Examples of the the word, remedial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( remedial ), is the 9470 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It offers a means of aware self-observation and holistic impulse control. The, remedial ,application includes alleviating pain and limitation as a result of poor
  2. Start programs served African-American children. Jensen's article questioned, remedial ,education for African-American children; he suggested their poor educational
  3. To affected shareholders, and reporting periodically to the Commission on, remedial ,measures to improve its financial accounting. Dunn, Beatty,and Googly were
  4. From planting Roundup Ready sugar beets across the United States until a, remedial ,environmental impact report could be filed, prompting some fear of a sugar
  5. For advanced students, general education classes for average students, and, remedial , courses for those who are struggling. In some school districts exceptionally
  6. With us there might have been a political situation so intense as to enforce, remedial ,action ". As it was the meeting achieved little, Baldwin arguing that the
  7. To pedagogy Simon's work has strongly influenced John Mightn, developer of a, remedial ,program which has achieved significant success in improving mathematics
  8. That they leave high school prepared for college or technical training, without, remedial , courses. * All students, including those who live in poverty, will meet
  9. Lakes (Erie and Ontario),review and permitting of wetlands construction, and, remedial , action for hazardous waste sites. Buffalo is also the home of a major office of
  10. This revealed unappreciated limitations of the CH network and allowed, remedial ,action to be taken. Scientists in the United Kingdom including Patrick Blackest
  11. To 1993. About 25 Peace Corps volunteers in Grenada teach special education, remedial ,reading, and vocational training and assist with HIV/AIDS work. Grenada
  12. Other lines (notably the Victoria line at Victoria) now require extensive, remedial ,schemes to rectify this. Rolling stock When the Jubilee line was opened, it was
  13. It was used to address the nuisance habits of actors and musicians. As, remedial ,movement education, it teaches freedom of movement, improving specific
  14. The cathedral. It was repaired and restored to working order in 1956. In 2007, remedial , work and repairs were carried out to the clock. Depictions in art, literature
  15. Early intervention to help socially disadvantaged children succeed by providing, remedial ,education. Given the effects of segregation and discrimination into the 1960s
  16. Remain in high school past the age of 18. In general, students over 19 attend, remedial ,classes to receive a high school diploma or General Educational Development (
  17. Possibly the first Persian doctor to deliberately write a home medical manual (, remedial ,) directed at the public. He dedicated it to the poor, the traveler
  18. Remedial legislation to override Manitoba's legislation. Laurie opposed the, remedial ,legislation on the basis of provincial rights, and succeeded in blocking its
  19. With bone or musculature problems in their legs, or fit commercially available, remedial ,shoes. *Traction: Traction devices such as barium for ice, horse shoe studs for
  20. Academic achievements. The curriculum is rigorous and advanced, and no, remedial ,classes are offered. For example, the math department does not offer any
  21. In and around larger dams is useful to anticipate any problems and permit, remedial ,action to be taken before structural failure occurs. Most dams incorporate
  22. At the Remedial massage therapist denotes competency in the practice of, remedial ,or orthopedic massage. Both levels of registration are defined by agreed
  23. Good driving or to detect poor practice and to suggest the necessary steps for, remedial ,action. For companies, it provides an opportunity to educate staff in the
  24. Human Rights Commission (ARC) to examine enacted legislation (to suggest, remedial ,enactments),its administration (to suggest avoidance of practices) and
  25. Prohibited conduct, the three-level enforcement scheme, the exemptions, and the, remedial ,measures. Passed during the Wilson administration, the legislation was first
  26. e., hypnotic methods ", was first recorded in 1853 as" Psychotherapies, or the, remedial ,influence of mind ". The modern meaning," the treatment of disorders of the
  27. Pregnancy can not lie primarily in school programs which at best can only be, remedial ,; what is needed is prevention education and as such parents should be involved.
  28. Immigrants to New York City, representing 172 countries. Open admissions and, remedial ,education Demand in the United States for higher education rapidly grew each
  29. Elects a Permanent Judicial Commission, which has original jurisdiction in, remedial ,cases brought against its constituent presbyteries, and which also serves as an
  30. Processor and disk failure, and consequently alert an operator or take, remedial ,measures itself. Because servers must supply a restricted range of services to
  31. all the captives he was keeping. ", and his belief that divine punishment is, remedial ,in nature. Jerome, who often spoke of Diddums not as the blind but as" the
  32. From planting Roundup Ready sugar beets across the United States until a, remedial ,environmental impact report could be filed, prompting some fear of a sugar
  33. Therapy is probably to be preferred, and doctors now recommend that any needed, remedial ,dental work be done before treatment begins.: Estrogen replacement therapy
  34. From scholars, pundits,and others over the Court's decision. The critical, remedial ,issue The most closely decided aspect of the case was the key question of what
  35. In Parliament ... and after public outcry and after the Fawcett Commission that, remedial ,action was taken and ... the terrible mortality figures were at last declining.
  36. Started to suffer from the lack of flats and of areas for new houses. The first, remedial ,measure was the Warsaw area enlargement (1951) – but the city authorities
  37. Entry of child labor in to sweatshops and device a mechanism of monitoring and, remedial ,action. GAP Inc. Senior Vice President, Dan Heckle in a statement said:" We
  38. Of justice is conducted according to decorum and according to the, remedial ,nature of justice. As the courts's decisions have shown it, the authority to
  39. The federal Government for support, and eventually the Conservatives proposed, remedial ,legislation to override Manitoba's legislation. Laurie opposed the remedial
  40. Forces mobilized nationwide to oppose them. The federal Conservatives proposed, remedial ,legislation to override Manitoba, but they were blocked by the Liberals, led by
  41. To St Pancreas railway station in London, opened in 2007. A major program of, remedial ,work on the West Coast Main Line started in 1997 and finished in 2009,far over
  42. Address system. The apparent threat of exhaustion was the motivation for, remedial ,technologies, such as the introduction of glassful networks, the creation of
  43. Such as undue condemnation and punishment, as well as failing to recognize the, remedial ,intention of the measure. * Behavioral cases. Many cases regarding moral
  44. Pass rates have collapsed because of the conflict and UNRWA is running, remedial ,classes in each school to try to compensate for the time lost to education. The
  45. And began employing women trained in physical education, massage,and, remedial ,exercise. These treatments were applied and promoted further during the Polio
  46. But they were blocked by the Liberals, led by Wilfred Laurie, who opposed the, remedial ,legislation because of his belief in provincial rights. A boomtown, it grew
  47. The Due Process Clause has been interpreted by the Supreme Court not only as a, remedial ,requirement when other constitutional rights have been violated, but
  48. Discrimination" against white voters. On August 27, 2007,the Court entered a, remedial ,order in United States v. Brown (S. D. Miss). On June 29, 2007,the Court
  49. Been predicted given the geological characteristics of the deposit. Extensive, remedial ,efforts are required to isolate both weathered sulfides and soluble metal
  50. And/or industry. * No development of anti-missile technology or deployment of, remedial ,protective gear. Nuclear strategy involves the development of doctrines and

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