Examples of the the word, slack , in a Sentence Context

The word ( slack ), is the 9008 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Favor of subluxations causing altered nerve vibration, either too tense or too, slack , affecting the tone (health) of the end organ. D. D. Palmer, using a
  2. Costs of 1 % to 3 % of the face value. *Issue of stock: it increases financial, slack , may improve debt rating and reduce cost of debt. Transaction costs include
  3. Should have been there for him but is also keen enough to give himself some, slack , After a stagehand informs him that the auditorium where he is about to
  4. Taking in on the first cable as the boat is motored into the wind and letting, slack ,while drifting back, a second anchor is set approximately a half-scope away
  5. Pressurized gas feeds into tiny Wankel engines which rotate to take up the, slack ,in the seat belt systems, anchoring the driver and passengers firmly in the
  6. Known as tidal streams. The moment that the tidal current ceases is called, slack ,water or slack tide. The tide then reverses direction and is said to be turning
  7. As Wu, and in many Austronesian languages, the 'intermediate' phonation of, slack ,stops confuses listeners of languages without these distinctions, so that
  8. Moved to the outside of the towpath and stopped his team. His towline would go, slack , fall into the water and sink to the bottom while his boat continued on by
  9. Debt rating. There are no major transaction costs. *It consumes financial, slack , may decrease debt rating and increase cost of debt. Transaction costs include
  10. Face" in the lee of the wind. The valley or trough between dunes is called a, slack , A" dune field" is an area covered by extensive sand dunes. Large dune fields
  11. Dental, retroflex,and velar stops Par auk contrasts, slack ,voicing in its vowels. The contrast is between" slightly stiff" and "
  12. Bubble Game and Ball Toss, but his tendency to take it easy when business was, slack ,resulted in his termination. By his late teens, Peart had played in local bands
  13. Recruitment film Arise! And has been in use in the Subgenus newsgroup alt., slack , David Émile Durkheim () (April 15, 1858 – November 15, 1917) was a French
  14. Being tense. Other such phonation types include breathy voice, or murmur;, slack ,voice; and creaky voice. Examples The following plosives have been given
  15. The sheep shank is a type of knot that is used to shorten a rope or take up, slack , This knot is not stable. It will fall apart under too much load or too little
  16. Consonants in languages such as English. Wu Chinese" muddy" consonants are, slack ,voice, the primary effect of which is a slightly breathy quality of the
  17. And tense voice developed high tone on the preceding vowel and those with ", slack ," globalized consonants with creaky voice developed low tone. The Bantu
  18. To the government's will. In Keynes' theory, there must be significant, slack ,in the labor market before fiscal expansion is justified. Both conservative and
  19. Or /b/ for the same consonant. Although the IPA has no dedicated diacritic for, slack ,voice, the voiceless diacritic (the under-ring) may be used with a voiced
  20. After Slackware became a serious project. Slackware refers to the" pursuit of, slack ,", a tenet of the Church of the Subgenus. Certain aspects of Slackware logos
  21. Which can vary),so the logistic system has to be able to cope with surge and, slack , Artillery has always been equipment intensive and for centuries artillery
  22. Weaker, This gave the Sharia courts of mujtahidūn an opportunity to fill in the, slack ,and enabled" the lama to assert their judicial authority. " The Usual School
  23. Fails. This behavior can worsen when the knot is repeatedly strained and let, slack , dragged over rough terrain, or repeatedly struck against hard objects such as
  24. The first are between modal and stiff voice, while the latter are captured by, slack ,voice. In Christianity, salvation is the belief that, as
  25. On complex tasks. In contrast, social loafing is the tendency of individuals to, slack ,when working in a group. Social loafing is common when the task is considered
  26. Hawaiian ukuleles may also be tuned to open tuning, similar to the Hawaiian, slack ,key style. Related instruments Ukulele varieties include hybrid instruments
  27. Breathy quality of the following vowel Javanese contrasts, slack ,and stiff voiced bilabial, dental,retroflex, and velar stops
  28. A clown might perform another circus role: * Walk a tightrope, a high wire,a, slack ,rope or a piece of rope on the ground. * Ride a horse, a zebra, a donkey, an
  29. Helicopters. Engine power is transmitted via a set of greenbelts that are, slack ,when the engine is idling, but by means of a tensioner pulley can be tightened
  30. Often being able to reduce tension to the point that the strings become, slack , Such a ornaments however is rarely used to melodic effect, instead being
  31. Represent Chinese voiced (濁音) consonants, which survive in the Shanghaied, slack ,consonants, and were not used for Korean words. It was only later that a
  32. Costs as described above). *Shares in treasury: it increases financial, slack ,(if they don’t have to be repurchased on the market),may improve debt rating
  33. Turn-roundturn-tworoundturns. JPG|right|thumb | Bight: Any curved section, slack ,part, or loop between the ends of a rope, string,or yarn Bitter end: More a
  34. Streams. The moment that the tidal current ceases is called slack water or, slack ,tide. The tide then reverses direction and is said to be turning. Slack water
  35. As a result, the vocal folds are compressed rather tightly, becoming relatively, slack ,and compact. They vibrate irregularly at 20–50 pulses per second, about two
  36. Severity of the winter. Ice sheets typically form along the shoreline and in, slack ,water bays, where the lake is not as deep. During the winters of 1877 and 1878
  37. Navigating the St. John River can only transit the Reversing Falls gorge at, slack ,tide, thus Indian town became a location during the 19th and 20th centuries
  38. Italian Greyhounds, it tightens up when pulled while remaining comfortable, slack ,when the dog is walking politely. This prevents the dog backing out and
  39. Used with set tools which are placed over the workpiece and struck. Slack tub A, slack ,tub is usually a large container full of water, brine,or oil used by a
  40. Into the orphan (of dimension equal to the number of faces) given by, slack ,variables, but these are rarely isomorphism – most potatoes are not a simplex
  41. The basic, which rapidly cools the workpiece in a large body of water. The, slack ,tub also provides water to control the fire in the forge. Types of forges
  42. To come to the knowledge of the truth. " AKJ: II Peter 3:9" The Lord is not, slack ,concerning His promise, as some count slack ness, but is long suffering toward us
  43. Player like one),but about twice as thick, and the C string tends to be quite, slack ,due to the difficulty for such a small string to produce a sound that low. Many
  44. A Hawaiian steel guitar. However, in Hawaiian music, Hawaiian guitar means, slack ,string guitar, played in the conventional or Spanish position. Bottleneck
  45. Loop (roller coaster),a basic roller coaster inversion *Film loop,the, slack ,portion of the film around the projector lens in a movie projector Equilibrium
  46. Its“ sapphire-blue” color, whence the modern name for“ sapphire ”. The term, slack ,voice (or lax voice) describes the pronunciation of consonant or vowels with
  47. Strings under tension, so they are actually thicker then than specified when, slack , Ash away Micropower is actually 0.7 mm but Yonex BG-66 is about 0.72 mm. It is
  48. Near high water and low water. But there are locations where the moments of, slack ,tide differ significantly from those of high and low water. Tides are most
  49. There are three main financing options: *Cash on hand: it consumes financial, slack ,(excess cash or unused debt capacity) and may decrease debt rating. There are
  50. And batted .276 with 18 homers. However, outfielder Ellis Burks picked up the, slack ,with an All-Star season, batting .344 with 40 homers and 128 RBI—one of three

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