Examples of the the word, polish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( polish ), is the 4752 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shape. The wrapping itself is often sealed with Duo or clear nail varnish (, polish ,). The bulge in the wrapping is sometimes referred to as the" Turk's head"—it
  2. September 3: Bloody Sunday; 1939 September 9: German Massacre in Ciepielów on,Polish, POW; 1939 September 13: Bombing of Crampon; 1939 September 17: Soviet invasion
  3. Radio. This wider availability of country music led to producers seeking to, polish ,their product for a wider audience. With his debut on the national country
  4. Nickel is a silvery-white metal with a slight golden tinge that takes a high, polish , It is one of only four elements that are magnetic at or near room temperature
  5. Kosciusko, Kazimierz Pulaski, Józef Piłsudski and Pope John Paul II. Great, polish ,painter Jan Mateo devoted his monumental art to the most significant
  6. Case, the glacial tongues cut the divides down to size through erosion, and, polish , the adjacent valleys. Roche mouton née Some rock formations in the path of a
  7. Hired Jonathan Hales, a writer from The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, to, polish , it. Unsure of a title, Lucas had jokingly called the film" Jar Jar's Great
  8. As the hardest known naturally occurring material, diamond can be used to, polish , cut, or wear away any material, including other diamonds. Common industrial
  9. Lawyer" ( learned) and about" attorney, solicitor " (popular); Latin" to,Polish," > Portuguese polar" to Polish" ( learned) and poor" to wear thin" (
  10. A biofuel),ink, instant coffee, linoleum,mayonnaise, meat tenderizer, metal, polish , paper, plastic,pavement, shaving cream, shoe polish , synthetic rubber, talcum
  11. Chromates are added to drilling mud. *Chromium (III) oxide is a metal, polish ,known as green rouge. *Chromic acid is a powerful oxidizing agent and is a
  12. Pearls and plastics. It provides shimmering luster to eye shadow and nail, polish , Facial treatments using the droppings, or guano, from Japanese nightingales is
  13. Of operating system design. Common criticisms include the relative lack of ", polish ," and development in Plan 9's windowing system and Plan 9's lack of maturity
  14. Servant to Judge Dread also from 2000 AD European * Robots from planet DES from,Polish, series " Gods from The Space ", written by Arnold Monowitz and Alfred Gorky
  15. Of their production led to their film-makers giving a further precision and, polish ,to the details of film continuity. Film history from 1906 to 1914 The film
  16. Organic solvents (found in cleaning products, fast-drying glues, and nail, polish ,removers),fuels (gasoline (petrol) and kerosene) and propellant gases
  17. It succeeds. It's an audience picture; it doesn't have a lot of classy, polish ,and its structure is a total mess. But of course! What does that matter while
  18. Attorney, solicitor " (popular); Latin" to Polish" > Portuguese polar" to,Polish," (learned) and poor" to wear thin" ( popular). Sometimes triplets can be
  19. The flat facets. Rarely, some cutters use special curved laps to cut and, polish ,curved facets. Gemstone color is the most obvious and attractive feature
  20. Proofs of Holy Writ ", which postulated that William Shakespeare had helped to, polish ,the prose of the King James Bible. In the non-fiction realm he also became
  21. Is composed of calcite, dolomite or serpentine which is capable of taking a, polish , More generally in construction, specifically the dimension stone trade, the
  22. Against a strong AS Roma side) served notice that the team had kept its, polish ,and focus intact during their rival's final surge; and a 1–1 draw in Bergamo
  23. 7–3 win in snowy Cincinnati. One of the most memorable games was the two, polish ,his cleats while walking up the tunnel after the game, fueling the rivalry. The
  24. Gemstone. Because it can only be scratched by other diamonds, it maintains its, polish ,extremely well. Unlike many other gems, it is well-suited to daily wear because
  25. And backgammon are constructed of Bakelite for its look, durability,fine, polish , weight, and sound. Common dice are sometimes made of Bakelite for weight and
  26. Their patients in cases of religious beliefs. * Gelatin is also used in nail, polish ,remover and makeup applications. The gelatin is often tinted in different
  27. Version can be made, using vegetable stock cubes. It is one of the most popular, polish ,soups and is served on family dinners and also is a traditional soup for
  28. Pale amber to manufacture pipes and other smoking tools, turn it on a lathe and, polish ,it with whitening and water or with rotten stone and oil. The final luster is
  29. Went to Heydrich's aid and flagged down a Tatra van delivering floor wax and, polish , First, Heydrich was placed in the driver's cab, but after complaining that
  30. Mani era by which art (and style) are generated out of pre-existing art. " The, polish ,of figures has an unnatural marble-like form as if he aimed for cold statuary.
  31. 30 % nickel,12 % zinc,5 % lead,1 % bismuth. It is able to hold a good, polish ,and so is sometimes used in light reflectors and mirrors. Other bronze alloys
  32. Diamonds are generally small, perfect to semiperfect octahedra, and are used to, polish ,other diamonds. Their hardness is associated with the crystal growth form
  33. Between the words Washtub (guard-house) and Washtub (tube of floor, polish ,). One can decide which" s" to use by appropriate hyphenation, easily ("
  34. Within a glacier can smooth or polish the surface of rocks, leading to glacial, polish , Glacial erratics are rounded boulders that were left by a melting glacier and
  35. And proceeds to mention that diamond dust is used by engravers to cut and, polish ,other gems owing to its great hardness. His recognition of the importance of
  36. Of Perpetual Board of episcopal conference, he has honorary precedence among, polish ,bishops (e.g. by carrying on liturgical ceremonies),Polish primates also
  37. We know today. So, on to the recipe from year 1682: This is the way to cook, polish ,room: take beef meat or veal, hazel grouse or partridge, pigeon and whatever
  38. Apparatus, and its use in certain alloys that will retain a high silvery,Polish, such as German silver. About 6 % of world nickel production is still used for
  39. Rock surface. Transport of fine-grained material within a glacier can smooth or, polish ,the surface of rocks, leading to glacial polish . Glacial erratics are rounded
  40. Its Simple, a common phrase for Simplicity. See also KISS principle * IS,a, polish ,machine pistol manufactured during World War I; Schools: *Kazakhstan
  41. Element in Group 6. It is a steely-gray, lustrous,hard metal that takes a high, polish ,and has a high melting point. It is also odorless, tasteless,and malleable.
  42. Meat tenderizer, metal polish , paper,plastic, pavement,shaving cream, shoe, polish , synthetic rubber, talcum powder and wood stain. Three patents (one for
  43. However, other elements enter such as oxidation, the humidity, the mode of, polish ,of the surface, etc. It was at the time not even sure that the fatigue is
  44. Of clever SF standards and then passed them on to a psychoanalyst for final, polish , " — Brian Allies, Trillion Year Spree *" 'Tip' was a crucial part of modern
  45. Provide horses; others too serve in the camps, those who groom their horses and, polish ,their weapons, guide the elephants, and keep in order and drive the chariots.
  46. To make mortars and pestles to crush and mix chemicals. Because of the high, polish ,possible with agate it has been used for centuries for leather burnishing tools
  47. New owner, Bob Carpenter, Jr., scion of the Delaware DuPont family, tried to, polish ,the team's image by unofficially changing its name to the" Blue jays ";
  48. At DID in 1994. Scott's Liquid Gold, Inc., has been making furniture, polish ,in Denver since 1954. Village Inn restaurants began as a single pancake house
  49. Albert Einstein arrived at the Caltech campus for the first time in 1931 to, polish ,up his Theory of General Relativity, and he returned to Caltech subsequently as
  50. Which attains a great size; its wood is used for furniture, and takes a high, polish ,; and Acacia omalophylla (Mall Wood, also Australian),which yields a

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