Examples of the the word, helpless , in a Sentence Context

The word ( helpless ), is the 9472 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Yellow" J" on all material written or performed by Jews, in order to save, helpless ,children from exposure to concealed Zionist doctrine? Zappa set excerpts from
  2. S undoing; and to Asia, the open window, high above the temple steps. As a, helpless ,Jessica looks on, Alia regains control of her body long enough to leap out the
  3. He sits down beside Tolstoy in the land of nothing and Nirvana. They are both, helpless ,— one because he must not grasp anything, and the other because he must not let
  4. The character Heracles (as no doubt it provoked the audience) to guffaws of, helpless ,mirth. *The farcical anti-climax: The holiday spirit might also have been
  5. To keep everyone's spirits up even though he believed that the situation was, helpless ,and that the X-Men were living in the last days of mutant kind. Bobby then
  6. Extremely well how to deal with other persons, whereas Husserl was pretty much, helpless ,in this respect. " He was an original editor of Husserl's new journal
  7. From a black revolutionary man and his women ..." ). The B-side describes the, helpless ,anger Smith had felt while working on a factory assembly line and the salvation
  8. Men to be led astray, and Lilith as a child-killing witch, who strangles, helpless ,neonates. Although these two aspects of the Lilith legend seemed to have
  9. Translations vary). In modern Hebrew golem is used to mean" dumb" or ", helpless ,". Similarly, its is often used today as a metaphor for a brainless link or
  10. Not spoil it by any labor or care.: So saying, I was drunk all the day, : Lying, helpless ,at the porch in front of my door.: When I woke up, I blinked at the garden-lawn
  11. Something we would have chosen had we been given a choice, but it is ultimately, helpless ,to prevent us from serving it or to free us from the sting of its goad.
  12. Thrown off its dependence, and the Greeks could make raids at pleasure on the, helpless ,border. In the East, thought,there still was kept up a formal recognition of
  13. While" Hibernia"—the personification of Ireland—was depicted as a beautiful, helpless ,young girl threatened by these monsters and turning for protection to" her
  14. Tonic immobility in sharks and rays by holding them upside down, rendering them, helpless ,and incapable of injuring the whale. Some sharks suffocate within about 15
  15. And stability. #Protection - Under this reflection, one thinks about how, helpless ,one is against old age, disease and death. The soul is its own savior and to
  16. He's not the Messiah he's a very naughty boy" ). Appalled, Brian is, helpless ,to change their minds, for his every word and action are immediately seized as
  17. That point - they were marvelous, gifted,evil, malicious,ignorant, wise, helpless , innocent, or burdensome depending upon who wrote the story - except to say
  18. As a dance move. Kicks as a form of attack are more typically directed against, helpless ,or downed targets, because using a kick in a combat situation bears the
  19. Book of Settlements records famines during the winters in which" the old and, helpless ,were killed and thrown over cliffs ". (Arnold 2010) These Icelandic
  20. The distinctive poles of a) limited war and b) war to" render the enemy, helpless ," *" war" belonging fundamentally to the social realm—rather than to the
  21. Code Knights of the medieval era were asked to" Protect the weak, defenseless, helpless , and fight for the general welfare of all. " These few guidelines were the main
  22. Near San Diego. In January 1997,the newborn baby whale J. J. was found, helpless ,near the coast of Los Angeles, California,long and in weight. Nursed back to
  23. A 1941 Vinohrady Theatre production" emphasized, with due caution,the, helpless ,situation of an intellectual attempting to endure in a ruthless environment ".
  24. An often unconscious but necessary affirmation that man is not totally, helpless , but is responsible, at least in some measure, for his own destiny. Projection
  25. Explains his anger and relentlessness as arising out of compassion for the, helpless ,victims of frauds. Randi has also been critical of João de Deus (John of God)
  26. Said in a radio broadcast," The horror and inexcusable excesses committed on a, helpless ,and a homeless people have been established by the unimpeachable testimony of
  27. His daughter and then having to go back to purgatory, leaving his daughter, helpless ,and hopeless. We couldn't accept that. The way we ended Carousel it may still
  28. Followed that healthy people were working machines, suggesting that humans are, helpless ,prisoners of determinism. Vonnegut also explored this theme in
  29. In one Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the gods to protect the otherwise, helpless ,humans, but was punished for this charity. The ancient Greeks distinguished the
  30. Limited aims" and war to" disarm” the enemy:“ to render him politically, helpless ,or militarily impotent. " * All else being equal, the course of war will tend
  31. And sickness rife within his army, the outnumbered Imperial commander was, helpless , Leopold I's assurances of money and men had proved illusory, but desperate
  32. Nurse the kits. Kits are altricial, which means they are born blind, naked,and, helpless , Passive immunity (immunity acquired by transfer of antibodies or sensitized
  33. Bad guys that he wants," said Camp. " He seems at his best when terrifying the, helpless ,and naïve. " Camp received the National Cartoonists Society's Billy Deck
  34. Is launched from the satellite, leaving the Japanese government and people, helpless ,to stop it. However, the Americans intervene and shoot down the missile with
  35. Their glass a round or two before, And one by one crept silently to rest But, helpless ,pieces in the game He plays Upon this checkerboard of Nights and Days He
  36. Also use infant baptism symbolically, as an illustration of God approaching the, helpless , They see the ceremony additionally as a celebration of God's prevent grace
  37. His wife into servitude. The jubilant Caravan insult the Pandas in their, helpless ,state and even try to disrobe Draped in front of the entire court, but her
  38. For the Spanish throne, the Archduke Charles, as their sovereign. Villeroy was, helpless ,to arrest the process of collapse. When Louis XIV learned of the disaster he
  39. Motives unique to each individual user. Without social context, users are often, helpless ,to know the intentions of their counterparts. In addition to the problems of
  40. Or joint lock which forces him or her to submit and admit defeat or be rendered, helpless ,(unconscious or broken limbs). There are two forms of dress for grappling
  41. Seal pups when the young animals are confined to a snow den and are relatively, helpless , Fish beneath the ice are also part of its diet. If there is an overabundance
  42. Electric shocks to DET. Olivia Benson, whom Rook has bound and is thus, helpless , *The track" We Do What We're Told (Milgram's 37) " on Peter Gabriel's
  43. The distinctive poles of a) limited war and b) war to" render the enemy, helpless ," *" war" belongs fundamentally to the social realm, rather than the realms
  44. Rhetoric that visibly disgusts Snake as he sees the President, a trembling and, helpless ,captive,revert to his self-assured personality. The President's speech
  45. Times, it is consciously directed at certain groups believed to be relatively, helpless , such as Congo Pygmies, even considered subhuman by some other Congolese. It is
  46. In the case of the African wild dog) at a time. The young are born small and, helpless ,and require a long period of care. They are kept in a den, most often dug into
  47. Within which the individual is depicted as not only unheroic, but utterly, helpless ,(see" Cycles of violence" below). Nature and weather Nature is a crucial
  48. For people born on Earth is" Flatlander "; they are considered naïve and a bit, helpless ,by the rest of the galaxy, having been born and raised in the only environment
  49. The US held 48,000. The most dangerous moment was the act of surrender, when, helpless , soldiers were sometimes shot down. Once prisoners reached a POW camp conditions
  50. The Kurosawa epic Seven Samurai, about a band of hired samurai who protect a, helpless ,village from a rapacious gang of thieves, which was remade in the West as The

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