Examples of the the word, broadband , in a Sentence Context

The word ( broadband ), is the 4744 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were a dozen privately owned ISP's and in some larger cities Beltelecom's, broadband ,was available. Outside these cities the only options for Internet access were
  2. 900 MHz offering better LOS (non-line-of-sight) performance. Mobile wireless, broadband ,Called mobile broadband , wireless broadband technologies include services from
  3. Into BRE, most visibly in advertising slogans and headlines such as" Cable, broadband ,just got faster ". **" I've just arrived home. " /" I just arrived home. " *
  4. Per month (Equivalent to Singapore currency). It is known that the Brunei's, broadband ,ranging from 512 bit/s to 1 Bit/s is one of the most expensive in the world. The
  5. Technology Advisory Panel, for the sake of promoting a new generation of, broadband ,cable systems leading to the wired society After setting up and receiving the
  6. Emission lines of hydrogen in its spectrum Businesses *Be Unlimited,a, broadband ,Internet Service Provider in the United Kingdom *Be Inc., the software company
  7. Today, many TRS-mediated calls are made over the Internet by consumers who use, broadband ,connections. Some are Video Relay Service (VRS) calls, while others are text
  8. His account cancellation phone call in a blog post, stating he had switched to, broadband ,years earlier. In the recorded phone call, the AOL representative refused to
  9. 9.686 million (2009) Magazines: 585 (2010) Until 2005-2006, broadband , access (mostly using ADSL) was available only in a few major cities in
  10. For a long time the city went without broadband services. An extensive private, broadband ,network was built by Neighborhood Cable, now Telstra and Optus also provide
  11. Or computer networking access over a wide area. The term broadband Originally, broadband ,had a technical meaning, but became a marketing term for any kind of relatively
  12. Customers worldwide. Its BT Retail division is a leading supplier of telephony, broadband ,and subscription television services in the UK, with over 18 million customers.
  13. Internet access or computer networking access over a wide area. The term, broadband ,Originally broadband had a technical meaning, but became a marketing term for
  14. From broadcasters, and 90 MHz from mobile satellite service. Mark Wig field, broadband ,spokesman for the FCC, pointed out that even in the unlikely event all
  15. Continues to fuel rapid broadband growth, whereas the world's other major, broadband ,ISPs operate in the mature markets of the developed world, with high levels of
  16. Over their ordinary telephone lines, dial-up access is losing ground to, broadband , In 2005 Colombia had 345,000 broadband subscriber lines, or one per 100
  17. LOS (non-line-of-sight) performance. Mobile wireless broadband Called mobile, broadband , wireless broadband technologies include services from mobile phone service
  18. Was part of an effort to migrate the service's remaining dial-up users to, broadband , as the increased price was the same price they had been charging for monthly
  19. 40 million. The massive rise in internet use in China continues to fuel rapid, broadband ,growth, whereas the world's other major broadband ISPs operate in the mature
  20. In all administrative centers of Belarus. Other ISPs are expanding their, broadband ,networks beyond Minsk as well. On July 2011,Telecom announced a plan to
  21. In 1983,the Government itself granted eleven interim franchises for new, broadband ,systems each covering a community of up to around 100,000 homes, but the
  22. To third party companies. 31 December 2007,there were an estimated 21,304,000, broadband , lines in Brazil. Over 75 percent of the broadband lines were via DSL and 10
  23. Of 212.5 bit/s. China Telecom and China Unicom, the country's two largest, broadband ,providers, accounted for 20 % of global broadband subscribers, whereas the
  24. Performance. Mobile wireless broadband Called mobile broadband , wireless, broadband , technologies include services from mobile phone service providers such as
  25. ADSL speeds range from 512 bit/s to the maximum speed of 1 Bit/s through ADSL, broadband , 1 Bit/s was only recently introduced in 2006 and priced at BND$128 per month
  26. Network or Internet access technology. According to the 802.16-2004 standard, broadband ,means" having instantaneous bandwidths greater than 1 MHz and supporting data
  27. Websites are. be. In September 2009 in Flanders there were 3.048.260 single, broadband ,internet customers (DSL and cable),of which 2.520.481 were residential users
  28. The government to look everywhere possible. Many broadcasters objected. FCC, broadband ,advisor Blair Kevin wanted a plan by February 2010. Wi-Fi testing using white
  29. Now come from several providers, however for a long time the city went without, broadband ,services. An extensive private broadband network was built by Neighborhood
  30. Dial-up access is losing ground to broadband . In 2005 Colombia had 345,000, broadband , subscriber lines, or one per 100 inhabitants. In 2006 the number of personal
  31. Largest broadband service providers combined accounted for 39 % of the world's, broadband ,customers. China Telecom alone serves 55 million broadband subscribers, while
  32. Companies in the evolution of the internet, particularly with respect to, broadband ,and mobile communications. He coined the term" Regulatory" to describe what
  33. Network was built by Neighborhood Cable, now Telstra and Optus also provide, broadband ,services. No announcement of Ballarat's rollout of the National Broadband
  34. For 20 % of global broadband subscribers, whereas the world's ten largest, broadband ,service providers combined accounted for 39 % of the world's broadband
  35. ISPs operate in the mature markets of the developed world, with high levels of, broadband ,penetration and rapidly slowing subscriber growth. Transport Transportation in
  36. Users as of July 2010. It also has the world's the largest number of internet and, broadband ,users. By December 2010,China had around 457 million internet users, an
  37. And creates digital entertainment prototypes for film, television,video games, broadband ,and mobile phones. AFI Screen Nation AFI Screen Nation is a Website featuring
  38. In rural areas with fixed devices rather than mobile devices, and new types of, broadband ,service such as those developed by Semi. CIA president Steve Largest said
  39. Service Providers (Wisps) provide download speeds of over 100 Bit/s; most, broadband ,wireless access services are estimated to have a range of from a tower.
  40. Development of cities, globalization of innovation networks, and, broadband , services are driving forces of a new city planning paradigm towards intelligent
  41. US In the United States, more of the broadcast spectrum was needed for wireless, broadband ,Internet access, and in March 2009,Massachusetts Senator John Kerry introduced
  42. Been included in franchised areas, but only 828,000 of these had been passed by, broadband ,cable and only 149,000 were actually subscribing. Thereafter, however
  43. That it nominated the city for its Community network with potential, broadband ,applications. The Community Network is collaborating with Cisco Systems to
  44. Another potential source of competition in the future will be TV over, broadband ,internet connections; this is known as Internet Protocol television (IPTV).
  45. That revised the FCC’s rules to open the 3650 MHz band for terrestrial wireless, broadband ,operations. On November 14, 2007 the Commission released Public Notice DA
  46. The country's two largest broadband providers, accounted for 20 % of global, broadband ,subscribers, whereas the world's ten largest broadband service providers
  47. 39 % of the world's broadband customers. China Telecom alone serves 55 million, broadband ,subscribers, while China Unicom serves more than 40 million. The massive rise
  48. Products and services where there is less regulation. These are principally, broadband ,internet service and bespoke solutions in telecommunications and information
  49. Were an estimated 21,304,000 broadband lines in Brazil. Over 75 percent of the, broadband ,lines were via DSL and 10 percent via cable modems. Proven mineral resources
  50. O2) and internet provider U: for. Government-owned Pesky Telecom slowed down, broadband ,penetration. At the beginning of 2004,local-loop unbundling began and

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