Examples of the the word, cleaner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cleaner ), is the 7911 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As an administrative assistant, press/PR officer),or as menial staff like a, cleaner , maid or mechanic. When the employer is a diplomat, the employees are in a
  2. Is. Modern, more rigorous reformulations of the system typically aim for a, cleaner ,separation of these issues. Interpreting Euclid's axioms in the spirit of this
  3. A small undiscovered asteroid, was the cause. Jupiter as a" cosmic vacuum, cleaner ," The impact of SL9 highlighted Jupiter's role as a kind of" cosmic vacuum
  4. Satellites, safer and more efficient aircraft, cleaner auto engines, cleaner ,and more efficient chemical processes, to mention but a few. Before it emerged
  5. Tape Emerald over CCTV videotapes; useless with computers) * George,the, cleaner ,(invaluable source of information) * The 'Colored Crayon' Department - the
  6. Darker, tense production, with lyrics projecting desperation and paranoia, to a, cleaner , more laid-back sound, fashioned for popular consumption (though the
  7. Its formality and emphasis on order and hierarchy, the new style was also a, cleaner ,style—one that favored clearer divisions between parts, brighter contrasts and
  8. Metals from their ores through the use of living organisms. This is much, cleaner ,than the traditional heap leaching using cyanide. Bioleaching is one of several
  9. Sound revolution, followed by the programming revolution, accomplished what, cleaner ,and crisper sound alone was unable to achieve, and made FM radio a permanent
  10. Space travel and communication satellites, safer and more efficient aircraft, cleaner ,auto engines, cleaner and more efficient chemical processes, to mention but a
  11. In on-highway applications, have common rail direct injection, which is, cleaner ,burning. Medium-speed engines Medium speed engines are used in large electrical
  12. Who falls in or attempt to swim in it, although as of mid-2007 the water was, cleaner ,than it had been in decades. Anyone in the channel would find there are few
  13. Other television and audio appearances Eddie appeared as the hapless window, cleaner ,in the Eric Sykes' comedy story The Plank in 1967. He also presented the live
  14. Kleenex" tissue," Vaseline" petroleum jelly," Hoover" vacuum, cleaner ," Nintendo" ( often used by those exposed to many video games) video games
  15. Form factor (42 % smaller and 21 % lighter than the original Nintendo DS),a, cleaner ,design, longer battery life, and brighter, higher-quality displays, with
  16. Re-recording the original dialogue after filming for the purpose of obtaining a, cleaner , more intelligible dialogue track (also known as looping or a looping session
  17. Exchange for producing considerable pollution, but later models are denser and, cleaner , When 301 of the most advanced model, the " Launch Arc," are built, an "
  18. Was prevented from discussing his war work. Death On 8 June 1954,Turing's, cleaner ,found him dead; he had died the previous day. A postmortem examination
  19. In 2010,workers in China planned to sue iPhone contractors over poisoning by a, cleaner ,used to clean LCD screens. One worker claimed that he and his coworkers had not
  20. The. The basicity of ammonia also is the basis of its toxicity and its use as a, cleaner , * By creating a solution with a pH much higher than a neutral water solution
  21. The impact of SL9 highlighted Jupiter's role as a kind of" cosmic vacuum, cleaner ," (or in deference to the ancients' planetary correspondences to the major
  22. And HTML, the first successful human blood transfusion, the motorized vacuum, cleaner , the lawn mower, the seat belt, the hovercraft, the electric motor, steam
  23. The Alpha chips showed that manual circuit design applied to a simpler, cleaner ,architecture allowed for much higher operating frequencies than those that were
  24. Of updating itself. More recently, an effort to replace CAN. Pm with something, cleaner ,and more modern has resulted in the CAMPUS or CAN++ set of modules. CAMPUS
  25. By the press in the expenses' crisis for claiming for the payment of his, cleaner , However, no wrongdoing was found and the Commons Authority did not pursue
  26. Harmful emissions, Vattenfall has announced its commitment to transitioning to, cleaner ,sources, such as renewable energy. In the former West Berlin, electricity was
  27. Resembles northwestern Chinese cuisine. Most Chinese regard Hui Halal food as, cleaner ,than food made by non Muslims, so their restaurants are popular in China. The
  28. Engineer for janitor, or 'transparent-wall maintenance officer' for window, cleaner , are cited humorously more often than they are used seriously. Less extreme
  29. Concert on August 15, 1965. The Dave Clark Five, heavily promoted as having a ", cleaner ," image than the Beatles, made 13 appearances on the Sullivan show, more than
  30. Atmosphere In 2008 Amway's Atmosphere Air Purifier became the first air, cleaner ,certified Asthma and Allergy Friendly by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of
  31. Sulphur compounds produced by the bottom-fermenting yeast and to produce a, cleaner ,tasting final product with fewer esters. If the fermentation tanks have cooling
  32. Protocol calls for standard production-type belt-driven accessories, air, cleaner , emission controls, exhaust system, and other power-consuming accessories. This
  33. Rose to £1.25 per issue. Different characters appear on the 'O' each week in a, cleaner ,tidier embossed logo. New headline fonts were introduced (CCZ oinks),the
  34. Radiator and the hydroformed frame members that support the round-topped air, cleaner ,cover. Based on the VR-1000 racing motorcycle, it continues to be a platform
  35. Of NH3 in water (i.e., ammonium hydroxide) used as a general purpose, cleaner ,for many surfaces. Because ammonia results in a relatively streak-free shine
  36. Or seafood. Hot water and soap followed by a rinse with an antibacterial, cleaner ,(dilute bleach is common in a mixture of 1 tablespoon per gallon of water, as
  37. And J. D. break into her mansion and jokingly prepare a cup full of drain, cleaner ,to bring Heather as a morning wake-up drink, but they accidentally serve it to
  38. 2012 and 2017 as the country attempts to bridge its energy deficit and move to, cleaner ,energy resources. It has also developed a" National Urban Renewal Mission" to
  39. Bundaberg Rum & Cola Super Dry – 3.5 % ABV & 25 % less sugar for a crisper, cleaner ,taste *Bundaberg Rum Premium & Cola – This is a 6.9 % RTD, made from Bundaberg
  40. Cases like the K Indian Steve Add Session Hats the pattern is reversed for a, cleaner ,chick and cleaner sticking),and may also be vented, this being one innovation
  41. Room or a shed converted into a workshop, etc.). Portable a / c unit provide a, cleaner ,looking end product (no bulky unit hanging out of the window) which may allow
  42. Performance on slower computers. The latter functionality also presents a, cleaner ,display, as the aforementioned scaling routine does not always work correctly.
  43. On energy costs when used in cogeneration systems. Fuel cells are also much, cleaner ,than traditional power generation; a fuel cell power plant using natural gas as
  44. Characters intended for simple drawing which often made this art appear much, cleaner ,than that made with more traditional character sets. Plain text files are also
  45. Probation before dropping out to work in a series of jobs, including carpet, cleaner , carpenter, boxing instructor, and traffic school instructor. Although broke
  46. To reduce dirt and bad tastes, systems use a metal collecting-roof and a" roof, cleaner ," tank that diverts the first 40 liters. Cistern water is usually chlorinated
  47. The resistance of organism growth on copper alloy nets also provides a, cleaner ,and healthier environment for farmed fish to grow and thrive. Species groups
  48. To market. Their first product was called Frisk, a concentrated organic, cleaner ,developed by a scientist in Ohio. DeVos and Van Angel bought the rights to
  49. Pulp and paper, textiles,drinking water, soaps and detergents, and as a drain, cleaner , Worldwide production in 2004 was approximately 60 million tonnes. The
  50. A chance to highlight mayoral leadership in making urban areas safer, cleaner ,and more livable. " The award acknowledges achievements from the Revision

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