Examples of the the word, evenly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( evenly ), is the 9471 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pen was drawn across the paper. These proto-ballpoints did not deliver the ink, evenly , If the ball socket were too tight, the ink did not reach the paper. If it were
  2. Is preferable. For racing bikes where the rider is bent over, weight is more, evenly ,distributed between the handlebars and saddle, the hips are flexed, and a
  3. Original proponents of Pointillism. Lichtenstein used Ben-Day dots: they are, evenly ,spaced and create flat areas of color. Dots of this type, used in halftone
  4. Hand, since it is formed as s_in/n_i, the presence of N guarantees that it's, evenly ,divisible by any n_j so long as j\NE i.: e_i \equiv 1 \mod \quad \math rm \quad
  5. The centers of the atoms in a thin foil can be considered as points, evenly ,distributed over a plane. The center of an atomic projectile striking this
  6. By the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company. Culture Belfast's population is, evenly ,split between its Protestant and Catholic residents. In 2003,Belfast had an
  7. world's imports which in the end may result in a world economy that is more, evenly ,balanced. All of this could well add up to a major readjustment of the U. S.
  8. The southeastern U. S., Atlanta receives abundant rainfall, which is relatively, evenly ,distributed throughout the year, though spring and early fall are markedly
  9. And domestic fires. Protocols for safe disposal of CCA lumber do not exist, evenly ,throughout the world; there is also concern in some quarters about the
  10. With the light. These redshifts are uniformly isotropic, distributed, evenly , among the observed objects in all directions. If the redshift is interpreted as
  11. Maximum error is to use curve fitting. A minimum of N values are calculated, evenly ,spaced along the range of the desired calculations. Using a curve fitting
  12. Applied as a ring around the center of the disc, and rapid spinning spreads it, evenly ,over the surface. Edge protection lacquer is applied before the disc is
  13. Winner winning by one square (the 4x4 squares and 2x1 half-squares will fall, evenly , with one box not incorporated into the pattern falling to the winner). A
  14. The report was released in 2004. The reviewers were" split approximately, evenly ," on whether the experiments had produced energy in the form of heat, but they
  15. Over the comparative strengths of the fleets, although they were ostensibly, evenly ,matched in size, each containing 13 ships of the line. However, the loss of
  16. Straw is useful in binding the brick together and allowing the brick to dry, evenly , Dung offers the same advantage and is also added to repel insects. The mixture
  17. B. Jewett, who stayed there until 1940. The ownership of Bell Laboratories was, evenly ,split between AT&T and the Western Electric Company. Its principal work was to
  18. Information about the shape of the object or distribution of charge on it is, evenly ,distributed along the horizon of the black hole, and is lost to outside
  19. And grinding the chocolate solids very finely to ensure that the liquid is, evenly ,blended. This enabled Milton Hershey to make chocolate even more popular by
  20. Or not to invite ROTC back to campus, and the students who voted were almost, evenly ,divided on the issue. ROTC lost the vote (which would not have been binding on
  21. The Congress as delegates left or switched sides. At the end, the Congress was, evenly ,split between the two factions. From 1907 on, English language articles
  22. Aspects: flat right foot, on the ball of your left foot, keep your weight, evenly ,distributed between your feet, and do not over do it (being overly active can
  23. History in 2001,with 77 of 79 seats, but the legislature has been more, evenly ,divided between Liberals and NDP following the 2005 (46 of 79) and 2009 (49
  24. Convincingly won by Australia, but in the remaining four matches the teams were, evenly ,matched and England fought back to win the Second Test by 2 runs, the smallest
  25. To twelve times an hour through this external boiler, ensuring that the wort is, evenly ,boiled by the end of the boil. The wort is then boiled in the kettle at
  26. Near-circular orbits. The parameters of the plutinos’ orbits are more, evenly ,distributed, with a local maximum in moderate eccentricities in 0.15–0.2 range
  27. Argentina, and Peru. Despite its large territory,Colombia's population is not, evenly ,distributed with most Colombians living in the mountainous western portion of
  28. 1.0103 # Many Ramírez,0.9970 # Mark McGwire,0.9823 The top ten is divided, evenly ,between left-handed and right-handed batters, but the top four were all lefties
  29. Who made up 20.36 % of the total population. Religiously, they are () nearly, evenly ,split between Roman Catholics (40 %) and Protestants (37 %). German is the
  30. Subtropical, tropical. ** seasonal variation: Rainfall may be distributed, evenly ,throughout the year or be marked by seasonal variations. ** dry summer, wet
  31. Month is December with of rain, and the driest month is July with. Rainfall is, evenly ,distributed throughout the year. Dublin records the least amount of rainfall in
  32. Input parameters. For example, the problem" given two numbers x and y, does x, evenly ,divide y? " Is a decision problem. The answer can be either 'yes' or 'no '
  33. Amount of precipitation is the greatest along the coast (62 inches/1,574 mm) and, evenly ,distributed through the rest of the state (about 52 inches/1,320 mm). During
  34. 48 States on June 28, 2007. Description The plumage of an adult Bald Eagle is, evenly ,brown with a white head and tail. The tail is moderately long and slightly
  35. On a portable audio player A colloid is a substance microscopically dispersed, evenly ,throughout another substance. A colloidal system consists of two separate
  36. When the voter thinks that the others will balance their votes randomly and, evenly , the strategy will maximize the voter's power or efficacy, meaning that it
  37. The node, keeping the node's elements ordered. # Otherwise the node is full, evenly ,split it into two nodes so: ## A single median is chosen from among the leaf's
  38. Of three active battalions each. Each regiments three battalions divided, evenly ,between the three active brigades of the Army. *** Artillery Battalion (Hence
  39. Electrons are added to a single atom, the additional electrons tend to more, evenly ,fill in a volume of space around the nucleus so that the resulting collection (
  40. The odds). Name "/IN"> devaleria95"/> The teams were generally thought to be, evenly ,matched, with the Americans credited with stronger pitching and the Pirates
  41. Election funding as these are not contributions from citizens and are not, evenly ,spread out between parties. They are still allowed to contribute to the
  42. And y, does x evenly divide y? " Would give the steps for determining whether x, evenly ,divides y, given x and y. One such algorithm is long division, taught to many
  43. Referred to as" The Ashes ". 1905 to 1912 England and Australia were, evenly ,matched until the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. Five more series
  44. Provide a horizontal bearing plate for the roof to distribute the weight more, evenly ,along the wall. To protect the interior and exterior adobe wall, finishes can
  45. Decision procedure for the decision problem" given two numbers x and y, does x, evenly ,divide y? " Would give the steps for determining whether x evenly divides y
  46. The" missing" two cylinders. The same engine, however,can be made to provide, evenly ,spaced power pulses by using a crankshaft with an individual crank throw for
  47. Out for experience. When the throat chakra settles and energy is distributed, evenly ,between the head and the heart chakras, one is able to truly contact one's
  48. At any point in time. For a number of years the support for these theories was, evenly ,divided. However, the observational evidence began to support the idea that the
  49. To Raymond E. Brown, the current opinion concerning Luka authorship is ‘ about, evenly ,divided ’. Title The title" Acts of the Apostles" ( Greek Praxes Apostolic)
  50. Two opposing Fletcher are cock feathers and occasionally the Fletcher are not, evenly ,spaced. The fletching may be either parabolic (short feathers in a smooth

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