Examples of the the word, antibiotic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( antibiotic ), is the 4763 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Early horses and bison roamed Canada's North. In medicine The volume of, antibiotic ,prescribed is the major factor in increasing rates of bacterial resistance
  2. And the American Medical Association (AMA) ) have called for restrictions on, antibiotic ,use in food animal production and an end to all nontherapeutic uses. However
  3. Multiresistant or, informally,a super bug or super bacterium. The prevalence of, antibiotic ,resistant bacteria is a result of antibiotic use both within human medicine and
  4. To be able to infect people with MRSA. The resistant bacteria in animals due to, antibiotic ,exposure can be transmitted to humans via three pathways, those being through
  5. Then one previously expected, and encompasses genes with functions beyond, antibiotic ,resistance and virulence, and beyond genes residing within the mobile genetic
  6. Greater need for alternative treatments arises. However, despite a push for new, antibiotic ,therapies there has been a continued decline in the number of newly approved
  7. Emergence of resistant bacteria. Although there were low levels of preexisting, antibiotic ,resistant bacteria before the widespread use of antibiotic s evolutionary
  8. Pathogen genome at a rate of about 1 in 108 per chromosomal replication. The, antibiotic ,action against the pathogen can be seen as an environmental pressure; those
  9. Research Organization (CAIRO),realizing the need for the reduction of, antibiotic ,use, has been working on two alternatives. One alternative is to prevent
  10. Antibiotic concentrations in critically ill people increase the frequency of, antibiotic ,resistance organisms. While taking antibiotic s doses less than those
  11. One of the most worrisome characteristics of P. aeruginosa consists in its low, antibiotic ,susceptibility. This low susceptibility is attributable to a concerted action
  12. Dose of antibiotic s leads to a greater risk of resistant organisms to that, antibiotic ,in the person for up to a year. Inappropriate prescribing of antibiotic s has
  13. 2008 in Cell, a team of scientists pinpointed the place on bacteria where the, antibiotic ,myxopyronin launches its attack, and why that attack is successful. The
  14. To a concerted action of multidrug efflux pumps with chromosomally-encoded, antibiotic ,resistance genes (for example, mexAB-oprM, mexXY etc.) and the low
  15. Tool for genetic engineering. By constructing a plasmid which contains an, antibiotic ,resistance gene as well as the gene being engineered or expressed, a researcher
  16. Like the antibiotic s now used, but without the drawbacks of non-therapeutic, antibiotic ,use. Cytokines have the potential to achieve the animal growth rates
  17. Traditionally sought by the use of antibiotic s without the contribution of, antibiotic ,resistance associated with the widespread non-therapeutic uses of antibiotic s
  18. Antibiotic resistance genes in integrals favors the concerted acquisition of, antibiotic ,resistance determinants. Some recent studies have shown that phenotypic
  19. Four years after the drug started being mass-produced. Methicillin was then the, antibiotic ,of choice, but has since been replaced by oxacillin due to significant kidney
  20. Evolutionary stress such as exposure to antibiotic s then selects for the, antibiotic ,resistant trait. Many antibiotic resistance genes reside on plasmids
  21. Mutation in chromosomally-encoded genes, or by the horizontal gene transfer of, antibiotic ,resistance determinants. Development of multidrug resistance by P. aeruginosa
  22. An individual inherits only one dominant allele. Ampicillin is a beta-lactam, antibiotic ,that has been used extensively to treat bacterial infections since 1961. Until
  23. didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world's first, antibiotic , or bacteria killer," Fleming would later say," But I suppose that was
  24. Human skin of around a third of the population, it is extremely adaptable to, antibiotic ,pressure. It was one of the earlier bacteria in which penicillin resistance was
  25. Be available to treat seriously ill patients in the near future. As bacterial, antibiotic ,resistance continues to exhaust our supply of effective antibiotic s, a global
  26. Manufacturing industry can contribute towards the likelihood of creating, antibiotic ,resistant strains. Certain antibiotic classes are highly associated with
  27. In patients able to tolerate penicillin). It is important to note that, antibiotic ,therapy alone without surgical drainage of the abscess is seldom effective due
  28. Are highly associated with colonization with super bugs compared to other, antibiotic ,classes. The risk for colonization increases if there is a lack of sensitivity
  29. Exposure to antibiotic s then selects for the antibiotic resistant trait. Many, antibiotic ,resistance genes reside on plasmids, facilitating their transfer. If a
  30. Towards the likelihood of creating antibiotic resistant strains. Certain, antibiotic ,classes are highly associated with colonization with super bugs compared to
  31. And Listeria meningitis. It is used with flucloxacillin in the combination, antibiotic ,co-fluampicil for empiric treatment of cellulitis; providing cover against
  32. To the ribosomes, causing the bacteria to die. One of the major causes of, antibiotic ,resistance is the decrease of effective drug concentrations at their target
  33. Of resistance because a vaccine enhances the body's natural defenses, while an, antibiotic ,operates separately from the body's normal defenses. Nevertheless, new strains
  34. As Staphylococcus aureus bacteria is a common cause, an anti-staphylococcus, antibiotic ,such as flucloxacillin or dicloxacillin is used. With the emergence of
  35. Integrated Pest Management. Vaccines are being used more and more to reduce, antibiotic ,use for disease control. Onshore recirculating aquaculture systems, facilities
  36. A global public health disaster appears likely. Poor financial investment in, antibiotic ,research has exacerbated the situation. A call to arms raised by several
  37. That include acquisition of different mutations and/or horizontal transfer of, antibiotic ,resistance genes. Hypermutation favors the selection of mutation-driven
  38. Once daily antibiotic s is better than with twice daily antibiotic s. Sub optimum, antibiotic ,concentrations in critically ill people increase the frequency of antibiotic
  39. Producing chronic infections, whereas the clustering of several, antibiotic ,resistance genes in integrals favors the concerted acquisition of antibiotic
  40. Super bacterium. The prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria is a result of, antibiotic ,use both within human medicine and veterinary medicine. The greater the
  41. Is able to survive exposure to an antibiotic . The primary cause of, antibiotic ,resistance is genetic mutation in bacteria. However, genes that confer
  42. If there is a lack of sensitivity (resistance) of the super bugs to the, antibiotic ,used and high tissue penetration as well as broad spectrum activity against "
  43. After a disease and are not antibiotic s, so they do not contribute to the, antibiotic ,resistance problem. Furthermore, studies on using cytokines have shown that
  44. Bacterial populations. In the USA federal agencies do not collect data on, antibiotic ,use in animals but animal to human spread of drug resistant organisms has been
  45. Best-known discoveries are the discovery of the enzyme lysosome in 1923 and the, antibiotic ,substance penicillin from the mold Penicillin notated in 1928,for which he
  46. Type of drug resistance where a microorganism is able to survive exposure to an, antibiotic , The primary cause of antibiotic resistance is genetic mutation in bacteria.
  47. That after having grown the mold, it was even more difficult to isolate the, antibiotic ,agent. Fleming's impression was that because of the problem of producing it in
  48. Resistance genes. Hypermutation favors the selection of mutation-driven, antibiotic ,resistance in P. aeruginosa strains producing chronic infections, whereas the
  49. Fashion by conjugation, transduction,or transformation. Thus, a gene for, antibiotic ,resistance which had evolved via natural selection may be shared. Evolutionary
  50. Fallen out of use in clinical practice. These include: Industrially the use of, antibiotic ,resistance is disfavored since maintaining bacterial cultures would require

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