Examples of the the word, clarity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clarity ), is the 4758 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. FUNGAL or APPLY. Dynamic scope is extremely useful because it adds referential, clarity ,and discipline to global variables. Global variables are frowned upon in
  2. Principle, that science and mathematics are justified by relying on, clarity , distinctiveness, and self-evidence. Baruch Spinoza in" Principal philosophize
  3. Spoken dialect, and the inevitable influence of Persian gave the language a new, clarity ,and robust flexibility. For centuries after the fall of the Achaemenid Empire (
  4. In function. Example Here is an example transcript of an ed session. For, clarity , commands and text typed by the user are in normal face, and output from ed is
  5. Directly into his mother's forehead wherein she would hear him with reasonable, clarity , Bell's preoccupation with his mother's deafness led him to study acoustics.
  6. Each time, Morris paints a picture of insanity with sober and reasonable, clarity , *Michael Alexander St. John: A parody of hyperbolic and pun-laden radio
  7. Smith to identify the more-general set of principles that brought conceptual, clarity ,to the seeming chaos of market transactions ". Greenspan continues that The
  8. Rewritten by Roberta Carney and Allison Randal for readability and legal, clarity , with input from the Perl community. This resulted in the Artistic License 2.0
  9. Very quickly, using a binary space partitioning method. Another benefit was the, clarity ,of the automap, as that could be rendered with 2D vectors without any risk of
  10. Would require" filing cabinets" of astronomical proportions. This brings the, clarity ,of Searle's intuition into doubt. An especially vivid version of the speed and
  11. Egyptian art served its political and religious purposes with precision and, clarity , Ancient Egyptian artisans used stone to carve statues and fine reliefs, but
  12. Each step: * the occurrence of its right-hand side to which it is applied For, clarity , the intermediate string is usually given as well. For instance, with the
  13. Here also, the table shows long vowel letters only in isolated form for, clarity , Combinations and are always pronounced and respectively, the exception is when
  14. First truth is to demonstrate the capacity of his criterion — the immediate, clarity ,and distinctiveness of self-evident propositions — to establish true and
  15. Stultifies both science and art by assiduously flattering the lowest of tastes;, clarity ,bordering on stupidity, a dog's life. " -André Breton (Surrealism) # Art for
  16. Was his idea of the absurd. He saw it as the result of our desire for, clarity ,and meaning within a world and condition that offers neither, which he
  17. Of the spiritual world, anthroposophy aims to attain the precision and, clarity ,attained by the natural sciences in their investigations of the physical world.
  18. Sketch on a napkin. It often disregards scale and detail in the interest of, clarity ,of communicating specific route or relational information. Beck's London
  19. Sing individually if the members cannot harmonize well together. However, for, clarity , of each voice, recording each voice individually is most commonly the norm with
  20. For subsets, and others use these symbols only for proper subsets. For, clarity , one can explicitly use the symbols" \subset" and" \sunsette" to
  21. Or below a dotted circle replacing a primary consonant letter or a sign. For, clarity ,in the table, the primary letters on the left used to mark these long vowels
  22. Egoism, but I am constantly hoping that through this I can help others achieve, clarity , ” Still attracting strongly negative reactions, in the 1890s Munch did begin
  23. Spiritual knowledge and freedom Anthroposophical proponents aim to extend the, clarity ,of the scientific method to phenomena of human soul-life and to spiritual
  24. Union of science and spirit Steiner believed in the possibility of applying the, clarity ,of scientific thinking to spiritual experience, which he saw as deriving from
  25. This article,some ligands attached to the Mg2+ center are omitted for, clarity , The chlorine ring can have several side chains, usually including a
  26. Invalidation of Canada's laws regarding brothels, sought to differentiate for, clarity ,her occupation as a dominatrix rather than a prostitute to the media, due to
  27. Disrupt the environment. Carp in particular can stir up sediment, reducing the, clarity ,of the water and making it difficult for plants to grow. Numerous Cypriots
  28. 1860) was a German philosopher known for his pessimism and philosophical, clarity , At age 25,he published his doctoral dissertation, On the Fourfold Root of the
  29. Stand from an object to see it—with corrective lenses—with the same degree of, clarity ,as a normally sighted person could from. In many areas, people with average
  30. Hand. For a left-handed boxer or southpaw, the hand positions are reversed. For, clarity , the following discussion will assume a right-handed boxer.
  31. Writing is to" inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit, clarity ," titled The Dynamics of Interbank and Monological Imperatives in Dick and
  32. Range of textual, graphical and sometimes hardware elements that improve the, clarity , intuitiveness, cohesiveness and completeness of a program's user interface.
  33. Agrees, and has described Searle's paper as" an exemplar of philosophical, clarity ,and purity ". Searle's targets:" strong AI" and computationalism Although
  34. By Carroll is a satire on the political caucus system, mocking its lack of, clarity ,and decisiveness. Interpretations Disney animated film version In the Disney
  35. Thespian. Acting requires a wide range of skills, including vocal projection, clarity ,of speech, physical expressively, emotional facility, a well-developed
  36. The first letter of a camel-case compound may or may not be capitalized. For, clarity , this article calls the two alternatives upper camel case and lower camel case.
  37. On a deduction (as mentioned above) or on empirical induction but on the, clarity ,and self-evidence of the proposition. Descartes does not use this first
  38. Is used when the beer requires long storage before packaging or greater, clarity , When the beer has fermented, it is packaged either into casks for cask ale or
  39. Of his artistic goals, as one critic wrote,“ With ruthless contempt for form, clarity , elegance, wholeness,and realism, he paints with intuitive strength of talent
  40. Making many of the gemological characteristics of diamonds, such as, clarity ,and color, irrelevant for most applications. This helps explain why 80 % of
  41. To the extent that their proposals are established on a similarly immediate, clarity , distinctiveness, and self-evidence that presents itself to the mind. The
  42. File system known as BFS. The Beds GUI was developed on the principles of, clarity ,and a clean, uncluttered design. It used Unicode as the default encoding in the
  43. Poetic canon. Themes Recurring themes in American literature exist with, clarity ,in Hemingway's work. Leslie Fielder sees the theme he defines as" The Sacred
  44. In axioms and be both well-articulated and orderly. This taste for structural, clarity ,worked its way into the world of music, moving away from the layered polyphony
  45. Pietro Angelo Sec chi demonstrates the Sec chi disk, which measures water, clarity , aboard Pope Pius IX's yacht, the L’Immaculate Conception. *1871 – The Civil
  46. The mixed monetary amount $3.24 as $324 or $324 (often seen for extra, clarity ,on a check); BRE users will always write this as £3.24. In all cases there may
  47. Philosopher Athenodorus. Augustus, according to a letter, was surprised at the, clarity ,of Claudius' oratory. Expectations about his future began to increase.
  48. And its variations) has become a classic thought experiment for its, clarity ,in expressing the central puzzles of quantum mechanics. Richard Feynman was
  49. Information systems, a lack of supervision or training, and a lack of, clarity ,in roles and responsibilities which can lead to staff being uncertain about
  50. S inspiration. But from within that musical limbo emerges a theme of power and, clarity ,which will drive the entire movement. Later, at the outset of the

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