Examples of the the word, elusive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( elusive ), is the 9474 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Important for health, although definitive experimental demonstration has been, elusive , Both of these" omega" long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are substrates
  2. The last unexplored areas in the northern Kara Sea were examined and small and, elusive ,Shadow Island was discovered. In the summer of 1942,German Kriegsmarine
  3. To Java and some surrounding islands, such as Bali which is far rarer and more, elusive ,is the Javan Languor or the Black-leaf Monkey, locally known as" lung ". They
  4. IV: The Quest for Peace (1987). In the films, Luthor is established as an, elusive , high-profile criminal who has taken refuge in an extensively restored
  5. Statewide Erie Canal historic trail or Greenway to attract tourism has been an, elusive ,goal since it was first proposed in the 1990s. However, many communities along
  6. Spark. This yearly event involves a crowd of observers, who try to spot the, elusive ,spark. The title of the event is an oblique reference to the famous Millikan
  7. Occur. The dream of a complex, deterministic molecular nanotechnology remains, elusive , Since the mid 1990s,thousands of surface scientists and thin film technocrats
  8. Airport, painted gold. It was a retirement gift to an ex Pan Am captain. An, elusive ,final variant of the APN 9 set was the APN 9A. A USAF technical manual (with
  9. Broch' in the 1870s. A precise definition for the word has proven to be, elusive , Broths are the most spectacular of a complex class of roundhouse buildings
  10. As they had no European" distraction ". Once again they failed to win the, elusive ,Students. However, they did manage to come close to their first domestic
  11. Expression, partly because definitive understanding of a film's meaning was, elusive , One of the most popular films released in the 1930s was Circus. Immediately
  12. Indications aspirin might have a second crystalline form since the 1960s. The, elusive ,second poly morph was first discovered by Vishweshwar and coworkers in 2005,and
  13. Since the sixteenth century, and in the undiminished interest excited by his, elusive ,but fascinating personality. Ten columns of the catalog of the British
  14. US and South Vietnamese forces, containment of North Vietnamese forces proved, elusive , The North Vietnamese moved deeper into Cambodia to avoid US and South
  15. English folktales of the early modern period commonly portray elves as small, elusive ,people with mischievous personalities. They are often portrayed as children
  16. Knocks heard, but the definitive photograph, like the bird itself, remained, elusive , Cornell University did not field a search team in Arkansas during 2008-2009
  17. Half. The concept of Central Europe, and that of a common identity, is somewhat, elusive , However, scholars assert that a distinct" Central European culture, as
  18. Financially more viable, funding for documentary film production remains, elusive , Within the past decade the largest exhibition opportunities have emerged from
  19. The most famous painting in the world. Its fame rests, in particular, on the, elusive ,smile on the woman's face, its mysterious quality brought about perhaps by the
  20. The religious convictions of both Somerset and Northumberland have proved, elusive ,for historians, who are divided on the sincerity of their Protestantism. There
  21. Were" little more than glorified squadrons and achieved little against the, elusive ,RAF aircraft ". Some of the most successful RAF pilots flew the Mosquito. Night
  22. Palate, which played to sold-out theaters in Paris, could not translate its, elusive ,charm to American audiences and repeated the seven-performance fiasco of the
  23. Warning calls. Behavior Like most game birds, the northern bobwhite is shy and, elusive , When threatened, it will crouch and freeze, relying on camouflage to stay
  24. Species of ants or beetles, instead focusing their efforts towards" more, elusive ," creatures that have often defied decades of work aimed at confirming their
  25. Or dismiss its importance, are both wrong. The truth lies in some very, elusive ,place between these two simplistic poles. " In the opinion of literary critic
  26. C3O2) and elliptic anhydride (C12O9). There are also numerous unstable or, elusive ,oxides, such as carbon monoxide (C2O),italic anhydride (C2O4),and
  27. Or the few ivory bills in the Choctawhatchee River Basin are among the most, elusive ,birds on the planet. (9 February 2009) There has been little to report, and
  28. Intractable to calculate; and a single elegant algorithm or approach has been, elusive ,for more general purpose renderers. In order to meet demands of robustness
  29. Ethical side of information gathering, the border becomes even more blurred and, elusive ,of definition. Forms of economic and industrial espionage Economic or
  30. Difficult to find to photograph and the locations of these Frost Flowers are, elusive ,as terrain plays a big part in their formation as well. Window frost Window
  31. In a process called hemiplegia, making the origin and meaning of the phrase, elusive ,to listeners not in the know. Most of the words changed by this process are
  32. Serves no other purpose. As a result of this impetus, works of art are, elusive , refractive to attempts at classification, because they can be appreciated in
  33. Form all within Greece. A proto-Italic homeland outside Italy is just as, elusive ,as the home of the hypothetical Greek-speaking invaders. No early form of
  34. Often differ from most other computer technologies because of its somewhat, elusive ,objective of preventing unwanted computer behavior instead of enabling wanted
  35. Folk music Definitions A consistent definition of traditional folk music is, elusive , The terms folk music, folk song, and folk dance are comparatively recent
  36. Yet in the words of cinema historian Mark Would, film noir remains an ", elusive ,phenomenon ... always just out of reach ". Though film noir is often identified
  37. Of its existence and a concrete understanding of its nature have remained, elusive , Though the theory of dark matter remains the most widely accepted theory to
  38. Waters, until a final agreement could be reached. As agreement remained, elusive , Israel unilaterally disengaged from Gaza in 2005. The Gaza Strip is one of the
  39. Power of the gods or of justice and the same sensitivity to harsh necessity and, elusive ,chance. Yet Thucydides never calls in question the intrinsic superiority of
  40. English translation of the First Part appeared in 1612. Shelton is a somewhat, elusive ,figure: some claim Shelton was actually a friend of Cervantes, although there
  41. Rehearsals for The Seagull. Up to that point, Chekhov,called" Russia's most, elusive ,literary bachelor ", had preferred passing liaisons and visits to brothels over
  42. Not words. During the council of Florence in 1439,accord continued to be, elusive , until the argument prevailed among the Greeks themselves that, though the
  43. For bettering the life of the aboriginal peoples. Change, however,has been, elusive ,as these peoples still face violence and discrimination. Afro-Honduran About 2
  44. Destination Truth involved investigator Joshua Gates and crew searching for the, elusive ,dinosaur. They did not visit the Lingual Region, which includes Lake Tell, but
  45. Economical clearance up to that time. Straddle-jumper Charles Dumas broke the, elusive ,barrier in 1956,and American John Thomas pushed the world mark to in 1960.
  46. Colombians that the FARC and National Liberation Army (ELN) had found largely, elusive ,earlier due to extravagant and daring operations, such as stealing a sword that
  47. The nature of art has been described by William as" one of the most, elusive ,of the traditional problems of human culture ". It has been defined as a
  48. Chords, and altered chords. The style of drumming shifted as well to a more, elusive ,and explosive style, in which the ride cymbal was used to keep time, while the
  49. Concerned the world of the immigrants and how their American dream proves, elusive , sometimes even after they seemed to obtain it. Prior to winning the Nobel
  50. The goal of creating a sight-unseen market for coins remains somewhat, elusive , Professional grading services remain the subject of controversy because

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