Examples of the the word, savings , in a Sentence Context

The word ( savings ), is the 7646 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Issues that have yet to be fully resolved include: * Croatian depositors ', savings ,in Ljubljana bank from FRY times. This is related to the loss of savings
  2. Raising the albedo value in New York City, beneficial effects such as energy, savings ,could be achieved. It was concluded that this could be accomplished by the
  3. With China. Over the long run, nations with trade surpluses tend also to have a, savings ,surplus. The U. S. generally has lower savings rates than its trading partners
  4. Decide how much of their income to save and how to invest their savings . These, savings , which become investments, provide much of the money that businesses need to
  5. Costa Canada in Tarragona. In the Pyrenees there are several ski resorts. Many, savings ,banks are based in Catalonia: 10 of the 46 Spanish savings banks are Catalan
  6. Have trade surpluses. Germany, France,Japan, and Canada have maintained higher, savings ,rates than the U. S. over the long run. Few economists believe that GDP and
  7. Deutsche Bank Caspar AG and so on. *United States: In the United States, savings ,and loan associations have a similar organization and purpose. Operational
  8. Known as Edda. *Shortcuts. Com, a free service of AOL, was a comprehensive, savings ,destination offering consumers multiple savings opportunities including
  9. Of Radiometer, was " to identify both areas of best practice and possible, savings , " These cons were configured to allow DJs to operate the equipment themselves
  10. In his spacesuit. Riemann had promised each astronaut US$7,000 in the form of, savings ,accounts in return for 100 covers signed after having returned from the Moon.
  11. Sparkasse Westeros AG and Sparkasse her Sparkasse (, savings ,bank). *Finland: In Finland the Mortgage Society of Finland, a permanent
  12. Is not necessary to specify a school, as in" going to college" or" college, savings ,accounts" offered by banks. The Morrill Land-Grant Act In addition to private
  13. In excessive credit creation, speculative " bubbles" and" artificially" low, savings , According to the Austrian School business cycle theory, the business cycle
  14. Typhoid fever and died, leaving Beatrice with three children, a house, and no, savings , Cecil was 11 at the time. Until Henry's sudden death, they had both loved the
  15. Wide range of innovative banking products including loan products with built-in, savings ,plans. RFMBT is the only merchant bank in The Bahamas and is a joint venture
  16. Encouraged domestic investment and contributed to an estimated total domestic, savings ,rate of approximately 21 % of GDP. History After Spanish conquest in the 16th
  17. Surpluses tend also to have a savings surplus. The U. S. generally has lower, savings ,rates than its trading partners, which tend to have trade surpluses. Germany
  18. In 1897,Coolidge was admitted to the bar, becoming a country lawyer. With his, savings ,and a small inheritance from his grandfather, Coolidge was able to open his own
  19. Investors they decide how much of their income to save and how to invest their, savings , These savings , which become investments, provide much of the money that
  20. Society" first arose in the 18th century in Great Britain from cooperative, savings ,groups. In the UK today, building societies actively compete with banks for
  21. Would be poor, according to Juan Carlos Fears of the ECAC. High domestic, savings ,and investment rates helped propel Chile's economy to average growth rates of
  22. Growth by encouraging foreign capital inflows, thereby enabling higher levels of, savings , investment, employment,productivity and" welfare ", along with containing
  23. Of AOL, was a comprehensive savings destination offering consumers multiple, savings ,opportunities including Electronic Coupons, Printable Coupons, Mobile Coupons
  24. Suction which pulls air through the system. The reuse of heated air yields, savings ,in fuel cost. As with the rail process above, the BTK process is continuous. A
  25. Pistol or machine gun, kidnapped children, despoiled the poor of their, savings , misled the public in important matters, should be humanely and economically
  26. The society. *Germany: In Germany there are 11 Bausparkassen her Sparkasse (, savings ,bank) named Landesbausparkassen (LBS) and 15 Bausparkassen of the private
  27. As no buyers came forward, Gaudí, at Güell's suggestion, bought it with his, savings ,and moved in with his family and his father in 1906. This house, where Saudi
  28. By 30 % (equal to 1 - 9/13). It is claimed that this can result in an energy, savings ,valued at up to US$300 per year (depending on the usage rate and the cost of
  29. Then $800 per house (1970s) by eliminating storm drains. One way to use the, savings ,is to purchase larger lots, which permits more amenities at the same cost.
  30. Exempt from this law, so their SEER is still around 10). Substantial energy, savings ,can be obtained from more efficient systems. For example by upgrading from SEER
  31. bridge's economic efficiency will be sited and traffic dependent, the ratio of, savings ,by having a bridge (instead of, for example, a ferry, or a longer road route)
  32. Encouraged domestic investment and contributed to an estimated total domestic, savings ,rate of approximately 21 % of GDP. Total foreign direct investment (FDI) was
  33. Total sample size to achieve equivalent precision in the estimators, but cost, savings ,may make that feasible. In some situations, cluster analysis is only
  34. In raw materials. Economies such as Canada, Japan,and Germany which have, savings ,surpluses, typically run trade surpluses. China, a high growth economy, has
  35. All missionaries serve on a volunteer basis, and their expenses are paid by, savings ,of the missionaries themselves, their families, their local congregations, and
  36. Debt has been virtually eliminated, and the government has accumulated large, savings ,in the oil-stabilization fund (FRR). Inflation, the lowest in the region, has
  37. Safeway, and many more, Shortcuts. Com is the consumer destination for free, savings ,offers. Other developments * In late 2006,AOL began offering free and
  38. Usage rate and the cost of electricity). In many cases, the lifetime energy, savings ,are likely to surpass the higher initial cost of a high-efficiency unit. As an
  39. Savings in Ljubljana bank from FRY times. This is related to the loss of, savings ,deposited in the Zagreb branch of the former Ljubljana Bank. Montenegro In
  40. 14,800 hours per day in 2004–2005,after the project was largely complete. The, savings ,for travelers was estimated at $166 million annually in the same 2004–2005 time
  41. Is fought, resulting in a Prussian victory. *1874 – Japan launches its postal, savings ,system, modeled after a similar system in the United Kingdom. *1882 – The
  42. Liberty: In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect, savings ,from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there
  43. Such as credit card companies, and that those creditors would then pass on the, savings ,to other borrowers in the form of lower interest rates. These claims turned out
  44. To distance themselves from the business scandals of the day, such as the, savings ,and loan crisis. The idea of business ethics caught the attention of academics
  45. Corresponds to a trade surplus. Correspondingly, the U. S. with its lower, savings ,rate has tended to run high trade deficits, especially with Asian nations.
  46. In clusters of investments, and the artificial lowering of the returns on, savings , which eventually causes the investments to be liquidated as they inevitably
  47. In its new Internet Protocol (IP) based 21st century network (21CN). Annual, savings ,of £1 billion per annum are expected when the transition to the new network is
  48. And merchants include the earliest uses of credit, cheques, promissory notes, savings ,accounts, transactional accounts, loaning,trusts, exchange rates, the transfer
  49. While their German counterparts were armed with lighter guns. These weight, savings ,allowed them to escape danger or catch other ships. Generally, the larger guns
  50. China, a high growth economy, has tended to run trade surpluses. A higher, savings ,rate generally corresponds to a trade surplus. Correspondingly, the U. S. with

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