Examples of the the word, locally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( locally ), is the 4753 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Four days, in March. Though it is an industry-based event, SXSW Music links, locally ,with events such as the annual Austin Music Awards show. SXSW is the highest
  2. During the mid-18th to mid-20th centuries,Aberdeen's buildings incorporated, locally ,quarried gray granite, whose mica deposits sparkle like silver. The city has a
  3. Continental climate. It grows wild in Montserrat West Indies; there it is, locally ,referred to as 'cushy. ' Description The leaves of acacias are compound pinnate
  4. Because the platelet patch can become too large and also block blood flow, locally ,and downstream, aspirin is also used long-term, at low doses, to help prevent
  5. Products that were previously imported from abroad have begun to be produced, locally ,(among them are Coca-Cola by Coca-Cola Bottlers LTD, beer by Baki-Kastel
  6. Albedo, is 30 to 35 %, because of the covering by clouds, but varies widely, locally ,across the surface, depending on the geological and environmental features. The
  7. The gluing is along Paris topology; one can glue within the category of, locally ,ringed spaces, but also, using the Honda embedding, within the more abstract
  8. Or ecclesiastical) Latin has it as Macedonia. Governance Aberdeen is, locally ,governed by Aberdeen City Council, which comprises forty-three councillors who
  9. Arithmetic) so AE=4. Modern analytic geometry An analytic variety is defined, locally ,as the set of common solutions of several equations involving analytic
  10. Which also belongs in the pea family. Robin pseudoacacia, an American species, locally ,known as Black Locust, is sometimes called" false acacia" in cultivation in
  11. In the frozen estuaries waters of the Andy River's mouth. This festival is, locally ,known as Forest. The area is a summering place for a number of migratory birds
  12. Delicacy. In addition to asparagus, the production of hops plays a major role, locally , the region having its own label, and there are still three independent
  13. And Joint Services such as Fire and Police (10 %). 22 % of revenue is raised, locally ,through the Council Tax. Average Band D Council Tax is the eighth lowest in
  14. From 40 km to 300 km. India has an active ABM development effort using, locally ,developed and integrated radars, and local missiles. In November 2006,India
  15. Centers which made use of agate on an industrial scale. Where in the beginning, locally ,found agates were used to make all types of objects for the European market
  16. Algebras, which are useful in geometry and physics. * Incidence algebras of, locally ,finite partially ordered sets are unitary associative algebras considered in
  17. Town of Adderley Edge, and spent much of his youth in the wooded area known, locally ,as 'The Edge ', where he gained an early interest in the folklore of the region
  18. Because of the steepness of the reflectivity-vs. -incident-angle curve and a, locally ,increased average incident angle. Albedo and climate in some areas are affected
  19. When transcribing names. Also, names are regularly transcribed as pronounced, locally , not as pronounced in Literary Arabic (if they were of Arabic origin).
  20. Is located in New York City. The organization does most of its work through 54, locally , based affiliates and associated chapters, each of which have staff and a board
  21. Provision, which Lincoln opposed, specified settlers had the right to determine, locally ,whether to allow slavery in new U. S. territory, rather than have such a
  22. Culture, some Acacia species (e.g. Acacia Formosa),are traditionally used, locally ,as firewood. Pulpwood In Indonesia (mainly in Sumatra) and in Malaysia (
  23. And New Year (the upper classes proverbially preferring to celebrate with, locally ,produced champagne, although real old-line" creole" aristocrats will still
  24. Region was the wealthy widow of Joseph Guardiola, an Indian, a term applied, locally ,to the Catalans returning from the American colonies with tremendous wealth.
  25. As sets of objects and morphisms (usually called a small category),or even, locally ,small categories, whose hom-objects are sets, then there is no category of all
  26. And of the elements ordained by Him.: (d) The Historic Episcopate, locally ,adapted in the methods of its administration to the varying needs of the
  27. Camp SS personnel, but in practice were segregated and worked and lived, locally ,on site at the crematorium. In all, there were usually four SS personnel per
  28. Henry in 1891. Farmers markets are popular attractions, providing a variety of, locally ,grown and often organic goods. Austin is also" weird" for its many statues
  29. The Honorable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms or 'gentlemen pensioners ', and a few, locally ,raised companies to garrison important places such as Berwick on Tweed or
  30. As in many similar cases, the extent to which the Italian varieties are, locally ,considered dialects or separate languages depends to a large extent on
  31. Congress voted to suppress all forms of crown authority, to be replaced by, locally ,created authority. Virginia, South Carolina, and New Jersey created their
  32. Is sent to Florence for figure-sculpture, while the common kinds are carved, locally , into vases, lights,and various ornamental objects. These items are objects of
  33. Leading public radio station in Texas and produces the majority of its content, locally , LOOP (FM) is a volunteer-run radio station with more than 60 locally
  34. To those zip codes. The local PBS station LRU produces several award-winning, locally ,produced programs. BUT is the leading public radio station in Texas and
  35. Thing from their counterparts back home. In time bishops came to be appointed, locally ,rather than from England and eventually national synods began to pass
  36. Of 5.2 % of Alaskans speak one of the state's 22 indigenous languages, known, locally , as " native languages ". These languages belong to two major language families:
  37. There are limited domestic and international flight services available from the, locally ,owned Km Air, Pamir Airways and Safe Airways. Airlines from a number of
  38. Maize, tobacco,dried meat and cassava flour also began to be produced, locally , The Angolan bourgeoisie was born. From the 1920s to the 1960s,strong economic
  39. Theory—enhanced perceptual functioning—focuses more on the superiority of, locally ,oriented and perceptual operations in autistic individuals. These theories map
  40. The Cumberland Plateau region on the southeast is the Appalachian Valley (, locally ,known as Coos Valley) region, which is the southern extremity of the
  41. Pushed cattle north to the railroad. Cotton was one of the few crops produced, locally ,for export and a cotton gin engine was located downtown near the trains for "
  42. On local weather, soil characteristics, and specific crops has to be studied, locally , Others feel a need to know and understand production systems in as many areas
  43. Being David Hampton). His first play, The Square Cat, was sufficiently popular, locally ,to secure further commissions, but neither this nor the following three plays
  44. Is that the widespread use of timber in Chapman constructions—a resource not, locally ,available—needed a large and easy transportation system. Through analysis of
  45. Variance is to find close to globally optimal solutions rather than simply, locally ,optimal ones, the idea being that the random element will be decreased as the
  46. Since 1905 the Legislature has used this capacity to continue the model of, locally ,elected public and separate school boards which originated prior to 1905,as
  47. Of light even wavy water is always smooth, so the light is reflected in a, locally ,specular manner (not diffusely). The glint of light off water is a
  48. Content locally . LOOP (FM) is a volunteer-run radio station with more than 60, locally , produced programs. Network television stations (affiliations in parentheses)
  49. Of a scheme. Their local objects are affine schemes or prime spectra which are, locally ,ringed spaces which form a category which is antiequivalent to the category of
  50. Honor, to celebrate an occasion, or simply to meet friends. The tradition of, locally ,preparing food is passed down from generation to generation, and it is also seen

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