Examples of the the word, retirement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( retirement ), is the 2406 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Act, No Alien Bills, No Land Tax, downfall to the Tyrants of America; peace and, retirement ,to the President; Long Live the Vice President ". Brown was arrested in Andover
  2. Market. 1901: U. S. Steel In 1901,Carnegie was 66 years of age and considering, retirement , He reformed his enterprises into conventional joint stock corporations as
  3. Window dressing. In a Sports Illustrated cover story in 2002,a year after his, retirement , Ken Laminitis admitted that he had used steroids during his National League
  4. The cases covered by Poirot's private detective agency take place before his, retirement ,to grow marrows, at which time he solves The Murder of Roger Across. It has
  5. By hosting Prince Charles and Lady Diana on their visit to open Expo 86. His, retirement ,being announced, a Social Credit convention was scheduled for the Whistler
  6. At Canterbury Cathedral on 30 January 2009. Personal life and family Until her, retirement ,at the 2010 general election, Widdecombe divided her time between her two homes
  7. Britain did not expect the colonies to contribute to the interest or the, retirement ,of debt incurred during its wars, but they did expect a portion of the expenses
  8. Poirot's actual death and funeral occurred in" Curtain ", years after his, retirement ,from active investigation, it was not the first time Hastings attended the
  9. Cases related in The Labors of Hercules (1947) must refer to a different, retirement , but the fact that Poirot specifically says that he intends to grow marrows
  10. Retired at the time of Three Act Tragedy (1935) but he does not enjoy his, retirement ,and comes repeatedly out of it thereafter when his curiosity is engaged.
  11. Standing ovation from the crowd after the match and delivered a memorable, retirement ,speech. Earnings Agassi earned more than US$ 30 million in prize-money during
  12. Braves baseball until Skip's sudden death on August 3,2008,and Van Wieren's, retirement ,after the 2008 season. On television, Chip Carry will serve as play-by-play
  13. Marry and have a family. After that, men devoted their lives to war until their, retirement ,at the age of 60. Unlike other civilizations, whose armies had to disband
  14. S powers. His presence being unwelcome at court, he lived from that time in, retirement , leaving Laud and his party in undisputed ascendancy. He died at Croydon on 5
  15. His whole body shake. After retiring to Nashville, he enjoyed eight years of, retirement ,and died at The Hermitage on June 8,1845,at the age of 78,of chronic
  16. McClellan After the Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run and the, retirement ,of the aged Winfield Scott in late 1861,Lincoln appointed Major General George
  17. Under Eisenhower's successors, Matthew Ridgeway and Al Gunther, until his, retirement , aged nearly 71,in 1958. His mother died in 1949; Montgomery did not attend
  18. Job with the National Space Council effective in August 1969 and announced his, retirement ,as an astronaut. At that point Ken Mat tingly was moved from the support crew
  19. The economy, Brazil carried out reforms to its Social security (state and, retirement ,pensions) and Tax systems. These changes brought with them a noteworthy
  20. Array of bowlers that both countries boasted in the preceding decade moved into, retirement , and their replacements were of lesser quality, making it more difficult to
  21. Animal welfare activism In 1973,before her 39th birthday, Bardot announced her, retirement , After appearing in more than forty motion pictures and recording several music
  22. Poirot sequence. Towards the end of his career it becomes clear that Poirot's, retirement ,is no longer a convenient fiction. He assumes a genuinely inactive lifestyle
  23. The season, benefits the Motion Picture and Television Fund, which operates a, retirement ,home for SAG actors in the San Fernando Valley. * Elton John's AIDS fundraiser
  24. To have banned the press from entering his sets until late 1989. Slump and, retirement ,: 1988–1992 In 1988,Bachchan returned to films, playing the title role in
  25. Passenger service in the late 1970s and served as freighters until their final, retirement ,in 1985. Several were retired earlier; NASA acquired one of the early retired
  26. To declare her the first and most liberated woman of post-war France. After her, retirement , Bar dot established herself as an animal rights activist. During the 1990s she
  27. Of the immediate case required. One thing that is consistent about Poirot's, retirement ,is that his fame declines during it, so that in the later novels he is often
  28. Made a second ball duck, bowled by an Eric Hollies googly that sent him into, retirement ,with a career average of 99.94. Brahman was succeeded as Australian captain by
  29. party's opposition to non-European immigration did not change until after the, retirement ,of Arthur Caldwell as leader in 1967. Subsequently, Labor has become an advocate
  30. Employed on the F/A-18 Hornet and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. Following the, retirement ,of the F-14 by the U. S., the weapon's only current operator is Islamic
  31. To assume that Christie provided no authoritative chronology for Poirot's, retirement , but assumed that he could either be an active detective, a consulting
  32. Hunted down and killed at the feet of the emperor. Another mutiny forced the, retirement ,of Cassius Did from his command. In the provinces of the empire, in Illyricum
  33. In it with yours, Poirot. " There is a great deal of confusion about Poirot's, retirement , Most of the cases covered by Poirot's private detective agency take place
  34. And acting comeback 1996–99 Bachchan turned producer during his temporary, retirement ,period, setting up Amitabh Bachchan Corporation, Ltd. (A. B. C. L.) in 1996
  35. As a professor at the University of Montpellier, where he stayed until his, retirement ,in 1988. His criticisms of the scientific community, and especially of several
  36. To institutions that are unilingual (for example, a private French-speaking, retirement ,home or the Dutch-speaking hospital of the Voice Universities Brussels). The
  37. Fleet to 33 aircraft, a net increase of eight, after accounting for the planned, retirement ,of eight aging AC-130Hs. The first aircraft would be bought in Fiscal 2012
  38. Went to the Prince of Schwarzenberg. Charles spent the rest of his life in, retirement , except for a short time in 1815 when he was military governor of the Fortress
  39. Of availability of the AIM-120 AMRAAM on the F/A-18 Hornet and the pending, retirement ,of the F-14 Tomcat from active US Navy service in late 2006. ACTUAL/ANIMAL The
  40. A barrier between the metal and the electrolyte solution. Last years and, retirement ,In honor of his work, Volta was made a count by Napoleon in 1801. Furthermore
  41. After his stint as bishop, he spent the remainder of his life partly in, retirement ,in the various houses of his order, yet often preaching throughout southern
  42. Contrary to the spirit of aikido. A final major style evolved from Ueshiba's, retirement ,in Drama, Ibaraki,and the teaching methodology of long term student Morphing
  43. Games. He would add a record-breaking fifth in 1981 and two more before his, retirement ,in 1993,by which time he had also accumulated 5,715 strikeouts, another record
  44. In 1997 the army totaled 200,000 members. Brazil's army has strict up-or-out, retirement ,rules, which were developed in the mid-1960s by President Caste lo Branch. The
  45. The Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1971. In 1973,Lerner coaxed Fritz Loewe out of, retirement ,to augment the Gigi score for a musical stage adaptation. The following year
  46. Orphanage, whom she trains for" service" as general housemaids after the, retirement ,of her long-time maid-housekeeper" faithful Florence. " In her later years
  47. Best service returner in the history of the game. Described by the BBC upon his, retirement ,as" perhaps the biggest worldwide star in the sport's history ", Agassi is an
  48. Gave Androids the opportunity to seize the crown for himself, leaving his, retirement ,in 1182 and marching to Constantinople with an army that (according to
  49. To be FIDE World Champion after the FIDE World Chess Championship 1999. Towards, retirement , Karpov's outstanding classical tournament play has been seriously limited
  50. Henry continued diligently with his father's work and then intermittently in, retirement ,in 1875. Percy Lydgate wrote about the engine in 1915 and even designed his own

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