Examples of the the word, protected , in a Sentence Context

The word ( protected ), is the 8285 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is blocked and added to the queue of the target entry; this means that the, protected ,object is released and allows admission of another task. The select statement
  2. Believe that future salvation and eternal life is secured in Christ and, protected ,from all external forces but is conditional on remaining in Christ and can be
  3. The term" architect ",outside the etymological variants noted, is legally, protected , Architects in practice Architecture is a business in which technical knowledge
  4. Even though Lincoln agreed to the Corwin Amendment, which would have, protected ,slavery in existing states, secessionists claimed that such guarantees were
  5. Object is blocked if another task is currently executing inside the same, protected ,object, and released when this other task leaves the protected object. Blocked
  6. Access type (reference) to Airplane protected type Runway is -- a, protected ,object - the shared runway entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Airplane_ID); entry
  7. Evil that was incompatible with American values or a profitable economic system, protected ,by the Constitution. All sides agreed slavery exhausted the land and had to
  8. State politicians acted unilaterally, and contributed when the Continental army, protected ,their state's interests. The Anti-Federalists claimed that state politicians
  9. owner's credit cards,driver's license, business cards, and cash. Most also, protected ,the LCD screen. Market reception The original Apple Messaged and Messaged
  10. Slaughter or mutilation of animals was immediately abolished. Everyone became, protected ,by the king's law against sport hunting and branding. Limited hunting was
  11. Variety of the German language — limited to 23 agricultural terms — was “, protected ,” in Protocol No 10,regarding the use of specific Austrian terms of the German
  12. Inside the protected object. Guards are re-evaluated whenever a task leaves the, protected ,object, as this is the only time when the evaluation of guards can have changed
  13. Is a built-in limited type, and it also has a declaration part and a body. A, protected ,object consists of encapsulated private data (which can only be accessed from
  14. The Corwin Amendment to the Constitution, which had passed in Congress and, protected ,slavery in those states where it already existed. A few weeks before the war
  15. Was saved by the Saurian troops of the magister minimum per Oriented Zeno and, protected ,by the intervention of the prefect Constantius, who organized the
  16. Admitted to the protected object, as no task is currently executing inside the, protected ,object. Guards are re-evaluated whenever a task leaves the protected object, as
  17. A forty-foot cliff; finding himself unscathed, he believed that he was being, protected ,for some prophetic purpose, and underwent a religious experience that he felt
  18. By well-marked paths, gorges,springs, torrents and caves dotting the, protected ,area. Hiking and mountain-biking in all four mountains remain popular outdoor
  19. Laissez-faire capitalism, which she believed was the only social system that, protected ,individual rights. She promoted romantic realism in art. She was sharply
  20. Offering tasks, synchronous message passing (via guarded task entries), protected , objects (a monitor-like construct with additional guards as in conditional
  21. Airplane_Access is access Airplane; -- access type (reference) to Airplane, protected ,type Runway is -- a protected object - the shared runway entry Assign_Aircraft
  22. Shell. Only red abalone may be taken; black, white,pink, and flat abalone are, protected ,by law. An abalone diver is normally equipped with a thick wetsuit, including a
  23. Which was - at least in its classical form - nuanced in that Jews were a, protected ,class #Political, social and economic antisemitism of Enlightenment and
  24. To protect their voting and civil rights. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 also, protected ,the suffrage of poor whites. The rural-dominated Alabama legislature
  25. And added to the queue of that entry; now another task can be admitted to the, protected ,object, as no task is currently executing inside the protected object. Guards
  26. The states and the Federal government, with a unicameral legislature that, protected ,the liberty of the individual states. While calling on Congress to regulate
  27. Which he believed were made possible by government intervention and state, protected ,monopolies. He believed the most dangerous state intervention was the
  28. Their rights under the ADA, or assist others in exercising their rights, are, protected , from retaliation. The prohibition against retaliation or coercion applies
  29. To this stipulation, then the Academy keeps the statuette. Academy Awards not, protected ,by this agreement have been sold in public auctions and private deals for
  30. Entities. To enjoy the afterlife, all these elements had to be sustained and, protected ,from harm. On March 30, 2010,a spokesman for the Egyptian Culture Ministry
  31. And can therefore run concurrently with other functions). A task calling a, protected ,object is blocked if another task is currently executing inside the same
  32. And for maintaining Egypt's domination in the ancient Near East. The military, protected ,mining expeditions to the Sinai during the Old Kingdom and fought civil wars
  33. To other compounds (except in certain large molecules where the hydroxyl is, protected ,by strict hindrance of adjacent groups). This hydrogen bonding means that
  34. Are not permitted. Special types provided by the language are task types and, protected ,types. For example a date might be represented as:
  35. This other task leaves the protected object. Blocked tasks are queued on the, protected ,object ordered by time of arrival. Protected object entries are similar to
  36. To Athenian culture were ascribed to him. During this time, Athena frequently, protected ,him. Medusa and Tiresias In a late myth, Medusa,unlike her two sister-Gorgons
  37. The 1858 Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan, protected ,American citizens and also used the term American. The Treaty of Guadalupe
  38. The Reiterates General Privileging UND Regalement VOR die Judenschaft: the ", protected ," Jews had an alternative to" either abstain from marriage or leave Berlin" (
  39. A controller to manage it ------ the implementations of the above types ------, protected ,body Runway is entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Airplane_ID) when Clear is -- the
  40. ID: Airplane_ID); entry Wait_For_Clear; private Clear: Boolean: = True; --, protected ,private data - generally more than just a flag ... end Runway; type
  41. Potential deadlocks due to incorrect locking semantics. Like tasks,the, protected ,object is a built-in limited type, and it also has a declaration part and a
  42. For example, breadcrumb sponge (Hypochondria panacea). The alga is thus, protected ,from predators; the sponge is provided with oxygen and sugars which can account
  43. Inside the same protected object, and released when this other task leaves the, protected ,object. Blocked tasks are queued on the protected object ordered by time of
  44. Limited the number of Jews allowed to live in Presley to only ten so-called ", protected ," Jewish families and encouraged a similar practice in other Prussian cities.
  45. Run-time checking, parallel processing (tasks, synchronous Message passing, protected ,objects and nondeterministic select statements),exception handling, and
  46. Accept statements (similar to Dijkstra's guarded commands). Ada also offers, protected ,objects for mutual exclusion. Protected objects are a monitor-like construct
  47. Imprisonment for a month of its organizer. Freedom of religion is not always, protected ,under existing law. Nontraditional churches, especially the Jehovah's
  48. The United States and the Day of the Regency of Algiers on March 7,1796, protected , American citizens. The Louisiana Purchase Treaty between France and United
  49. Of encapsulated private data (which can only be accessed from within the, protected ,object),and procedures, functions and entries which are guaranteed to be
  50. Out of control. Ludwig on Miles asserted that civil liberties would be better, protected ,: It is impossible to grasp the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does

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