Examples of the the word, injure , in a Sentence Context

The word ( injure ), is the 3968 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would, injure ,them or others. # Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong
  2. Program, toy,or game. *Self-injury includes movements that injure or can, injure ,the person, such as eye poking, skin picking, hand biting, and head banging.
  3. A single television program, toy,or game. *Self-injury includes movements that, injure ,or can injure the person, such as eye poking, skin picking, hand biting, and
  4. Loki's head only, but he argued that, to remove his head, they would have to, injure ,his neck, which was not in the bargain) and Broker punished him by sealing his
  5. Energy, which means that the bullets are less likely to go through walls and, injure ,innocent parties. Some Mexican police officers working in urban environments
  6. On the result of the publication. Libelous publications tended to" degrade and, injure ,another person" or" bring him into contempt, hatred or ridicule. " While
  7. The shareholders, alleged Byers had" devised a scheme by which he intended to, injure ,the shareholders of Rail track Group by impairing the value of their interests
  8. Kind of fight is found in the Rounder saga Grips sonar. Although iron could, injure ,a drug, as is the case with many supernatural creatures, it would not be
  9. Is formed. *1947 – The Glazier-Higgins-Woodward tornadoes kill 181 and, injure ,970 in Texas, Oklahoma,and Kansas. * 1947 – The Journey of Reconciliation, the
  10. For food is absolutely ruled out. Jains also make considerable efforts not to, injure ,plants in everyday life as far as possible. Though they admit that plants must
  11. In so keeping your subjects that they shall be neither able, nor disposed to, injure ,you....” Book II, Chapter XXIII * “... no prince is ever benefited by making
  12. Are poisons, explosives,deadly weapons—things whose normal function it is to, injure ,or destroy. But whatever the rule in Thomas v. Winchester may once have been
  13. High School massacre: Eric Harris and Dylan Kobold kill 13 people and, injure ,24 others before committing suicide at Columbine High School in Jefferson
  14. As vulnerable to extinction. It is illegal under federal and Florida law to, injure ,or harm a manatee. The primary hunting method was for the hunter to approach in
  15. Is matter published, without lawful justification or excuse, that is likely to, injure ,the reputation of any person by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule
  16. Extermination of prairie dog colonies was that their digging activities could, injure ,horses by fracturing their limbs. However, according to writer Fred Durst, Jr.
  17. Or indirectly through others. There can be even no room for thought to, injure ,others, and no speech that influences others to inflict harm. It also includes
  18. Wearing Kevlar body armor armed with Arms containing armor-piercing bullets, injure ,17 police officers and civilians in a gun battle. The incident sparked debate
  19. Fire a variety of ammunition intended to destroy rigging and light structure or, injure ,enemy personnel. The majority of the guns, however,were small iron guns with
  20. Later languages. The word is derived from the Sanskrit root -, which means" to, injure ," or" to kill ", and Sharma uses that general sense in his interpretive
  21. Now walking on their hind paws and with only one tail instead of three; if they, injure ,Link, he loses a few Rupees. They bear a striking resemblance to Nineties
  22. With the whole foot. If you hit with the arch or the ball of the foot you can, injure ,your foot or break your ankle. A standard sidekick is performed by first
  23. That the danger can easily extend beyond the participants—a stray bullet can, injure ,or kill people other than those actually firing or handling the arms involved.
  24. In healing rituals, and alleged to be used by witches (and perhaps elves) to, injure ,people and cattle. So to a tangle in the hair was called an elf-lock, as being
  25. Can sever the competitor's strings more easily. The abrasive strings can also, injure ,people. During the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, kite flying was banned, among
  26. Especially when combined with smoking. As with many other drugs, users may also, injure ,themselves due to loss of coordination or impaired judgment, especially if they
  27. Of the gun barrel chamber. This prevents the leakage of hot gas which could, injure ,the shooter. The brass cartridge also opened the way for modern repeating arms
  28. Three supporters are killed. *2009 – Bombings in Baghdad, Iraq kill 127 and, injure ,448. *2010 – With the second launch of the SpaceX Dragon, SpaceX becomes the
  29. Of weapons are used, and,in a sudden frenzy, will attempt to kill or seriously, injure ,anyone he encounters. Amok typically takes place in a well populated or crowded
  30. Chemical, such as poison gas or nerve gas, is dispersed, which is designed to, injure ,or kill human beings. * Biological: An infectious agent, such as anthrax spores
  31. Time His Majesty King Edward VII, then Prince of Wales, had the misfortune to, injure ,his knee, and was confined on board the royal yacht Storm in Comes Bay.
  32. The Civil Rights Act which made it illegal to" by force or by threat of force, injure , intimidate, or interfere with anyone who is engaged in six specified protected
  33. Combine, conspire,confederate, and agree together and with each other to, injure ,and oppress citizens of the United States who were relatives and acquaintances
  34. And claimed it was a deliberate attempt by the English team to intimidate and, injure ,the Australian players. Reports of the controversy reaching England at the time
  35. To food crops including bananas, coconuts and panda nus. It did not seriously, injure ,anyone but villagers lost significant amounts of property. The geographic
  36. Actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously, injure ,the parent nation. " In many nations, it is also often considered treason to
  37. Theology, Dean of this Cathedral Church, where fierce Indignation can no longer, injure ,the Heart. Go forth, Voyager,and copy, if you can, this vigorous (to the best
  38. By Western Harbor. A protection order makes it an offense should anyone kill, injure , capture, maim or cause harm or distress to the tortoise. The birds of Pitcairn
  39. Element" in Atkinson's play. Atkinson himself denied deliberately trying to, injure ,anyone and pointed out that at 6'0 and 185 pounds, he was one of the smallest
  40. Jains were the first great ascetics, and they did some great work. " Don't, injure ,any and do good to all that you can, and that is all the morality and ethics
  41. Building and nearby buildings,1,600 machine tools, kill 53 employees, injure ,89,30 of them seriously and halt rifle production for three months. The
  42. Noted by Pliny the Elder. ) Olives like hot weather, and temperatures below may, injure ,even a mature tree. They tolerate drought well, thanks to their sturdy and
  43. Only be so far loosened and at tempered by goods from the Lord that it does not, injure , and does not appear, which is an arcane hitherto unknown. Actual evils are
  44. Without living a pleasant life. " – Epicurus *" ... it has been shown that to, injure ,anyone is never just anywhere. " - Socrates, in Plato's Republic. Plato is the
  45. For identification, because this active and acrobatic breed could easily, injure ,themselves when put in a collar they cannot escape from, possible neck injuries
  46. Before it ran out of wax. He further discovered that a mouse could similarly ", injure ," air. He then showed that the air that had been" injure d" by the candle and
  47. Have been inspired by good jinn, but there are also evil jinn, who contrive to, injure ,men. Hebrew Bible Those in the Hebrew Bible are of two classes, the see'rim and
  48. Covers a business or organization against claims should its operations, injure ,a member of the public or damage their property in some way. * Directors and
  49. The risk to humans, and arrived at his Three Laws of Robotics: a robot may not, injure ,a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; a
  50. If they considered a bowler was deliberately aiming at a batsman with intent to, injure , Some 25 years later, another rule was introduced banning the placement of more

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