Examples of the the word, sd , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sd ), is the 7910 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Can be predicted correctly using the ALMOND theory, which is based on, sd , hybrid orbitals and the 3-center-4-electron bonding model. Crystal field theory
  2. Shall be erected within 25' of SD. Bldg. Line and that on lots fronting on the,SD, Ramona Avenue no dwelling shall be erected within 30' of the bldg. Line of SD
  3. External links * http://en.nahralnileinvest.gov. sd / en. nahralnileinvest. Gov., sd , Ministry of Investment, Industry,Tourism & Mining River Nile State Rudolph
  4. ISPs: 21 *Voice mail: 1 *IVR/SMS: 47 Country code (Top level domain)., sd , International & Regional Connectivity ARABIA 1468 Circuits, Arab World MIDGET
  5. Enclosures by screens and glass washing excepted) may extend to within 20' of, sd , Bldg. Line and that as to the tracts first, second and third herein before disc
  6. Cloud. *VI subdwarfs. Subdwarfs are generally represented with a prescript of, sd , or ESD (extreme subdwarf) in front of the spectra. *VII (uncommon) white
  7. Adult IQs greater than three standard deviations from the norm, or IQ 145 (, sd ,15). Hoeflin's Mega Test was an untimed and unsupervised IQ test consisting
  8. Producers, Barbara Attain, Diane Pontus, Janet Goldwater.: 1997: (VHS):, sd , .,col. & B&W * Landowner, Wanda. Unique ancient; LE Morris pour LES
  9. Arc length s of C and the distance d traveled by its geometric centroid.: A =, sd , \, For example, the surface area of the torus with minor radius r and major
  10. Be built within 75' of the bldg. Line of either SD. (said) Herbert Street or, sd , Ramona Avenue nor shall any garage be erected except of stone, brick or
  11. That no lots fronting on SD. Herbert Street shall be erected within 25' of, sd , Bldg. Line and that on lots fronting on the SD. Ramona Avenue no dwelling
  12. Of a postcard saying," You were right. — Your loving father. " Name ", sd ," /> Career He started his business making products by hand in his home. The
  13. These societies are (along with year founded, percentile,and minimum IQ (, sd ,16) ): Ivor Thord-Gray (April 17, 1878 – August 18, 1964) was a Swedish-born
  14. Maistre C. Jane quin nouvellement et correctest imprinted. Attainment, Paris,SD, c.1528 Chant DES disease, La Guerra, La Chassé, L'fouetté, Las pore cur **
  15. Common User Kilometer Array 2,a submillimeter imager that will replace SCUBA *, sd , – (celestial object) subdwarf, used to describe stars fainter than
  16. Video) Singles, EPs *A Smooth Taste of The Karelia EP (1997) Roadrunner, sd , *"Vision in a World Without Spectacles" ( 1998) Flotsam & Jetsam Compilation
  17. Di Marat e la Pietà di Michelangelo" in La propaganda Ella Astoria, sl, (,SD, ),http://www.e-torricelli.it/pmm/marat/michelangelo.html Torricelli. It *
  18. Ch, f,JC, k,KJ, p,hard s, sch,t) that consonant devices the d, sd , d, den endings of the past tense (into t, st,t, ten ) for the same reason. 3
  19. Volume mirror Plex org conceit SD length 512 m drive enterprise Plex org conceit, sd , length 512 m drive excelsior Brian Lane Green (born March 9,1962) is an
  20. 1,and a population of 50: color ">/IN"> #ff0000">> x ← rnorm (n 50,mean 0,SD,1) > summary (x) Min. 1st EU. Median Mean 3rd EU. Max
  21. E brevity l'ARTE d'un accord secretary, Genuae, apud headed Valencian, sd , In-12°. *Observation natural, ove is contingent materiel medico-fisiche, e DI
  22. With are a restricted to Singaporean, the emphatic consonants written ㅺ SG, ㅼ,SD, ㅽ SB, ㅆ SS, ㅾ SJ, and final consonants restricted to ㄱ g, ㄴ n, ㄹ l, ㅁ m, ㅂ b
  23. 6 hr.): digitally mastered, Dolby processed. * * 1 videocassette (53 min.):, sd , .,col.; 1/2 in. * The value chain, is a concept from business management that
  24. EDD. Dorsey, Esqs. Commissioners & Judges of our high Court of Chancery in our, sd , province of Maryland until such time as ye above said Coll. Her. Joules (
  25. In more than half of the functional gametes. The most studied examples are, sd , in Drosophila Melanogaster (fruit fly),t haplotype in Mus muscles (mouse)
  26. Dev/da1s1d drive excelsior device /dev/da2s1d volume mirror Plex org conceit, sd , length 512 m drive enterprise Plex org conceit SD length 512 m drive excelsior
  27. Equal to: PA - 1. \ The key condition is in terms of the doth Newton polynomial, sd , evaluated on the (algebraic) total Chen class of the tangent bundle of V.
  28. Garage be erected except of stone, brick or concrete that no lots fronting on, sd , Herbert Street shall be erected within 25' of SD. Bldg. Line and that on lots
  29. Lake. JPG|Grey Owl's cabin" Beaver lodge ", Ajawaan Lake Image: Graves go an, sd , JPG|Graves of Anaheim, Grey Owl, Shirley Dawn at Arawakan Lake Eugene Reynold
  30. Without public prejudice be delayed, KNOW YET WE have therefore assigned you ye, sd , COLL. NICHE. GREENERY.:" Ken elm Chesley and Ma'r EDD. Dorsey, Esqs.
  31. Audrey and John East and their successors forever, of all the land to the,SD, Schoole then appointed, which are expressed particularly in an act of pliant.
  32. Because the flash-based hard drive is small, swap can only be added by using an, sd , card or a network block device. When past Fedora Linux-based Sugar
  33. For" all ye Land on ye southwest side of Pascotanck River from ye mouth of ye, sd , River to ye head of new Begin Creek" was witnessed by George Durant in
  34. Rigors; producer, Marv New land. Canada: s. n.,1991. 1 reel of 1 (629 ft.):, sd , .,col.; 35 mm. ref print. External links http://www.toxictoons.com Toxic Tools:
  35. http://donshare.blogspot.com/2008/03/drive-he- sd -or-did-he.html Drive he, sd ,- or did he??? Poet Arm Saroyan describes a personal and anecdotal reading of
  36. Irish now uses" SC" and" st ", while Scottish Gaelic uses" SG" and ", sd ,". Most obvious differences in spelling result from the deletion of silent
  37. Ymd 20070802&content_id 2125520&vkey recap&fext. Jsp&c_id, sd , Ensberg was not offered a new contract by the Padres and became a free agent on
  38. Official Communiqué Twitter *http://www.lookoutrecords.com/bands/band.php3?, sd ,413131974&bnd_id 276 American Steel's page at Lookout Records * *
  39. Valence bond theory the sigma bonds may be formed using d_ and f_ to construct, sd , sf and DF hybrid orbitals (the z axis passes through the oxygen atoms). (d_
  40. Reinforcements and/or points. * SD (Search & Destroy) The map objective in, sd , maps is to destroy certain objects which are usually located near the opposing
  41. R. To recreate the example above, issue plot (cum sum (norm (100,mean 0,SD,1) ), t " l ", col " dark blue ", lwd=3). To display another martingale series
  42. Informally referred to as" Skipper ". A subdwarf star, sometimes denoted by ", sd ,", is luminosity class VI under the Yerkes spectral classification system. They
  43. Sd. Ramona Avenue no dwelling shall be erected within 30' of the bldg. Line of, sd , Ramona Avenue though enclosed porches (temporary enclosures by screens and
  44. Ont.: Mongrel Media,c2006. DVD231 Mongrel Media. 1 DVD-video (90 min):, sd , .,col.; 12 cm. External links *http://www.mcclelland.com/catalog/display.pperl?
  45. 2008 - Pipes of Peace: Rufus Harley. 2008. DVD video 1 videodisc (53 min.):, sd , .,col., ; 4 in. Brady metabolism refers to organisms with a high active
  46. Construct that no garage shall be built within 75' of the bldg. Line of either, sd , (said) Herbert Street or SD. Ramona Avenue nor shall any garage be erected
  47. Joynt Commissioners & Assistant Judges in our high Court of Chancery for ye, sd , province and whereas ye said Coll. Her. Joules, Esq. Being at present
  48. Double beta decay and the only one simple enough to be analyzed with the,SD, nuclear shell model. It also releases more energy (4.27 MeV) than any other
  49. Benguela. It is also spoken in North Goa specially Kernel talk. Name ", sd ," /> Census Board of India counts Galvani as Contain dialect (which is
  50. As Contain dialect (which is official language of State of Goa). Name ", sd ," /> According to Census Board of India, there are around 46851 Malawi

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