Examples of the the word, ash , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ash ), is the 5441 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Chemical waste, radioactive waste, municipal solid waste, asbestos,incinerator, ash , and old tires. Of internationally shipped waste that comes from developed
  2. Known as" Mexitegel" ( en: Mexican Bricks). In India these are known as Fly, ash ,bricks, manufactured using the Fall (fly ash , lime and gypsum) process.
  3. 14). The gods hold court there every day at the Well of URD, beneath an, ash ,tree, Yggdrasil,debating the fates of men and gods. The more immediate
  4. Since Roman and Egyptian times, when it was discovered that adding volcanic, ash ,to the mix allowed it to set underwater. Similarly, the Romans knew that
  5. In India these are known as Fly ash bricks, manufactured using the Fall (fly, ash , lime and gypsum) process. Calcium silicate bricks are also manufactured in
  6. 9,a Boeing 747–200,BDH, City of Edinburgh flew through a cloud of volcanic, ash ,and dust from the eruption of Mount Galunggung, causing extensive damage to the
  7. By the gods from trees on the se ash ore ". A figure named MSC (Old English ", ash ,tree" ) appears as the son of Longest in the Anglo-Saxon genealogy for the
  8. 0.04 to 1 MTV per year. Older coal-fired power plants without effective fly, ash ,capture are one of the largest sources of human-caused background radiation
  9. Of forest remain in east and north Scotland and in southeast England. Oak, elm, ash , and beech are amongst the most common trees in England. In Scotland, pine and
  10. Also contained bromine. Ballard distilled the bromine from a solution of seaweed, ash ,saturated with chlorine. The properties of the resulting substance resembled
  11. Which usually consisted either of a branch of rowan/Carthage (mountain, ash ,) or more commonly white thorn/each deal (hawthorn) which is in bloom at the
  12. Fiction by the example of Sherlock Holmes: footprints, fingerprints and cigar, ash , From this point on he establishes himself as a psychological detective who
  13. Commonly Portland cement) and other cementitious materials such as fly, ash ,and slag cement, aggregate (generally a coarse aggregate made of gravel or
  14. Technology * Plasma ash ing, a process in semiconductor manufacturing * Volcanic, ash , material ejected from the top of a volcano * Ash, a physiological term for the
  15. Poisonings in humans; the lethal human dose is approximately 20 grams of, ash , Scrap CCA lumber from construction and demolition sites may be inadvertently
  16. With altitude is given by the presence of the chief deciduous trees—oak, beech, ash , and sycamore maple. These do not reach exactly to the same elevation, nor are
  17. Buried underground in coal deposits are released as fly ash or, if fly, ash ,is captured, may be incorporated into concrete manufactured with fly ash .
  18. Burned; commonly reported as a percentage on pet food labels * Cigar ash ,the, ash ,produced when a cigar is smoked * Incinerator bottom ash , a form of ash
  19. The north and Southern White Cedar in the southwest. Other native trees include, ash , hack berry, and holly. In the Gulf Region of the state grow various species of
  20. The emerald ash borer has destroyed many of the city's approximately 10,500, ash , trees. The city contains 157 municipal parks ranging from small neighborhood
  21. Erupts. The cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum,and Stable are buried in volcanic, ash ,(note: this traditional date has been challenged, and many scholars believe
  22. Radial mineral crystals) and chunks of entrapped detritus (such as sand, ash , or mud). Occasionally agate fills a void left by decomposed vegetative
  23. Materials previously buried underground in coal deposits are released as fly, ash ,or, if fly ash is captured, may be incorporated into concrete manufactured with
  24. Sample is burned; commonly reported as a percentage on pet food labels * Cigar, ash , the ash produced when a cigar is smoked * Incinerator bottom ash , a form of
  25. Of the Rose family Rosacea * Forbes aucuparia, also known as European mountain, ash ,Linguistics ** Near-open front unbounded vowel, the vowel sound represented by
  26. Cigar ash , the ash produced when a cigar is smoked * Incinerator bottom, ash , a form of ash produced in incineration facilities * Kibbutz, the ash of cow
  27. If fly ash is captured, may be incorporated into concrete manufactured with fly, ash , Radioactive materials are also released in gaseous emissions. The United
  28. Had a troubled financial history but remains an important employer. The soda, ash ,operation at SUA Pan, opened in 1991 and supported by substantial government
  29. Stringent environmental legislation. The most conspicuous of these is fly, ash , a by-product of coal-fired power plants. This use reduces the amount of
  30. The island of Theresia by quarry men extracting pozzolana, a siliceous volcanic, ash , for the Suez Canal works. When this discovery was followed up in 1870,on the
  31. The fretboard is rosewood. Other commonly used woods include mahogany, maple, ash , and poplar for bodies, mahogany for necks, and maple and ebony for fretboards.
  32. To them in popular culture. Etymology Old Norse ask literally means ", ash ,tree" but the etymology of emblem is uncertain, and two possibilities of the
  33. Along its streets and an equal number in parks. In recent years, the emerald, ash ,borer has destroyed many of the city's approximately 10,500 ash trees. The
  34. The ash produced when a cigar is smoked * Incinerator bottom ash , a form of, ash ,produced in incineration facilities * Kibbutz, the ash of cow dung and several
  35. Later recalled stories of his mother going out in the night to sift through, ash ,barrels for reusable bits of coal. Camp lost his left leg in a trolley accident
  36. Drinking, and w ash ing. * Sl ash and burn agriculture uses nutrients in wood, ash , but these expire within a few years. * Terra Greta, fertile tropical soils
  37. Run at Yankee Stadium on April 18, 1923. Ruth's heavy Louisville Slugger solid, ash ,wood bat sold for $1.26 million at a Sotheby's auction in December 2004
  38. Different substrates, such as electronic scrap, catalytic converters, and fly, ash ,from municipal waste incineration. Experiments have shown that two fungal
  39. Aquarium. Electric incinerating toilets turn excrement into a small amount of, ash , They are cool to the touch, have no water and no pipes, and require an air
  40. Bottom ash , a form of ash produced in incineration facilities * Kibbutz,the, ash ,of cow dung and several other substances, used in Hindu rituals * Ashes or
  41. S Democratic Republic of Algeria (Al Jumhuriyah all Maharajah ad Dimuqratiyah, ash ,Shariah),also formally referred to as the Democratic and Popular Republic of
  42. Was the Khan Sea waste disposal incident, in which a ship carrying incinerator, ash ,from the city of Philadelphia in the United States after having dumped half of
  43. By two chemists, Carl Jacob Lowing Ballard found bromide chemicals in the, ash ,of seaweed from the salt marshes of Montpellier. The seaweed was used to
  44. Cars to achieve consistency for all bricks. The bricks often have added lime, ash , and organic matter to speed the burning. Bull's Trench Kilns In India, brick
  45. Fresco' at Akrotiri on the island of There (Santorini) preserved by the, ash ,fall from the volcanic eruption which destroyed the town there. Discoveries
  46. Carbon-13 anomaly. Fortunately, in the Oman sequence, so too does a volcanic, ash ,horizon from which zircons provide a very precise age of 542 ± 0.3 MYA (
  47. By the burning of older CCA timber. The direct or indirect ingestion of wood, ash ,from burnt CCA lumber has caused fatalities in animals and serious poisonings
  48. Pine and birch are most common. Natural forests in Ireland are mainly oak, ash , WYWH elm, birch and pine. Beech and lime, though not native to Ireland, are
  49. Of methylation. Other naturally occurring pathways of exposure include volcanic, ash , weathering of arsenic-containing minerals and ores, and dissolved in
  50. Two pieces and are made of a hardwood, generally maple for billiards and, ash ,for snooker. The end of the cue is of larger circumference and is intended to

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