Examples of the the word, allege , in a Sentence Context

The word ( allege ), is the 4762 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Parties. Although Malaysian politics has been relatively stable, critics, allege , that " the government, ruling party, and administration ... are intertwined
  2. Have been launched against Bennett from Gould and his supporters, who, allege , that Bennett overstated his claims and misrepresented Gould's to reinforce
  3. Government authority, charged with a failure to repair a road or bridge, can, allege , that the responsibility lies with a landowner, at which point the proceedings
  4. Only then was able to marry the Bohemian princess. However, modern historians, allege ,that the baptism of Minsk I was dictated by political benefits and should not
  5. Claudius' accession. This marriage ended in tragedy. The ancient historians, allege ,that Messaging was a nymphomaniac who was regularly unfaithful to Claudius —
  6. Biology David Welcome lists 14 significant scientific facts which, the authors, allege , Limbaugh misrepresented in his book The Way Things Ought to Be. The authors
  7. Almanac recently aired a drama series, The Diaspora, which observers, allege ,are based on historical antisemitic allegations. BBC correspondents who have
  8. Who took the name of Innocent X. Private revelation Numerous books that, allege ,private revelations have a disclaimer in the beginning that quotes an allege d
  9. That to plead a cause of action, the pleader has to plead each element and also, allege ,specific facts which, if proven with evidence at trial, would constitute proof
  10. Commander Logistics and strategy Rommel was a skilled tactician, but some, allege ,that he had little sense of logistics or military strategy. They consider as an
  11. More than 200 — but also in elaborate legal conceits. " These terms include:, allege , auditor, defects,exchequer, forfeit,heirs, impeach,lease, moiety
  12. Have been proposed about the events surrounding the bombing. Some theories, allege ,that individuals in the government, including President Bill Clinton, knew of
  13. Provides that a person imprisoned may, on his own or through a third person, allege ,he is imprisoned unlawfully and request to appear before a judge. The request
  14. Most major powers repudiated Cold War assassination tactics, though many, allege ,that this was merely a smokescreen for political benefit and that covert and
  15. Ancestry, if not direct male-line descent from Genghis Khan, as some Hazards, allege , Some Hazard tribes are named after famous Mongol generals, for example the
  16. And religion. Especially in the public sector. Opposition leftist parties, allege ,that the Shiv Sent has done little to solve the problem of unemployment facing
  17. The proceedings against them are suspended and those against the landowner they, allege ,to have the responsibility are begun; but, if the landowner is found not to be
  18. And of the secular philosophy of naturalism. Intelligent design proponents, allege ,that science should not be limited to naturalism and should not demand the
  19. To his critics in the foreword to the second edition: Mainstream critics, allege ,that I conjured a" conspiracy theory" while those on the Left ridicule the
  20. Group litigation in the United Kingdom, on behalf of several hundred people who, allege ,withdrawal reactions after use of the drug Seat, against GlaxoSmithKline plc
  21. Hall sent in bulldozers. Many Hindu advocacy groups have protested what they, allege ,is a systematic plan of temple cleansing in Malaysia. The official reason given
  22. A 256 MB Flash Memory Device had only 244 MB of accessible memory. " Plaintiffs, allege ,that Defendants marketed the memory capacity of their products by assuming that
  23. Those things are quite variable. In the simplest case the injured person could, allege ,that the driver went too fast, failed to control the car properly or failed to
  24. A decide. However, claims from Jung Chang and John Halliday's controversial, allege ,that Mao knew about the famine from the beginning but didn't care, and
  25. Terrorist attacks, conspiracy theories dispute the official claims and, allege ,the involvement of additional perpetrators. As a result of the bombing, the U.
  26. From the Cambridge college masters (John Gielgud and Lindsay Anderson). They, allege ,it is ungentlemanly for an amateur to" play the tradesman" by employing a
  27. To other Sub-Saharan African countries, although human rights organizations, allege ,suppression of opposition groups. Hunter-gatherers settled the territory in the
  28. Been caretaker prime minister, and in 2007 was appointed a new president. Many, allege ,he is the wealthiest and most powerful man in the republic, with control over a
  29. May not give enough information. In the above example, the pleading may, allege ,:: The driver drove negligently. The details of the negligence are, : :#failing
  30. Launched the al-Aqsa Intifada. Both Palestinian and Israeli sources, allege ,the uprising was planned much earlier. In October 2000,Palestinians destroyed
  31. Sabin us II and Vespasian to the senatorial rank. Nevertheless, ancient sources, allege ,poverty for the Fl avian family at the time of Domitian's upbringing, even
  32. Such as a political, racial,linguistic, religious or class group. When used to, allege ,that a given party is gaining disproportionate power, the term gerrymandering
  33. Threats to legally pursue allege d physical and sexual abusers, who,some, allege , have been shielded from prosecution by the group's leadership. Many of these
  34. Because Malta-based forces were sinking Axis supply ships Those that, allege ,that Rommel had little sense of logistics think that his eagerness to drive for
  35. This is known as the cumuli of electoral offices. Proponents of the cumuli, allege ,that having local responsibilities ensures that members of parliament stay in
  36. Of the Verfassungsbeschwerde (" constitutional complaint" ) any person may, allege ,that his or her constitutional rights have been violated. Although only a small
  37. In several respects, from common sleep or the waking condition. I do not, allege ,that this condition is induced through the transmission of a magnetic or occult
  38. Against the Government of the Republic of Cameroon, in which the complainants, allege ,that the Republic of Cameroon is illegally occupying the territory of Southern
  39. The capture, confinement,and use of wild elephants. Animal rights advocates, allege ,elephants in zoos and circuses" suffer a life of chronic physical ailments
  40. Afford defendants the opportunity to challenge the merits of a judgment and, allege ,errors of law or fact. ... Collateral review, on the other hand, provides an
  41. Alliance (PMA) and the Workers Solidarity Network (WSN). * The complainants, allege ,that, in a decision concerning anti-union dismissals in the context of a labor
  42. AIM) has been a target of such operations. A few authors go further and, allege ,that the federal government intended to acquire uranium deposits on the Lakota
  43. Approval by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1974. Critics, allege ,that conflicts of interest marred the FDA's approval of aspartame, question
  44. After an overdose of drugs in January 1975. Hefner called a press conference to, allege ,that she had been driven to suicide by narcotics agents and federal officers.
  45. Must be in writing. # The motion must be filed before trial. # The motion must, allege ,the factual and legal grounds on which the defendant seeks suppression of
  46. Can be seen on the Reticulum hill. It is also during this period that skeptics, allege ,Michelangelo executed the sculpture Laocoon and His Sons which resides in the
  47. The delivery of justice including the abolition of the death penalty, but also, allege ,interference in the judicial system by members of the government: politically
  48. In the work they can do at the lowest opportunity cost. Critics however, allege ,that international specialization cannot be explained sufficiently in terms of
  49. Allow a representation of interdependencies between terms, but they do not, allege ,how the interdependency between two terms is defined. They relay an external
  50. Died. Controversy The game has been heavily attacked by some critics, who, allege , that it promotes pornography and murder. Media Watch made the following

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