Examples of the the word, regulatory , in a Sentence Context

The word ( regulatory ), is the 8280 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And enzymes which comprise metabolism, signal transduction pathways and gene, regulatory ,networks) to both analyze and visualize the complex connections of these
  2. To situations when a company can choose a nominal place of business with a, regulatory , legal or tax regime with lower costs. For example, an insurance company may
  3. Events, acquired by Bayer AG in 2002),intended for use in animal feed. U. S., regulatory ,authorities permitted the commercial sale of Starlink seed with the stipulation
  4. Enzymes can recognize specific base pairing patterns that identify particular, regulatory ,regions of genes. The size of an individual gene or an organism's entire
  5. Life as subsidized and, over their life, move to being cash-positive. The other, regulatory ,authority for the privatized railway is the Office of Rail Regulation, which
  6. Offshore funds and alternative investment structures attracted by Bermuda's, regulatory ,environment. The Exchange specializes in listing and trading of capital market
  7. Channel (MAC),in the outer mitochondrial membrane, and serves a, regulatory ,function as it precedes morphological change associated with apoptosis. Bcl-2
  8. Analyzed to determine genes that encode polypeptides (proteins),RNA genes, regulatory ,sequences, structural motifs, and repetitive sequences. A comparison of genes
  9. Still faces problems. These include poor infrastructure and an immature telecom, regulatory ,regime. The Ministry of Communications & Information Technologies (MCIT),as
  10. Great Britain, the Roscoe are not subject to close regulation by the economic, regulatory ,authority. They were expected to compete with one another, and they do
  11. Lagged behind macroeconomic stabilization. The government has undertaken, regulatory ,reforms in some areas, including substantial opening of trade policy, but
  12. Studies open a new era providing unprecedented in silicon views of metabolic and, regulatory ,networks, as well as clues to the evolution of degradation pathways and to the
  13. Along with other brokers including AIG, Marsh & McLennan and Willis, fell under, regulatory ,investigation under New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and other state
  14. Can increase the overall riskiness of institutions under a risk insensitive, regulatory ,regime, as described by Alan Greenspan in his October 1998 speech on
  15. Process of cell death is precipitated by enzymes, apoptotic signals must cause, regulatory ,proteins to initiate the apoptosis pathway. This step allows apoptotic signals
  16. To replace the Office of Telecommunications (Often). It also introduced a new, regulatory ,framework. The licensing regime was replaced by a general authorization for
  17. Qualifies as an" illegal" substance, in the sense that it is prohibited by, regulatory ,bodies, varies between natural federations, and does not necessarily include
  18. Companies in Bermuda. Thanks to its favorable tax regime and a highly reactive, regulatory ,framework Bermuda is the domicile of choice for the implementation of
  19. Nature. Many advertisers employ a wide-variety of linguistic devices to bypass, regulatory ,laws (e.g. printing English words in bold and French translations in fine
  20. Are exploited to the advantage of a target company under threat. In economics, regulatory ,arbitrage (sometimes, tax arbitrage) may be used to refer to situations when
  21. For example, tribunals,boards or commissions) that are part of a national, regulatory ,scheme in such areas as police law, international trade, manufacturing,the
  22. Promoters) of co-expressed genes can be searched for over-represented, regulatory ,elements. Analysis of protein expression Protein microarrays and high
  23. In the development of pharmaceutical ingredients. Many drugs are receiving, regulatory ,approval for only a single crystal form or poly morph. For a long time, only one
  24. And an end to all nontherapeutic uses. However, commonly there are delays in, regulatory ,and legislative actions to limit the use of antibacterials, partly attributable
  25. Established the Ministry of Transport with a broad range of policy and, regulatory ,functions. In the same year, the country became a member of the Vienna
  26. Led by the government of the President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, introduced, regulatory , agencies as a part of the executive branch. Since 1988,Brazilian
  27. Open skies" agreements became more common. These agreements take many of these, regulatory ,powers from state governments and open up international routes to further
  28. Each of the airline's hubs as well. Airlines employ lawyers to deal with, regulatory ,procedures and other administrative tasks. Industry trends The pattern of
  29. Our understanding of the relative importance of different pathways and, regulatory ,networks to carbon flux in particular environments and for particular compounds
  30. The National Institute of Health was the first federal agency to assume, regulatory ,responsibility in the United States. The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee of
  31. The reliability of its twin-engine design. In 1985,the 767 received, regulatory ,approval to operate long-distance transoceanic flights. Subsequently, the
  32. Banking and finance reforms are in progress. The government plans to merge the, regulatory ,functions of key financial institutions, including the Central Bank of The
  33. To achieve this goal at the lowest cost to society, the program employs both, regulatory ,and market based approaches for controlling air pollution. Cephalic (from the
  34. Goods Administration has issued various guidance and standards. Australian, regulatory ,guidelines for complementary medicines (AR GCM) demands that the pesticides
  35. And in France the proportion of inspectors to testing facilities means the, regulatory ,environment is essentially one of trust. And have been mentioned as possible
  36. Bodies such as the Environmental Protection Agency play a significant, regulatory ,role as well. Administrative law in civil law countries Unlike most Common-law
  37. Financial reports to indicate a better economic performance. In others, tax and, regulatory ,incentives encouraged over-leveraging of companies and decisions to bear
  38. Of trade policy, but inefficient public administration in which commercial and, regulatory ,interests are co-mingled limit the impact of these reforms. The government has
  39. Council. The plenary, formed by the 41 city councilors, has advisory, planning, regulatory , and fiscal executive functions. The six Commissions del Connell Municipal (
  40. Action can include rule making, adjudication,or the enforcement of a specific, regulatory ,agenda. Administrative law is considered a branch of public law. As a body of
  41. Loan from its portfolio. On the other hand, if the real risk is higher than the, regulatory ,risk then it is profitable to make that loan and hold on to it, provided it is
  42. Takes advantage of the difference between its real (or economic) risk and the, regulatory ,position. For example, if a bank, operating under the Basel I accord, has to
  43. The new, combined company. The deal closed on January 11, 2001 after receiving, regulatory ,approval from the FTC, the FCC, and the EU's COMP. AOL Time Warner, Inc., as
  44. Countries and Canada have signed the treaties. Emissions trading In this, regulatory ,scheme, every current polluting facility is given or may purchase on an open
  45. Of religious beliefs. Government regulators continue to attempt to find a, regulatory ,balance. Jurisdiction differs concerning which branches of alternative medicine
  46. Agricultural Marketing Service are the primary sources of, regulatory ,activity, although other administrative bodies such as the Environmental
  47. Trait was bred without the use of genetic engineering. Consequently,the, regulatory ,framework governing the approval, use,trade and consumption of transgenic
  48. The highest political and administrative organ of the Community, exercises, regulatory , and executive power. The President presides over the council, which also
  49. In recent years, notably through the establishment of a single financial, regulatory ,agency that provides more effective supervision. The government has abolished
  50. Wrongdoing, Aon agreed to a $190 million settlement, payable over 30 months. UK, regulatory ,breach In January 2009 Aon was fined £5.25 million in the UK after it made more

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