual, harassment ,lawsuit brought by former Arkansas state employee Paula Jones. The obstruction
  35. Southern California near the suburban-wildland interface. Due to an absence of, harassment ,by residents, urban coyotes lose their natural fear of humans, which is further
  36. Baltic before turning around and marching to the Rhine with much booty and no, harassment , The tributary Slavs became loyal allies. In 795,when the Saxons broke the
  37. Environment. A spokesman for Worldwide Pants said that the company's sexual, harassment ,policy did not prohibit sexual relationships between managers and employees.
  38. Of the T. S. Eliot Prize. Controversies In 1981 Walcott was accused of sexual, harassment ,of a freshman student at Harvard University, and reached a settlement in 1996
  39. Repeatedly talking out of turn, bringing forth previously banned evidence, or, harassment , of any other party in the courtroom. Direct contempt is an unacceptable act in
  40. Pregnant with twin foals. Femicide can occur in horses and zebras due to male, harassment ,of pregnant mares or forced copulation, although the frequency in the wild has
  41. Discrimination by age (preferring the young or the old),gender/sexual, harassment , race, religion,disability, weight and attractiveness. A common approach to
  42. Churches, especially the Jehovah's Witnesses, have been subjected to, harassment , sometimes violently. All churches apart from the Armenian Apostolic Church
  43. For alleged misconduct during his governorship, Paula Jones brought a sexual, harassment ,lawsuit against Clinton while he was president. The case was initially
  44. Their sexual orientation. DAD has officially prohibited such behavior, but, harassment , continues. In the midst of the 1993 controversy, the National Defense Research
  45. Been upset at the time she worked for Thomas about what she had said was sexual, harassment ,by him. Angela Wright, another of Thomas' subordinates, stated that she had
  46. Other Catholics, at least for a while. Annihilation After several decades of, harassment ,and re-proselytising, and perhaps even more importantly, the systematic
  47. The United States,Tolstoy's educational experiments were short-lived due to, harassment ,by the Tsarist secret police. Tolstoy established a conceptual difference
  48. Progress, and project are sometimes pronounced, and; leisure is often, harassment ,is sometimes. * Again and against are often pronounced rather than. * The
  49. Warfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment , wrongful imprisonment, extralegal violence and assassination. Covert
  50. Student at Harvard University, and reached a settlement in 1996 over a sexual, harassment ,allegation at Boston University. In 2009,Walcott became a leading candidate

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