Examples of the the word, manpower , in a Sentence Context

The word ( manpower ), is the 9009 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Current conflicts Gulf War The ending of the Cold War saw a significant cut in, manpower , as outlined in the Options for Change review. Despite this, the Army has been
  2. Navy (Marina de Guerra) and Air Force Force Area National Angolan. Total, manpower ,is about 130,500. (2007). The army is by far the largest of the services with
  3. Assigned them to the backup crew simply because of a lack of flight-qualified, manpower ,in the Astronaut Office at the time the assignment needed to be made. Slayton
  4. Of a continuous, dedicated search, but instead utilizes what resources and, manpower ,it can, when it can. Furthermore, the SET program only searches a limited
  5. Had previously been a division within Russia). Despite overwhelming, manpower , weaponry and air support, the Russian forces were unable to establish
  6. Is not inclusive of 6,000 first level alert reservist) Total available male, manpower ,aged 16–49 number 1,035,712,of which 771,323 are technically fit for military
  7. He or she is not usually on set, but dealing with the electric truck, rentals, manpower , and other logistics. * Lighting Technician: Lighting Technicians are involved
  8. Military service; conscript service obligation - 24 months (2004) *Military, manpower ,- reaching military age annually: Expenditures *Military expenditures - dollar
  9. RFMF) are the military of the Pacific island nation of Fiji. With a total, manpower ,of 3,500 active soldiers and 6,000 reservists, it is one of the smallest
  10. Ex-slaves, joined the Union Army. Their contributions gave the North additional, manpower ,that was significant in winning the war. The Confederacy did not allow slaves
  11. Acts, but the festival was discontinued in 2007 due to financial and, manpower ,costs to the Rock Hall. The annual Ingenuity Fest, Notacon and Pedicle
  12. Manpower - availability: males age 15-49: 2,688,072 (2002 est. ) Military, manpower ,- fit for military service: males age 15-49: 1,379,010 (2002 est. ) Military
  13. Shoal water to place it in a more desirable position, provided she had enough, manpower , Club hauling is an archaic technique, and may be considered a
  14. And Analysis Tools” category. Argo UML development has suffered from lack of, manpower , For example, Undo has been a perpetually requested feature since 2003 but has
  15. Reserves. Historically, France relied a great deal on conscription to provide, manpower ,for its military, in addition to a minority of professional career soldiers.
  16. veteran's benefits). Later in the war, in light of the tremendous amount of, manpower ,that would be necessary for the invasion of France, many earlier deferment
  17. Then. There was very little draft resistance. The nation went from a surplus, manpower ,pool with high unemployment and relief in 1940 to a severe manpower shortage by
  18. Men (volunteer) People's Militia45,000 men and women (conscript) Military, manpower ,- availability: males age 15-49: 2,688,072 (2002 est. ) Military manpower -
  19. Combat. " Depleted by casualties and desertions, the military suffered chronic, manpower ,shortages. In the spring of 1865,the Confederate Congress, influenced by the
  20. Is provided in military universities and academies. Due to cuts in spending and, manpower ,some universities have been disbanded, and their campuses were included as
  21. Was permitted a large proportion of cavalry (18 regiments or 16.4 % of total, manpower ,) under the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. The U. S. Cavalry abandoned
  22. Navy (Armada National, includes Marines and Coast Guard) *Military, manpower ,- military service age and obligation: 18 years of age for compulsory and
  23. Sectors such as health, which is currently experiencing a critical shortage of, manpower , Botswana also is one of the countries where Russian citizens do not require a
  24. Confederacy, and that the failures of the two invasions were the same: lack of, manpower , lack of supplies—there were hardly any new shoes or boots—and exhaustion after
  25. Furthermore, the large size of the colonies meant that the British lacked the, manpower ,to control them by force. Once any area had been occupied, troops had to be
  26. To Patriot masters and promised freedom to those who served. Because of, manpower ,shortages, George Washington lifted the ban on black enlistment in the
  27. Term, notably during his second stint as mayor when he had access to funds and, manpower ,from the New Deal. During this time, the park system was considerably expanded
  28. Services when emergencies such as flash flooding occur and require additional, manpower , The organization has units of trained firemen and medical responders based in
  29. And divisions lost much of their equipment, although a sizable portion of their, manpower ,was later evacuated via the Koivisto islands. The badly mauled defending Soviet
  30. A surplus manpower pool with high unemployment and relief in 1940 to a severe, manpower ,shortage by 1943. Industry realized that the Army urgently desired production
  31. Franklin made the case for repeal, explaining the colonies had spent heavily in, manpower , money, and blood in defense of the empire in a series of wars against the
  32. And were assigned to the backup crew simply because of a lack of qualified, manpower ,in the Astronaut Office at the time the assignment needed to be made. Cooper
  33. Ties up available funds for other purposes, and the baseline is also used for, manpower ,planning.: Estimate at completion (EAC): EAC is the manager's projection of
  34. In all directions, left Assyria exhausted. It had been drained of wealth and, manpower ,; the devastated provinces could yield nothing to supply the needs of the
  35. Armies enjoyed over the Confederates, who did not dare emulate the equivalent, manpower ,source for fear of fundamentally undermining the legitimacy of slavery.
  36. Hears chief General Heinz Sumerian in 1944. Because the Wehrmacht was lacking, manpower ,to stop the Soviet advance, men in jobs not deemed necessary or previously
  37. The Gladioli campaign. In September 1914 cavalry comprised 9.28 % of the total, manpower ,of the British Expeditionary Force in France - by July 1918 this proportion had
  38. Growth following many years during which Bell Laboratories progressively lost, manpower ,due to layoffs and spin-offs. As of July 2008,however, only four scientists
  39. Heraclitus, the Byzantines fielded an army superior to that of the Rashid in, manpower , They advanced into southern Syria during the spring of 636 and consequently
  40. On the battlefield but not enough to simultaneously occupy the colonies. This, manpower ,shortage became critical after French and Spanish entry into the war, because
  41. Argument was that the South was doomed because of the overwhelming advantage in, manpower ,and industrial might possess by the North. However, they claim it also
  42. The President with the estimates necessary for the total mobilization of, manpower , industry, and logistics to defeat the" potential enemies" of the United
  43. Due to the large quantities of ammunition that it uses and its level of, manpower , Communications underpin the artillery system, they have to be reliable and in
  44. De Guerra, MGA ), and National Air Force (Force Area National, FAN ). Total, manpower ,is about 110,000. Its equipment includes Russian-manufactured fighters, bombers
  45. Primarily on conscription, rather than voluntary enlistment, to raise military, manpower ,for World War I. The Selective Service Act of 1917 was carefully drawn to
  46. July 12, 1991,and was assigned duty as assistant deputy chief of staff for, manpower ,and reserve affairs (personnel Management/Personnel Procurement)
  47. The Macedonian and Thracian theaters. The Ottoman Empire had a massive pool of, manpower ,of about 26 million people, but it was handicapped by an army heavily dependent
  48. Regulations affecting food, travel,requisitioning of land and supplies, manpower ,and agricultural production. A second Emergency Powers (Defense) Act was
  49. South America, and so are each of its military branches. Service obligation and, manpower ,21–45 years of age for compulsory military service; conscript service
  50. Requiring 12.5 man-hours before,1 hour 33 minutes after),while using less, manpower , Because workers have to stand in the same place for hours and repeat the same

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