Examples of the the word, adjacent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( adjacent ), is the 4757 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For approximately 850,000 patrons. The opera house of Amsterdam is situated, adjacent ,to the city hall. Therefore, the two buildings combined are often called the
  2. The" emphatic" allophone automatically triggers pharyngealization of, adjacent ,sounds in many dialects. As a result, it may be difficult or impossible to
  3. A historical marker near the entrance of what was once his plantation. An, adjacent ,marker was erected by the San Jacinto Chapter of the Daughters of The Republic
  4. By Mary Greeley Medical Center, a 220-bed regional referral hospital which is, adjacent ,to McFarland Clinic PC, central Iowa's largest physician-owned multi-specialty
  5. Structure of the abscess is an abscess wall, or capsule, that is formed by the, adjacent ,healthy cells in an attempt to keep the pus from infecting neighboring
  6. Most MSA accents, emphatic coloring of vowels is limited to vowels immediately, adjacent ,to a triggering consonant, although in some it spreads a bit farther: e.g. "
  7. A weighted graph can be found by using the shortest path to the goal from all, adjacent ,vertices. Dynamic programming and memorization go together. The main difference
  8. With a number of One Day International cricket matches. Memorial Drive Park, adjacent ,to the Adelaide Oval, used to host the Adelaide International, a major men's
  9. 1772,Ahmad Shah Duran died of a natural cause and was buried at a site now, adjacent ,to the Shrine of the Cloak in Kandahar. He was succeeded by his son, Timur Shah
  10. Constitution Square),is the capital's central and largest square, lying, adjacent , to the Greek Parliament (the former Royal Palace) and the city's most noted
  11. Style. Since Amsterdam expanded rapidly during this period, new buildings, adjacent ,to the city center were also built in this style. The houses in the vicinity of
  12. On typewriters. Thus, #, $ and % were placed to correspond to 3,4,and 5 in the, adjacent ,column. The parentheses could not correspond to 9 and 0,however, because the
  13. Systems, telecommunications and petroleum services. * Located at Science Park (, adjacent ,to Flinders University): Play ford Capital. Cultural While established as a
  14. The establishment of the Republic. Anıtkabir is open every day, while the, adjacent ,museum is open every day except Mondays.: This museum is opposite the Opera
  15. The Sikhs, a traditionally nomadic people of northern Sakhalin Island and the, adjacent ,mainland, with whom the Ainu have long-standing cultural interactions.
  16. Contains the current filename. Awk has no explicit concatenation operator; two, adjacent ,strings concatenate them. $0 expands to the original unchanged input line.
  17. If string constants are involved, but two variable names cannot be placed, adjacent ,to each other without having a space in between. String constants are delimited
  18. 7th and 11th harmonics are particularly noticeable, because they fall between, adjacent ,notes in the chromatic scale.
  19. The" Great expansion" from Africa, which has a Cline centered in Arabia and, adjacent ,parts of the Middle East, and a second Cline that distinguishes the northern
  20. Bracketed. Nary associativity is a string of length n+ (n-1) with any n, adjacent ,elements bracketed. Examples Some examples of associative operations include
  21. The first manned launch from the John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida,located, adjacent ,to Cape Canaveral. Originally planned as a second Lunar Module/Command Module
  22. Hemisphere, and the smaller families are usually confined to Australia and the, adjacent ,areas, or sometimes South America. Under the Conquest system, Asteraceae was
  23. Well as alternate) angles at the two points of intersection are equal in size;, adjacent ,angles are supplementary (that is, their measures add to π radians, or 180°).
  24. And tonsils. Major complications are spreading of the abscess material to, adjacent ,or remote tissues and extensive regional tissue death (gangrene). Abscesses
  25. Share a common vertex and edge but do not share any interior points are called, adjacent ,angles. *Two angles that sum to one right angle (90°) are called
  26. Pharyngealization) of emphatic consonants spreads forward and back through, adjacent ,syllables, pharyngealizing all nearby consonants and triggering the back
  27. Of Salisbury and west of Elizabeth in an area now called" Edinburgh Parks ", adjacent ,to RAAF Base Edinburgh. Others, such as Saab Systems and Raytheon, are located
  28. Certain large molecules where the hydroxyl is protected by strict hindrance of, adjacent ,groups). This hydrogen bonding means that alcohols can be used as erotic
  29. A refuge for the Arab, Christian,and Jewish colonies of that region. Akbar was, adjacent ,or identical to the Babylonian Jewish center of Regarded (Hebrew:),and lies
  30. The winds that are cooled or warmed when blowing over these currents influence, adjacent ,land areas. The Gulf Stream and its northern extension towards Europe, the
  31. The border between Armenia's southern province of Sunk and Azerbaijan's, adjacent ,Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. Climate Temperatures in Armenia generally
  32. Organic substituent; the amino group is attached to the carbon atom immediately, adjacent ,to the carboxylate group (the α–carbon). Other types of amino acid exist when
  33. Between languages, which may indicate approximately when and where they were, adjacent ,to each other. All of these methods remain to be applied to the languages
  34. Conflicts with the above usage. *The angle between two planes (such as two, adjacent ,faces of a polyhedron) is called a dihedral angle. It may be defined as the
  35. Of Earth's surface, the Atlantic is second in size to the Pacific. With its, adjacent ,seas, it occupies an area of about; without them, it has an area of. The land
  36. Of either the Pacific or Indian oceans. The volume of the Atlantic with its, adjacent ,seas is 354,700,000 cubic kilometers (85,100,000 cu mi) and without them
  37. Kilometres (77,640,000 cu mi). The average depth of the Atlantic, with its, adjacent ,seas, is; without them, it is. The greatest depth, Milwaukee Deep with, is in
  38. Ball is the Academy's official after-party, including dinner, and is held, adjacent ,to the awards-presentation venue. * The Vanity Fair after-party, historically
  39. Dialects have monophthongized original to (in all circumstances, including, adjacent , to emphatic consonants). In Moroccan Arabic, these have subsequently merged
  40. Produces a signal with power concentrated at the carrier frequency and in two, adjacent ,side bands. Each side band is equal in bandwidth to that of the modulating signal
  41. Is (ABC)DE a (BCD)e ab (CDE),i.e. the string abide with any three, adjacent ,elements bracketed. Nary associativity is a string of length n+ (n-1) with
  42. Not facsimile, by August Marietta in his Abyss, i. Ra messes II temple The, adjacent ,temple of Ra messes II was much smaller and simpler in plan; but it had a fine
  43. 1953,it is an impressive fusion of ancient and modern architectural styles. An, adjacent ,museum houses a wax statue of Ataturk, his writings, letters and personal items
  44. Central station. Its concerts perform mostly modern classical music. Located, adjacent ,to it, is the Bamboos, a concert hall for improvised and Jazz music. Theatre
  45. two-step regions S and T. A step region is formed from a finite union of, adjacent ,rectangles resting on a common base,i.e. S\subset Q\subset T. If there is a
  46. Of voltage-gated sodium channels is much higher here than is found in the, adjacent ,cell body, excepting the axon hillock. Nodes of Rangier Nodes of Rangier are
  47. Works, holds Australia's second-largest state-based collection. Situated, adjacent ,are the South Australian Museum and State Library of South Australia, while the
  48. Varieties with moderate-distance harmony may only harmonize immediately, adjacent ,vowels in MSA. ) Vowels Modern Standard Arabic has six pure vowels, with short
  49. Kitchen (H) and other offices connected with the refectory (G). Immediately, adjacent ,to the gateway is a two-storied guest-house, opening from a cloister (C). The
  50. And quality of its statewide public space cleanliness—primarily roadway and, adjacent ,litter removals—from state and related efforts. Ports Alabama has one seaport

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