Examples of the the word, linkage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( linkage ), is the 7647 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Movement, engine mountings being flexible by design. With a rigid mechanical, linkage , smooth engagement would be near-impossible because engine movement inevitably
  2. Is only valid for linear (non-saturated) regions of the magnetic flux, linkage ,and current relationship. Q factor An ideal inductor will be lossless
  3. Amounts of linkage between a series of genes can be combined to form a linear, linkage ,map that roughly describes the arrangement of the genes along the chromosome.
  4. And other analyses indicate that" the sickness of the Euro" is due to the, linkage ,between sovereign debt and failing national banking systems. If the European
  5. From D-glucose units, which condense through β (1→4)-glycosidic bonds. This, linkage ,motif contrasts with that for α (1→4)-glycosidic bonds present in starch
  6. In carbohydrates and lignin. Structure and bonding Ethers feature C-O-C, linkage ,defined by a bond angle of about 110° and C-O distances of about 140 pm. The
  7. Combinations. (Some genes do not assort independently, demonstrating genetic, linkage , a topic discussed later in this article. ) Often different genes can interact
  8. Together on a single chromosome compared to expectations, which is called their, linkage ,disequilibrium. A set of alleles that is usually inherited in a group is called
  9. And non-reducing disaccharides, in which the components bond through an acetyl, linkage ,between their anomeric centers and neither monosaccharide has a free semimetal
  10. And wires to relay flight commands, instead of the usual cables and mechanical, linkage ,controls, earned it the sobriquet of" the electric jet ". Electronic FLCS and
  11. Of manic-depressives. Though, of course, this does not demonstrate genetic, linkage , as this might be a socio-environmental factor as well. He also reported a
  12. Other than those that test as Probably Clear/Normal for Marconi Syndrome. This, linkage ,test is being provided as a tool to assist breeders whilst research continues
  13. Sizes. Although the first genetic linkage finding for mania was in 1969,the, linkage ,studies have been inconsistent. Findings point strongly to heterogeneity, with
  14. His treatment of human form is often exaggerated and eccentric (hence his, linkage , in the art historical literature, with European Mannerism),whilst his
  15. You for doing it, or will punish you for not doing it. The problem with this, linkage ,between religion and morality is that it gives people bad reasons to help other
  16. Demanded that the Serbian-Yugoslavian side should cease fire" without, linkage ,... to a cessation in terrorist activities ". All through June and into
  17. Amino acid molecule can react with another and become joined through an amide, linkage , This polymerization of amino acids is what creates proteins. This condensation
  18. Were chosen at random. In fact, the genes Mendel studied occurred in only four, linkage ,groups, and only one gene pair (out of 21 possible) is close enough to show
  19. The canonical heap overflow technique overwrites dynamic memory allocation, linkage ,(such as mallow metadata) and uses the resulting pointer exchange to
  20. Cross-link amino groups in proteins through the formation of CH2 (methylene), linkage , in the case of formaldehyde, or by a C5H10 cross-links in the case of
  21. Tariric acid contains an alkane group. Dines and triunes, species with the, linkage ,RC≡C-C≡CR' and RC≡C-C≡C-C≡CR' respectively, occur in certain plants (
  22. At least in written representations, thus retaining a potential degree of, linkage , however nebulous, with more traditional forms. Donald Hall goes as far as to
  23. Simply" the" stack. The second, function-call stack is then called the ", linkage ," or" return" stack, abbreviated stack. Special stack manipulation
  24. The environment. The ecology of global carbon budgets gives one example of the, linkage ,between biodiversity and biogeochemistry. For starters, the Earth's oceans are
  25. Regions of the north; only Tamale in the north has been an exception. The, linkage ,of the national electricity grid to the northern areas of the country in the
  26. Gene that may be involved in a disease, researchers commonly use genetic, linkage ,and genetic pedigree charts to find the location on the genome associated with
  27. Which means the samples can be linked to those lineages and not a broad Drupe, linkage , Events * 627 – Battle of Nineveh: A Byzantine army under
  28. Sometimes reveal the influence of 'art traditions. ' An example is Walker’s, linkage ,of heavy metal music with the ideologies and even some performance
  29. Clutch mechanism. On older cars the clutch might be operated by a mechanical, linkage , Even though the clutch may physically be located very close to the pedal, such
  30. That are close together tend to be inherited together, a phenomenon known as, linkage , This tendency is measured by finding how often two alleles occur together on a
  31. Is an acronym suggested in 1980 by Sir John Biggs-Davison to refer to a loose, linkage ,of the United Kingdom, Ireland,the Isle of Man and Channel Islands, similar to
  32. The most credible theory of the term's origin is that it derives from the, linkage ,of two older Scottish expressions," hill-folk" and" Billie" which was a
  33. Alone. All proposed systems also require correct functioning of some social, linkage , as for instance the process of request for access, examination of request for
  34. As rather flaky, and that might rub off on the theory or on us. " Hagelin's, linkage ,of quantum mechanics and unified field theory with consciousness was critiqued
  35. Between organisms that would be otherwise unrelated. Recombination and, linkage ,The diploid nature of chromosomes allows for genes on different chromosomes to
  36. Are typically joined with glycosidic bonds. However, the exact placement of the, linkage ,can vary and the orientation of the linking functional groups is also important
  37. Described in The Hero with a Thousand Faces and other works of Campbell's. The, linkage ,between Star Wars and Campbell was further reinforced when later reprints of
  38. Linkage—alleles for the two genes tend to be inherited together. The amounts of, linkage ,between a series of genes can be combined to form a linear linkage map that
  39. To smash Wellington's center before his two enemies could achieve any kind of, linkage , At about six in the evening, the farmhouse of La Have Saint, lynch pin of the
  40. Focussed on elected councils with some common members to provide" vertical, linkage ," within the federation. Each union council comprises thirteen members elected
  41. And interglacials over the past few million years. These also confirm the, linkage ,between ice ages and continental crust phenomena such as glacial moraines
  42. Are no more than the symbol of the aristocratic superiority of his mind. " The, linkage ,of clothing with political protest had become a particularly English
  43. The development of the direct Marconi test. For more information about the, linkage ,test visit: http://www.basenjihealth.org/ linkage -faq.html Benji Health
  44. Speaking,mail's resistance to weapons is determined by four factors:, linkage ,type (riveted, butted,or welded),material used (iron versus bronze or
  45. Dominant transmission. Yet, no genes have been identified but genetic, linkage ,has been established with several chromosomal regions. A number of
  46. Effect — entrance — complementation — suppression — epistasis — genetic, linkage ,**chromosomal effects: chromosome — haploid — diploid — polyploidy — dosage
  47. Fiona intestinal is — amphibious **Techniques: genetic screen — paternity test —, linkage ,map — genetic map Biologists: Main articles: Biologist and List of biologists
  48. Flies. In 1913,his student Alfred Stuyvesant used the phenomenon of genetic, linkage ,to show that genes are arranged linearly on the chromosome.
  49. Of his most important invention, the separate condenser, the parallel motion, linkage , nor of his single other commercially successful invention, the copy machine.
  50. Detect them has been limited by small sample sizes. Although the first genetic, linkage ,finding for mania was in 1969,the linkage studies have been inconsistent.

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