Examples of the the word, enterprises , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enterprises ), is the 8281 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Separate legal entities of two tips: autonomous public departments and public, enterprises , The seat of the city council is on the Place de Sent Jaume, opposite the seat
  2. Around the island. It will be operated from 2015 onwards. Seven state-owned, enterprises ,led by PT NASA Maria with 60 percent of shares was named PT NASA Maria Bali To
  3. Has decreased substantially with the creation of new jobs in private and state, enterprises , In 2005 the official figure was 11.5 percent, compared with 16.9 percent at
  4. Amir's cousin, Ishak Khan, rebelled against him in the north; but these two, enterprises ,came to nothing. In 1885,at the moment when the Amir was in conference with
  5. Millions of the finance department and 45.052 million the city-operated, enterprises ,and fund assets) Culture and sights Theatre The city operates the“ Theatre of
  6. At least as many have come as workforce for large (construction or other), enterprises , Observers claim that the Chinese community in Angola might include as many as
  7. The trade register. The others comprise 2,865 small enterprises and 701 craft, enterprises , In Allen, metalworking is the predominant branch. Besides machine-building
  8. To this sector, with some success. Efforts to privatize other publicly held, enterprises ,have stalled. Other principal exports include tea and raw cotton. Burundi is
  9. Connections. On November 5,2002,Armenia transferred control of 5 state, enterprises ,to Russia in an assets-for-debts transaction which settled $100 million of
  10. Was changed to NYSE Amex Equities. History In the early 19th century, many new, enterprises ,sprang up in the railroad and construction industries. The New York Exchange
  11. Sector was private, including a number of large private cooperative, enterprises , A significant amount of food also is produced for direct consumption by
  12. Would own a minimum of 51 % of enterprises ; under the Plan, most state owned, enterprises ,(SOEs),besides mines, were sold. This privatization of SOEs led to
  13. The Vietnam War. During the ensuing 15 years, many countercultural and New Left, enterprises ,sprang up and developed large constituencies within the city. These influences
  14. Millions of the finance department and 48.508 million the city-operated, enterprises ,and fund assets) * 2007 total: 114.5 million Euros debts (69.448 million
  15. Conference around the city. However, part of Austin charm has been the unique, enterprises ,by artists and poets since the late 1970s. Medicare Museum downtown, is one
  16. Both the pursuit of moral virtue and the pursuit of happiness must be rational, enterprises ,; however, this is precisely the sort of thing that may not be true in a
  17. Typically foreign, acquired 50 % ownership and management control of public, enterprises , such as the state petroleum corporation, telecommunications system, airlines
  18. Large, moderately advanced private sector and a number of strategic state-owned, enterprises , The World Bank classifies it as an" upper-middle-income economy ". Bulgaria
  19. The Brunei Government actively encourages more foreign investment. New, enterprises ,that meet certain criteria can receive pioneer status, exempting profits from
  20. Rubber production developed in Germany. Various other German industrial, enterprises ,built factories with their own subcamps, such as Siemens-Schuckert's Bore
  21. And support of Armenian industry has virtually disappeared, so that few major, enterprises ,are still able to function. In addition, the effects of the 1988 earthquake
  22. Of them being registered in the trade register. The others comprise 2,865 small, enterprises ,and 701 craft enterprises . In Allen, metalworking is the predominant branch.
  23. Supplied rails and bridges to the railroad, offering the two men a stake in his, enterprises , 1860–1865: The Civil War Before the Civil War, Carnegie arranged a merger
  24. Completed privatization of agricultural lands and small and medium-sized, enterprises , In August 2000,the government launched a second-stage privatization program
  25. 1901,Carnegie was 66 years of age and considering retirement. He reformed his, enterprises ,into conventional joint stock corporations as preparation to this end. John
  26. Going to prove the permanent seat of business and wealth that belong to such, enterprises , But It's glory, after enduring in great splendor for a season, has now
  27. Foreign investment plays a significant role in the privatization of state-owned, enterprises , Investment regulations are transparent, and bureaucratic procedures are
  28. That deal with language. Because anthropology developed from so many, enterprises ,(see History of Anthropology),including but not limited to fossil-hunting
  29. Atoms nor of the reputation which they acquired by repeated success in their, enterprises ,against foreigners, and Mir Lumley II’s march into Assam was an uninterrupted
  30. Country, while the other group rely on interventionism, and protection of state, enterprises , As of November 2010,13.8 million Brazilians were affiliated to a political
  31. Needs, specifically Hydro-power projects * Micro finance support for private, enterprises , in conjunction with governments, including Pakistan and India. *The
  32. Encourage foreign direct investment, and privatize remaining state-owned, enterprises , Unemployment has been reduced from around 14 percent in the past to under 10
  33. Plan explicitly stated that Bolivian citizens would own a minimum of 51 % of, enterprises ,; under the Plan, most state owned enterprises (SOEs),besides mines, were
  34. To growth include frequent cyclones and floods, inefficient state-owned, enterprises , mismanaged port facilities, a growth in the labor force that has outpaced
  35. In producing his paintings. This is also true of his film-making and commercial, enterprises , He founded the gossip magazine Interview, a stage for celebrities he "
  36. Domain titles were released on disc through Public Domain libraries. Notable, enterprises ,which produced discs of such software are BBC PD, Electron User Group and
  37. Served by the Balkan International Airport. The city has a river port, industry, enterprises , Latino State University of Khaki, and three theaters. Furthermore, it has
  38. Facilities for either helicopters and/or fixed-wing aircraft; commercial, enterprises ,operate two additional air facilities. Helicopter pads are available at 27
  39. Of optics, paper,information technology and textiles are relevant. Notable, enterprises ,include SHW Automotive (originating from the former Schwäbische Hüttenwerke
  40. About 9,000 commuting out. Altogether, in Allen there are about 4,700 business, enterprises ,in Allen,1,1000 of them being registered in the trade register. The others
  41. Per year in revenue. This wealth was generated through numerous illegal vice, enterprises , such as gambling and prostitution; the highest revenue was generated by the
  42. A trust organized by Morgan, and Carnegie retired from business. His steel, enterprises ,were bought out at a figure equivalent to 12 times their annual earnings—$480
  43. Launched a second-stage privatization program, in which many large states, enterprises ,will be privatized. Since 2001,the economic activity in the country is
  44. Fuels and services, is also headquartered in Ann Arbor. Many cooperative, enterprises ,were founded in the city; among those that remain are the People's Food Co-op
  45. Also managed to slash inflation and to privatize most small- and medium-sized, enterprises , The chronic energy shortages Armenia suffered in recent years have been
  46. Raw agricultural and mineral materials. This is largely done by small, enterprises ,without the public or foreign investment more typical of a high level of
  47. Bin Laden assisted the Sudanese government, bought or set up various business, enterprises , and established camps where insurgents trained. A key turning point for bin
  48. Inflation, stabilize its currency, and privatize most small- and medium-sized, enterprises , Armenia's unemployment rate, however,remains high, despite strong economic
  49. Flowing through the city—as the Ptolemies made commerce and revenue-generating, enterprises , such as papyrus manufacturing, their top priority. Greek culture did not
  50. 1,1901,being succeeded by his son Abdullah Khan. He had defeated all, enterprises ,by rivals against his throne; he had broken down the power of local chiefs, and

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