Examples of the the word, disciple , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Termed" etherealization ", which,in essence—according to futurist and Fuller, disciple ,Stewart Brand—Fuller coined to mean" doing more with less ". Resources and
  2. 28th Patriarch of Buddhism in a line of descent from Śākyamuni Buddha via his, disciple ,Mahākāśyapa, and the first Patriarch of Chan: Mahakashyapa was the first
  3. I. From his associations in the house of his uncle, and later than his uncle's, disciple ,and as a member of the academy at Performs, Rav acquired such an extraordinary
  4. Fairly open to the idea of evolution. In geology Darwin was very much Lyell's, disciple , and brought back observations and his own original theorizing, including ideas
  5. Shrine of the Sufi saint Shaikh Durham'd-din Sharif (died 1331),who was a, disciple ,of Nizamuddin Julia of Delhi. After Aurangzeb's death, his son Broader Shah I
  6. By previous theosophist authors, in particular Johann Georg Michael,a, disciple ,of Jakob Böhm, and his book Theosophic Practice (1696),in which Mitchel
  7. Elliot begins his lengthy review of historical evidence by quoting Grenades,a, disciple ,of Poly carp. Poly carp was a disciple of the Apostle John. Grenades mentions
  8. Paccekabuddhahood, and the savakabodhisatta who will attain enlightenment as a, disciple ,of a Buddha. According to the Theravada teacher Shikoku Bod hi the Bodhisattva
  9. Upon by St. Ignatius of Antioch, a disciple of John, and Clement of Rome,a, disciple ,of Paul. They became bishops, and were later martyred. In the centuries
  10. They came across the Tamara Stream. Looking at the stream, Valmiki said to his, disciple ," Look, how clear is this water, like the mind of a good man! I will bathe
  11. S commentary on the Apocalypse shortly after he wrote it. David Boris,a, disciple ,of Hoffman, was the most important Anabaptist leader in the Netherlands before
  12. What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others. "::: :ZI gong (a, disciple ,of Confucius) asked:" Is there anyone word that could guide a person
  13. Real substance to be transformed was the mind itself. Marie-Louise von Franz,a, disciple ,of Jung, continued Jung's studies on alchemy and its psychological meaning.
  14. Eventually happened. Apostles of the Alemannic were Saint Columbus and his, disciple ,Saint Gall. Jonas of Bobbie records that Columbus was active in Bregenz
  15. Later, the Ephesians claimed this fugitive had actually been the beloved, disciple ,himself. Subsequently, this John was banished by Nero and died on Patmos after
  16. Lù 景德传灯录 the first ` bikini ` mentioned in the Chan literature was a, disciple ,of the First Patriarch of Chinese Chan Bodhidharma, known as Songhai 宗旨
  17. A steadfast Whig and professed to friends in 1861 to be," an old line Whig,a, disciple ,of Henry Clay ". The party, including Lincoln, favored economic modernization
  18. Which culminated in the accession of JHU, an event in which Elijah's chosen, disciple ,Elisha was the leading figure. The Dasyproctidae are a family of large South
  19. birthdate of about 672–673. A minor source of information is the letter by his, disciple ,Cuthbert which relates Bede's death. He is referring to the twinned
  20. Age of Archbishop Ebert and Northumbrian King Albert. Ebert had been a, disciple ,of the Venerable Bede, who urged him to raise York to an archbishopric. King
  21. Asceticism Ran loved the Book of Ecclesiastics (Mirach),and warned his, disciple ,Hanna against unjustifiable asceticism by quoting advice contained
  22. The canton and town still bearing the name of St. Gall testify how well one, disciple ,succeeded. Veneration His body has been preserved in the abbey church at Bobbie
  23. Bands like Asleep at the Wheel and the growing popularity of longtime Wills, disciple ,and fan Willie Nelson. By 1971,Wills recovered sufficiently to travel
  24. However, succeed his father as head of the academy: this post fell to Rav's, disciple ,Ran Hung. Two of his grandsons occupied in succession the office of exarch (
  25. Known as the" ARI" ), most of which come down from the pen of his primary, disciple , Rabbi Chief Vital, are profound insights explaining issues related to
  26. She died before taking office. Lake District conservation Beatrix had been a, disciple ,of the land conservation and preservation ideals of her long-time friend and
  27. Taken for two Caliphs, kill the latter of them ". Umar bin Al-Shabab another, disciple ,of Muhammad is reported to have said:" There is no way for two (leaders)
  28. Figures of reformist Piggery were Charles James Fox (died 1806) and his, disciple ,and successor Earl Grey. After decades in opposition the Whigs came to power
  29. Known as Always, the true nature of whom Crowley never understood. Crowley's, disciple ,and later secretary Israel Regarded believed that this voice came from Crowley
  30. But guaranteed the democracy an eternity of bad press at the hands of his, disciple ,and enemy to democracy Plato. In the Gorgias written years later Plato has
  31. The Jewish world, Rav lived and worked in Sure until his death. Samuel, another, disciple , of Judah I, at the same time brought to the academy at Regarded a high degree
  32. 48 BC, he was pardoned by Caesar. Cicero sent him to Athens to study as a, disciple ,of the peripatetic philosopher Ratios in 48 BC, but he used this absence
  33. Between an older and a younger man, who serve each other as master and, disciple , respectively. This theme was clearly an expression of the director's life
  34. The Buddha delivered to various audiences. Therefore, he is often called the, disciple ,of the Buddha who" heard much ". At the First Buddhist Council, convened
  35. Christian virgins, a sort of proto-nunnery at the time, and himself became the, disciple ,of a local hermit. The appellation" Father of Monasticism" is misleading, as
  36. Historical evidence by quoting Grenades, a disciple of Poly carp. Poly carp was a, disciple ,of the Apostle John. Grenades mentions that the Apocalypse was seen" no very
  37. Lineage in Chan dates back to the epitaph for Far (法如 638–689),a, disciple ,of the 5th patriarch Honored (弘忍 601–674),which gives a line of descent
  38. Traditional Bodhidharma story are in place. Bodhidharma is said to have been a, disciple ,of Prajñātāra, thus establishing the latter as the 27th patriarch in India.
  39. By Rome. As does also the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, who was a personal, disciple ,of the Apostles John and Paul. Also, worth noting is the fact that others
  40. Arcturus as Marpean-kurrk, mother of Just (Antares). * It is taught by a, disciple ,of New Age guru Jose Arguello on Arguello’ website that 3,000,000 years ago
  41. In the Bodhidharma literature. Tannin has traditionally been considered a, disciple ,of Bodhidharma, but it is more likely that he was a student of Hike, who in
  42. Individual discarding their" natural" self and donning a new identity as a, disciple ,of Jesus. According to Latter-day Saint theology, faith and repentance are
  43. That the writer (s) or editor (s) of Second Zechariah may have been a, disciple ,of the prophet Zechariah. There are also some scholars who go even further and
  44. The Institute's practices and teachings, but doubted that what he heard from, disciple ,Pindar reflected the master's true position. Some claim that on a later visit
  45. Japan with only the Om and is successful at Mahasamyama becomes a direct, disciple ,of that, the OM, the most Holy of all words/syllables thus the yogi achieving
  46. To exist simply as a consequence of its existence -" creation ex do. " His, disciple ,Process stated 'The One is God '. Centuries later, the Islamic philosopher
  47. That the doctrine is mentioned and expounded upon by St. Ignatius of Antioch,a, disciple ,of John, and Clement of Rome, a disciple of Paul. They became bishops, and were
  48. Ramayana: Saint Valid was going to the river Gang for his daily ablutions. A, disciple ,by the name Bharadwaja was carrying his clothes. On the way, they came across
  49. Before handing the reins to renowned coach Forrest" Hog" Allen. Naismith's, disciple ,Amos Alonzo Stage brought basketball to the University of Chicago, while Adolph
  50. S senses are calmed, his complexion is clear and radiant. " (A, I:181) A, disciple ,named Alkali, who later became an Adamant, was so obsessed by Buddha's

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