Examples of the the word, brave , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brave ), is the 4755 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Whence Gothic bad s, Old English bald, Old High German paid, all meaning" bold, brave , audio ". But the interpretation of Bald as" the brave god" may be secondary
  2. Heavenly abode, somewhat analogous to the Greek Elysium, is reserved for those, brave ,warriors who die heroically in battle. *HEL: (lit. " The Covered Hall" ) This
  3. Free from reproach. Portraits File: Herzog-Albrecht-der-Beherzt. JPG|Albert the, brave ,of Saxony File: Retreat de Bárbara, Duquesa the Saxon. JPG|Barbara Duchess of
  4. Kayakers go there during large tide changes to surf the standing waves and, brave ,the class 2 and 3 rapid conditions. History and Recreation Deception Pass is
  5. Right. There was also a developing myth of Jacobite martyrs, praising the, brave ,defiance of Jacobite sat the scaffold and treasuring relics in an almost
  6. Some historians point to military failures on land and at sea. Rather than as a, brave ,defender of the Protestant nations against Spain and the Habsburgs, she is more
  7. A general flight. Then, declaring in disgust that he wished to" fight among, brave ,men and not among cowards ", Eugene went into the attack with the Prussian and
  8. Price hikes in fuel driving more general inflation, the government took the, brave ,decision to slash fuel subsidies. This decision freed up an extra US$10 billion
  9. On our shore.: Then here he raised Old England's flag, : The standard of the, brave ,;:" With all her faults we love her still ":" Britannia rules the wave. ": In
  10. Land of the Afghans derives from which could be an adjective such as, brave , hilarious, valour, which was to use for the people in today's Afghanistan.
  11. For several critical defeats. Yamamoto is considered to be an imaginative and, brave ,leader for formulating a plan to launch a preemptive attack on US forces in
  12. The communities they reside in, nevertheless the Drupe have had a history of, brave ,resistance to occupying powers, and they have at times enjoyed more freedom
  13. Of the nation, Deucalion,George Washington, Abraham – was a wise, virtuous and, brave ,man. American folk figures The following is a list of people who are either
  14. My fathers are dear to me, Land of bards and singers, famous men of renown; Her, brave ,warriors, very splendid patriots, For freedom shed their blood.: Nation or
  15. In stanza 27 when Frigga complains that if she had a son in Ægir's hall as, brave ,as Bald then Loki would have to fight for his life. In that poem Bragg at
  16. It is to be prayed that the mind be sound in a sound body.: Ask for a, brave ,soul that lacks the fear of death, : which places the length of life last among
  17. Your enemies. Let us invite over my son OCTA, and his brother Elissa, who are, brave ,soldiers, and give them the countries that are in the northern parts of Britain
  18. Publications by the Moved Brothers ... we now pass the torch to whichever, brave ,souls feel ready to take up the challenge. " Son of Golden Turkey Awards also
  19. Marley, the Muses' darling "; Michael Dayton noted that he" Had in him those, brave ,transl unary things / That the first poets had ", and Ben Jonson wrote of "
  20. But they are less inclined to portray the war in a simplistic manner with, brave ,troops being led by foolish officers. There has been a similar movement
  21. In a 2004 interview with Uncut, Clapton referred to Powell as" outrageously, brave ,", and stated that his" feeling about this has not changed ", because the UK
  22. That its cocaine products would" supply the place of food, make the coward, brave , the silent eloquent and render the sufferer insensitive to pain. " By the late
  23. Ajax and his brother Teacher. In battle, he wore a linen Coors (), was, brave , and intrepid, especially skilled in throwing the spear and, next to Achilles
  24. Land, following a dangerous path with thieves and bandits all the way. Young, brave ,and ambitious, Theseus decided to go to Athens by land. When Theseus arrived
  25. Minos' daughter. Theseus and Minotaur In Frozen, Theseus grew up and became a, brave ,young man. He managed to move the rock and took his father's weapons. His
  26. Father. Schopenhauer quotes Horace's saying," From the brave and good are the, brave ,descended" ( Odes, iv,4,29) and Shakespeare's line from Cymbeline,"
  27. Of the Forest – saves Adeline multiple times, is virtuous, courageous and, brave , self-sacrificial ** Manfred in The Castle of Taranto – unjustly accuses
  28. Daughters, but neither parent spent much time with the children: his father,a, brave , unglamorous soldier in the French army spent much of his time away campaigning
  29. All possible ways, one possible conclusion is that the characters were neither, brave , nor clever, nor skilled, but simply lucky enough to happen on the universe in
  30. Goes on to say at lines 1039ff. That his plays inspired the Athenians to be, brave ,and virtuous. Influence outside of Greek Culture Aeschylus's works were
  31. Through one's father. Schopenhauer quotes Horace's saying," From the, brave ,and good are the brave descended" ( Odes, iv,4,29) and Shakespeare's line
  32. Kings, each served by twenty kings, fight forever unless some christened men so, brave ,would dare to enter the battle and slay them. She said yes, and got that
  33. Campbell. Wallace's childhood friend and captain in Wallace's army; he is, brave ,and thinks with his fists. * Sophie Marceau as Princess Isabelle of France, who
  34. Monks were mocked as foreign devils, while the glorious king was hailed as a, brave ,and heroic defender of the true faith. Henry VIII was an avid gambler and dice
  35. Authors. Another example of a positive depiction of an Englishman is the, brave ,and resourceful Phi leas Fog, the protagonist of Around the World in Eighty
  36. N't know that he could commit suicide at any moment. I don't know if that is, brave ,or stupid or what, but it was inevitable. I think that the truth of what rings
  37. Where the minstrels are honored and free; Its warring defenders so gallant and, brave , For freedom their life's blood they gave.: Home, home,true am I to home,
  38. Minstrels are honored and free: Its warring defenders, so gallant and, brave , For freedom their life's blood they gave: Land!, Land!, True I am to my
  39. Hypothesis ", which he describes as the conception that Lomborg is just a, brave ,young man confronting old-fashioned opposition. Are Fog has established a
  40. Was now part of the national war effort. He declared that the deaths of so many, brave ,soldiers would not be in vain, that slavery would end as a result of the losses
  41. Gotthard in 1664. The battle was won by the Christians, chiefly through the, brave ,attack of 6,000 French troops led by La Fusillade and Colony. France fought
  42. War escalated during his presidency. His foreign policy was marked by" the, brave ,new world of CIA-led coups and assassinations. It was Eisenhower whose CIA
  43. British failure to achieve a complete victory. Although Beatty was undeniably, brave , his mismanagement of the initial encounter with Hipper's squadron and the
  44. Survives the play. In the second scene of the play, King Duncan describes the, brave ,manner in which Macbeth, Thane of Glam is, and Ban quo brave ly led his army
  45. It was officially claimed as a representation of the people of Leningrad’s, brave ,resistance to the German invaders and an authentic piece of patriotic art at a
  46. Adventure ". The title of the film is also historically inaccurate as the ", brave ,heart" refers in Scottish history to that of Robert the Bruce, and an
  47. All meaning" bold, brave ,audio ". But the interpretation of Bald as" the, brave ,god" may be secondary. Lithuanian. In Anglo-Saxon tradition, the son of Women
  48. The 1950s showed the average German soldier as a heroic victim: noble, tough, brave , honorable, and patriotic while fighting hard in a senseless war for a regime
  49. In Old English. If one were to replace the phrase" broad shield" with ", brave ,man" or" kind woman ", the only change to the rest of the sentence would be
  50. Is Tzanavaras or Tavares, from the Granitic word Canada or caviar meaning ", brave ," (palliate in Greek). Most Greek patronymic suffixes are diminutives, which

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