Examples of the the word, pesticide , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pesticide ), is the 4760 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Every day. Caffeine is found in many plant species, where it acts as a natural, pesticide , with high caffeine levels being observed in seedlings still developing foliage
  2. Decline includes the cumulative losses from all factors, such as urbanization, pesticide ,use, tracheal and Narrow mites, and commercial beekeepers' retiring and going
  3. Can occur through the same mechanism as other nerve agents. Organophosphate, pesticide ,poisoning is a major cause of disability in many developing countries and is
  4. Therefore, caffeine is understood to have a natural function as both a natural, pesticide ,and an inhibitor of seed germination of other nearby coffee seedlings, thus
  5. Contaminations. Lake Managua was considered dead because of decades of, pesticide ,runoff, toxic chemical pollution from lakeside factories, and untreated sewage.
  6. Activity. Most of the water in Kazakhstan is polluted by industrial effluents, pesticide ,and fertilizer residue, and,in some places, radioactivity. The most visible
  7. Treadmill' in which pest resistance warrants the development of a new, pesticide , An alternative argument is that the way to 'save the environment' and prevent
  8. In the seeds, leaves,and fruit of some plants, where it acts as a natural, pesticide ,that paralyzes and kills certain insects feeding on the plants. It is most
  9. Of factors, among them the thinning of eggshells attributed to use of the, pesticide ,DDT. Bald Eagles, like many birds of prey, were especially affected by DDT due
  10. That the Indian produced Pepsi's soft drink products had 36 times the level of, pesticide ,residues permitted under European Union regulations; Coca-Cola's soft drink
  11. Agriculture. An example of this is the engineering of a plant to express a, pesticide , thereby ending the need of external application of pesticide s. An example of
  12. Air, water,and soil pollution; soil pollution results from the use of DDT as a, pesticide ,and also from toxic defoliants used in the production of cotton.; Environment -
  13. Collisions or long-line fishing by catch, pollution (including oil spills and, pesticide ,use),competition and predation from nonnative invasive species, and climate
  14. Include when Rachel Carson, in her book Silent Spring, suggested that the, pesticide ,DDT caused cancer and drastically harmed ecosystems. DDT is highly toxic to
  15. To energy production from coal-based power plants and automobile traffic, while, pesticide , usage in the agriculture and antiquated industrial sewage systems have resulted
  16. Pesticide; alternatively, the Cry toxin may be extracted and used as a, pesticide , B. thuringiensis also occurs naturally in the gut of caterpillars of various
  17. Was approved safe by the Environmental Protection Agency, making it the first, pesticide ,producing crop to be approved in the USA. In 2009 11 transgenic crops were
  18. S philosophy. For example, snails may be dealt with through a chemical, pesticide , an organic pesticide , hand-picking,barriers, or simply growing
  19. Of agricultural production coupled with modern agricultural methods, such as, pesticide ,and fertilizer use, has placed pressure on biodiversity. Temperatures differ
  20. A government-appointed committee was tasked with developing the world's first, pesticide ,standards for soft drinks. The Coca-Cola Company has responded that its plants
  21. Constant. The World Health Organization estimated in 1992 that 3 million, pesticide ,poisonings occur annually, causing 220,000 deaths. Pesticides select for
  22. Water pollution, solid waste disposal, dwindling energy resources, radiation, pesticide , poisoning (particularly as described in Rachel Carson's influential Silent
  23. Of developing resistance to the BT protein. Cross pollination The nonfat, pesticide ,status of the refuges is being compromised by wind-borne pollen drifting into
  24. See below). Pesticide Poisonous methyl bromide was widely used as, pesticide ,to fumigate soil and to fumigate housing, by the tenting method. Ethylene
  25. BT) is a Gram-positive, soil-dwelling bacterium, commonly used as a biological, pesticide ,; alternatively, the Cry toxin may be extracted and used as a pesticide . B.
  26. a million. The FSLN took over a nation plagued by malnutrition, disease,and, pesticide ,contamination. Lake Managua was considered dead because of decades of
  27. Spray programs for mosquitoes, gypsy moths, or other insect pests. Although, pesticide ,use remains a concern, the major problem for wild pollinator populations is the
  28. They can bite another victim, transferring the malaria parasite. The first, pesticide ,used for IRS was DDT. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently advises
  29. Kg of insecticide active ingredient, which is roughly equal to the amount of, pesticide ,applied to arable crops in the EU in one year. Using the environmental impact
  30. Year. Using the environmental impact quotient (IQ) measure of the impact of, pesticide ,use on the environment, the adoption of BT technology over this ten-year period
  31. The food supply and the EPA regulated the genetically modified plants with, pesticide ,properties. Most developed genetically modified plants are reviewed by at least
  32. For example, snails may be dealt with through a chemical pesticide , an organic, pesticide , hand-picking, barriers,or simply growing snail-resistant plants. Garden pest
  33. Both focused on purely fiscal impacts. The 2000 review included reported, pesticide ,poisonings but did not include speculative chronic effects of pesticide s, and
  34. America. Initial speculation on possible causes ranged from new parasites to, pesticide ,use to the use of BT resistant transgenic crops. The Mid-Atlantic Agriculture
  35. After the methyl thiocyanate gas leak from the Union Carbide Corporation's, pesticide ,factory exposed more than half a million local people to poisonous gas. He
  36. Poisonings occur annually, causing 220,000 deaths. Pesticides select for, pesticide ,resistance in the pest population, leading to a condition termed the ' pesticide
  37. Plants in Miami, Florida. Also in the 1950s and 1960s,40 % of all U. S., pesticide ,exports went to Central America. Nicaragua and its neighbors widely used
  38. The same products sold in the U. S. and found no such residues. After the, pesticide ,allegations were made in 2003,Coca-Cola sales in India declined by 15 percent.
  39. Evolving an entirely new metabolic pathway that degrades the synthetic, pesticide ,pentachlorophenol. An interesting but still controversial idea is that some
  40. These refuges are to slow the evolution of the pests' resistance to the BT, pesticide , Doing so enables an area of the landscape where wild type pests will not be
  41. Parts of the USA in the early 20th century by such methods, and the use of the, pesticide ,DDT and other means eliminated it from the remaining pockets in the South by
  42. Last 10 years and continues to be less than the number of those concerned about, pesticide ,residues, microbiological contamination, and other food related concerns. Such
  43. Dioxin. *1984 – Bhopal Disaster: A methyl thiocyanate leak from a Union Carbide, pesticide ,plant in Bhopal, India,kills more than 3,800 people outright and injures
  44. A fertilizer, addition of vital humus or humid acids, and as a natural, pesticide ,for soil. In ecosystems, compost is useful for erosion control, land and stream
  45. Of Block 11 and gassing them with Zyklon B, a highly lethal cyanide-based, pesticide , This paved the way for the use of Zyklon B as an
  46. Early life Marlon Brando was born in Omaha, Nebraska,to Marlon Brando, Sr.,a, pesticide ,and chemical feed manufacturer, and his wife, Dorothy Julia (née Peacemaker).
  47. Due to modern farming practices, the Island has noted increased levels of, pesticide ,poisoning in local farmers and other local residents living near crops and
  48. Crops for the rest of the Soviet Union. The continued regular use of the, pesticide ,DDT in the 1970s and 1980s was an egregious lapse, although that chemical was
  49. To develop new antibiotics that can kill them. A similar situation occurs with, pesticide ,resistance in plants and insects. Arms races are not necessarily induced by man
  50. Effects of BT corn on Monarch populations can be attributed to reduced, pesticide ,use. (Troops and Leaver,2001). Numerous scientific studies continue to

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