Examples of the the word, rope , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rope ), is the 5192 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And accurate method of measuring the depth of water. A cable or rode is the, rope , chain, or combination thereof used to connect the anchor to the vessel.
  2. Chain, or combination thereof used to connect the anchor to the vessel. Neither, rope ,nor chain is fundamentally superior to a cable. Anchoring techniques The basic
  3. Stamina. Common training equipment includes free weights, rowing machines, jump, rope , and medicine balls. Technique Stance The modern boxing stance differs
  4. Might perform another circus role: * Walk a tight rope , a high wire, a slack, rope ,or a piece of rope on the ground. * Ride a horse, a zebra, a donkey, an
  5. Stored by a crossbow. Traditionally the prod was often lashed to the stock with, rope , whipcord, or other strong cording. This cording is called the bridle. The
  6. The anchor of Tama-rereti's aka (the Milky Way),where the Pointers are its, rope , In Tonga, it is known as Too—duck; it is a duck flying over, heading south
  7. Non-locking carabiners have a sprung swinging gate that accepts a, rope , webbing sling, or other hardware. Rock climbers frequently connect two
  8. Allowing a rope to escape created by irregular impact forces generated by the, rope ,itself or contact with hard surfaces in a fall. Locking carabiners have
  9. Be destroyed by fire. Also, if laced together with rope instead of wire,the, rope ,can be very quickly destroyed by such fires, after which the abates can be
  10. Down the satellite in its orbit. For an object swinging around on the end of a, rope ,in a horizontal plane, the centripetal force on the object is supplied by the
  11. N:: :IPI → Iran" ( the) fly ": :azure → Iran" root ": :biker → Karen ", rope ," Berber languages also have two types of states or cases of the noun
  12. Kellet or sentinel Lowering a concentrated,heavyweight down the anchor line –, rope ,or chain – directly in front of the bow to the seabed, behaves like a heavy
  13. Had been a wire walker the reprise would involve two chairs with a piece of, rope ,between and the clown trying to imitate the artiste by trying to walk between
  14. Villages, called pueblos by Spanish settlers, were often only accessible by, rope ,or through rock climbing. These astonishing building achievements had more
  15. Use of long reeds or other harvested fibers woven together to form a connective, rope ,capable of binding and holding together the materials used in early bridges.
  16. Extract the metal. Bouldering is a style of rock climbing undertaken without a, rope ,and normally limited to very short climbs over a crash pad (called a
  17. And the x-axis. Analysis Model of chains and arches The chain (or cord, cable, rope , string, etc.) is idealized by assuming that it is so thin that it can be
  18. Boots ... no gloves, no gauntlets ... with a small domino mask, swinging on a, rope , He had two stiff wings that were sticking out, looking like bat wings. And
  19. Such as hemp, cotton,wood, paper,linen, vegetable oils, some types of, rope , and rubber. The production of silk would not be possible without the
  20. The term cordillera comes from the Spanish word meaning" cured ", meaning ", rope ,". The Andes range is about wide throughout its length, except in the Bolivian
  21. Also used for primary storage in a form of magnetic drum, or core memory, core, rope , memory,thin-film memory, twistor memory or bubble memory. Also unlike today
  22. Many of them have remained constant, enduring tortures inflicted by sword, rope , fire and water and suffering terrible, tyrannical,unheard-of deaths and
  23. Used in sports tend to be of a lighter weight than those used in industrial, rope ,work and rope rescue. Carabiners can be made from steel or aluminum. Physical
  24. For short works on exposed structures. * Rope climbing: Climbing a short, thick, rope , for speed. Not to be confused with rope d climbing, as in rock or ice climbing.
  25. Alternative to the cat than the floor covering. Scratching posts made of sisal, rope ,or corrugated cardboard are also common. Although scratching can serve cats to
  26. Ali vs Antonio Ink fight and ended when Andre threw Wegner over the top, rope ,and outside the ring. In 1982,Vince McMahon, Sr. sold the World Wrestling
  27. The traditional method of suspending the cymbal by means of a leather strap or, rope , thus allowing the cymbal to vibrate as freely as possible for maximum musical
  28. A musket, gunpowder,carpenter's tools, a knife, a Bible, some clothing and, rope , Life on the island Hearing strange sounds from the inland, which he feared
  29. Of the Frankish realm. A direct frontal assault, such as took Axles, using, rope , ladders and rams, plus a few catapults, simply was not sufficient to take
  30. And tree climbing all usually use rope s for safety or aid. Pole climbing and, rope ,climbing were among the first exercises to be included in the origins of modern
  31. During a match on May 2,1981,in Rochester, New York by leaping off the top, rope ,and crashing down upon it with his knee-drop. In reality, André had broken his
  32. With good control over shape and wall thickness. Seafaring In sailing terms,a, rope ,is said to be" cheesed down" when it needs to be stowed away neatly. External
  33. The vessel is attached to the anchor by the rode which is made of chain, cable, rope , or a combination of these. The ratio of the length of rode to the water depth
  34. Barbed wire, is that it can be destroyed by fire. Also, if laced together with, rope ,instead of wire, the rope can be very quickly destroyed by such fires, after
  35. Without opinion,146 N. Y. 363) to a contractor who furnished a defective, rope ,with knowledge of the purpose for which the rope was to be used. We are not
  36. To protect it File: Scorpions. JPG|Scorpion fish resting beside a, rope ,File: Mackerel tabby camouflage. JPG|A mackerel tabby cat blending with its (
  37. Voluntary. In the 5th century public slaves forming a cordon with a red-stained, rope ,herded citizens from the Agora into the assembly meeting place (onyx),with a
  38. Who furnished a defective rope with knowledge of the purpose for which the, rope ,was to be used. We are not required at this time either to approve or to
  39. At 'Execution Dock ', Wapping, in London. During the execution, the hangman's, rope ,broke and Kidd was hanged on the second attempt. His body was gibbeted—left to
  40. Caver Bill Eddington, known as" Vertical Bill ", developed the single, rope ,technique (SRT) in the late 1950s. In 1958,two Swiss alpinists, Juesi and
  41. Can be fitted with a variety of heads, some with sickle-shaped heads to cut, rope ,or rigging; but the most common today is a four-sided point called a quarrel. A
  42. Less prone to 'gate flutter,' a dangerous condition potentially allowing a, rope ,to escape created by irregular impact forces generated by the rope itself or
  43. For easier clipping in and out in special situations, such as connecting a, rope ,to a quick draw. Gate strength remains on a par with straight-gate carabiners.
  44. Then 8,000 years old, was found to be collagen—used as a protective lining on, rope ,baskets and embroidered fabrics, and to hold utensils together; also in
  45. Another circus role: * Walk a tight rope , a high wire, a slack rope or a piece of, rope ,on the ground. * Ride a horse, a zebra, a donkey, an elephant or even an
  46. The poem before Teller's escape, he would leap off of his chair, releasing the, rope ,which supported Teller, and send his partner to a gruesome death. The drama of
  47. Two servants, and ten one-seater figures stand to the right, with hands tied and, rope ,around their necks, representing conquered peoples. Gravatar floats above
  48. Tend to be of a lighter weight than those used in industrial rope work and, rope ,rescue. Carabiners can be made from steel or aluminum. Physical p rope rties
  49. Meetings. Only the first 6000 to arrive were admitted and paid, with the red, rope ,now used to keep latecomers at bay. The Council The presidency of the Boyle
  50. 1958,two Swiss alpinists, Juesi and Martí teamed together, creating the first, rope ,ascender known as the Jamar. In 1968 Bruno Dressler asked Fernand Petal, who

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