Examples of the the word, overhead , in a Sentence Context

The word ( overhead ), is the 4748 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Environment by eliminating overhead cables in the historic city. Conventional, overhead ,cables are used outside the city. The system was controversial for its
  2. Per second (bytes per second ≈ 122 KiB/s, assuming an 8-bit byte and no, overhead ,) * A 1 Bit/s Ethernet connection can transfer per second (bytes per second ≈
  3. Was mainly to gain access to Gas' development of the timing belt with an, overhead ,camshaft in automotive applications. Gas vehicles were briefly badged as BMW
  4. And Capricorn there are two days of the year when the noon Sun passes directly, overhead ,and casts no shadow. In parts of Mesoamerica this was considered a significant
  5. U. There is an integer n0 such that U + log2 (n0) + C < n0,where C is the, overhead ,cost of function GenerateProvablyParadoxicalString () return
  6. From small trees and while in trees, bipedalism was utilized by grabbing for an, overhead ,branch. These bipedal movements may have evolved into regular habits because
  7. Blocked by terrain or entrenchments that do not include some form of robust, overhead ,cover. Combined with TOT or MRS tactics that give no warning of the incoming
  8. A CRC-based framing algorithm, which allows locating the ATM cells with no, overhead ,required beyond what is otherwise needed for header protection. The 8-bit CRC
  9. Is not only processor cycles on each processor but also the communication, overhead ,between the processors. Sorting algorithms can be parallelized efficiently, but
  10. Clock cycle is used to transfer end-user data. In practice, of course, protocol, overhead , reduces this value. Congestion on the host bus to which the ATA adapter is
  11. Cordial, the British led the military parade with the Red Arrows flying, overhead , Blow fish is a keyed, symmetric block cipher, designed in 1993 by Bruce
  12. The Bastille Day parade in Paris for the first time, with the Red Arrows flying, overhead , In 2007 the German 26th Airborne Brigade led the march followed by British
  13. Whose length is at most: U + \log_2 (n_0) + C \quad where C is the ", overhead ," added by the program GenerateParadoxicalString. Since n grows faster than
  14. Or gravity, with no manual trucking. Heavy lifting is done by machines such as, overhead ,cranes or fork lifts. Each worker typically performs one simple operation.
  15. Is no more than one seat from the aisle. The 767 interior introduced larger, overhead ,bins and more lavatories per passenger than previous aircraft. The bins are
  16. Overhead air downward into a dome if the dome is vented properly (a single, overhead ,vent, and peripheral vents). Some people have reported a temperature
  17. Can also fall to attack aircraft, but unless they are already on patrol, overhead , they are usually not quick enough to save friendly forces from damage. More
  18. Cases diskette hardware was marketed based on unformatted capacity, and the, overhead ,required to format sectors on the media would reduce the nominal capacity as
  19. 1.204). When packed so that three digits are encoded in ten bits, the storage, overhead ,is greatly reduced, at the expense of an encoding that is unaligned with the
  20. Alston and designed to preserve the aesthetic environment by eliminating, overhead ,cables in the historic city. Conventional overhead cables are used outside the
  21. Per second (bytes per second ≈ 119 MiB/s, assuming an 8-bit byte and no, overhead ,) * A 56K modem transfers bits per second ≈ 6.8 KiB/s. Bus clock speeds and
  22. As 'zenith tubes' which illuminate subterranean rooms when the sun passes, overhead ,found at places like Monte Alan and Xochicalco. It is only through the
  23. The equator and reached the latitude at which Arcturus would appear directly, overhead ,in the summer night sky. Knowing they had arrived at the exact latitude of the
  24. Colored dome induces a local vertical heat driven vortex that sucks cooler, overhead ,air downward into a dome if the dome is vented properly (a single overhead
  25. Gradually merged into one in the direction of the tropics, where the sun is, overhead ,but once. Snow falls on all the higher mountain ranges, and on the highest the
  26. American troops march down the Champs-Élysées and U. S. airplanes fly, overhead ,on 29 August 1944. After the interment of the Unknown Soldier, however,all
  27. Reasons for using assembly language were minimal bloat (size),minimal, overhead , greater speed, and reliability. Typical examples of large assembly language
  28. Delivered highly-tuned linear algebra library routines. * Very low interpretive, overhead ,was incurred per-array—not per-element. * APL response time compared favorably
  29. Airplanes (" logo jets" ), in-flight advertisements on setback tray tables or, overhead ,storage bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts and passenger screens, musical stage
  30. Invention of the electric trolleybus, typically fed through trolley poles by, overhead ,wires, which actually preceded, and in many urban areas outnumbered, the
  31. Allowing more complex sound effects with a significantly reduced processor, overhead , Other hardware enhancements include the support of analogue joysticks,8-bit
  32. do west on the trade winds to landfall. If Hōkūleʻa could be kept directly, overhead , they landed on the southeastern shores of the Big Island of Hawaii. For a
  33. With several worker threads. This difference can be easily explained by the, overhead ,that one thread per connection brings (as opposed to a couple of workers
  34. And a 110 KV line, which run from Router substation to the urban Autobahn, use, overhead , lines. The Berlin 380-kV electric line was built when West Berlin's electrical
  35. Three days exploring the Descartes highland region, while Mat tingly circled, overhead ,in Casper. This was the only one of the six Apollo landings to target the lunar
  36. The IT operations as the outsourcing adds a layer of management and increases, overhead , Telecom arbitrage companies allow phone users to make
  37. Binary of any assembler to achieve portability even across platforms (with an, overhead ,no greater than a typical byte code interpreter). This is essentially what
  38. Early buses, known as trolleybus, were powered by electricity supplied from, overhead ,lines. Nowadays, electric buses often carry their own battery, which is
  39. Compatible with ISA's APIs, allowing it to attain high performance with low, overhead ,on buses which supported first party DMA like PCI. This has long been seen as a
  40. Often use the bounce pass in crowded moments, or to pass around a defender. The, overhead ,pass is used to pass the ball over a defender. The ball is released while over
  41. Real" ( floating-point) numbers for all math operations created unnecessary, overhead ,and degraded performance. Apple soft converted integer numbers to real before
  42. His observations of γ Dragons, a star of magnitude 2 m which passes practically, overhead ,at the latitude of London, and whose observations are therefore free from the
  43. Set simulators for monitoring, tracing and debugging where additional, overhead ,is kept to a minimum * reverse-engineering and modifying program files such as
  44. Then the previous multiprocess based topology (because threads have a lower, overhead ,than processes),it does not match the performances of the event-based
  45. Adopted for all new-build 767s,the Signature Interior features even larger, overhead ,bins, indirect lighting, and sculpted panels. The 767-400ER also received
  46. Sectors on the media would reduce the nominal capacity as well (and this, overhead ,typically varied based on the size of the formatted sectors),leading to more
  47. An angle of 72°,and the narrow angle of each set of cylinders allows just two, overhead ,camshafts to drive each pair of banks, so just four are needed in total. The
  48. Sorting algorithms can be parallelized efficiently, but their communication, overhead ,is expensive. Iterative algorithms are generally parallelize. Some problems
  49. Other suspension bridge towers carry transmission antennas. A bridge can carry, overhead ,power lines as does the Storstrøm Bridge. Costs and cost overruns frequently
  50. Renwick and Berkeley had been in partnership some years and had developed an, overhead ,cam 4-cylinder engines, using Renwick's patented combustion chamber design, and

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