Examples of the the word, insecurity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( insecurity ), is the 8282 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Commercial heavy metal sound. Ulrich added that the band was feeling a musical, insecurity ,—" We felt inadequate as musicians and as songwriters, That made us go too far
  2. By the proverbial ancient tale of the sword of Damocles, which illustrated the, insecurity ,of power and position. This underscored the courage displayed by Le Pele tier
  3. Attack schemes. See password strength, computer security, and computer, insecurity , Nowadays, it is a common practice for computer systems to hide passwords as
  4. Reflects on the ever more invasive role of science and technology. The, insecurity ,of modern man, the multiplication of perspectives, the lack of a unique point
  5. Caused a sharp economic downturn, followed by political disruption and, insecurity ,in Europe. Thereafter, Czechoslovakia came under continuous pressure from the
  6. Of the court, particularly the mode of appointment of its judges and the, insecurity ,of their tenure, is taken exception to, and it is alleged, that this court does
  7. Growth of the Unification Church, and placed blame both on the community's ", insecurity ," and on Unification Church members' " youthful zeal and ignorance. " Ruin
  8. Policy with mechanisms that are not trustworthy (again this is computer, insecurity ,). #Trust no software but enforce a security policy with trustworthy hardware
  9. States, and relations with those neighbors are often uneasy. General, insecurity ,along borders in the north, including cross-border banditry and terrorism
  10. The last year or two, whether it is right to discuss so openly the security or, insecurity ,of locks. Many well-meaning persons suppose that the discussion respecting the
  11. Months on one song and was constantly rewriting them. Lerner was said to have, insecurity ,about his talent. He would sometimes write songs with someone in mind, for
  12. Were dominated by the regent prince Gorgon, who,because of his own political, insecurity ,within the Manchu power structure, followed Hong Taiji's example of
  13. Secondary emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of, insecurity , fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values
  14. By a security policy but the software is not trustworthy (this is computer, insecurity ,). #Trust all the software to abide by a security policy and the software is
  15. Military and other facilities and laid landmines in the north. The resulting, insecurity ,has devastated Niger's tourist industry and deterred investment in mining and
  16. The use of the word" nothing" in this context relates both to the inherent, insecurity ,about the consequences of one's actions, and to the fact that, in experiencing
  17. In which America declared its artistic" independence ", is characterized by an, insecurity ,not found in the artistic tradition of Europe. " He and Toni Morrison were the
  18. Over" ethnic minority" as the term" minority" furthers their sense of, insecurity ,in the face of what is often described as" Urbanization"--the proliferation
  19. Beliefs about sexual relationships, sports,and community events. His, insecurity ,about his size and status makes him discontented with the World State.
  20. Travel to eastern Chad and the Chad/Central African Republic border area due to, insecurity ,caused by banditry, recent clashes between Chadian government and rebel forces
  21. Harder policing agencies work to produce security, the greater are feelings of, insecurity , Police development-aid to weak, failed or failing states is another form of
  22. The Double Trio was expensive and cumbersome to run, which in turn led to, insecurity , In mid-1997,the band gathered for rehearsals in Nashville that came to a
  23. USAID report from 2006 (page 8),almost a third of Hondurans feel a sense of, insecurity ,related to crime. The report listed as causes and risk factors," Lack of
  24. Divorce and his mother's early death instilled deep feelings of loneliness and, insecurity ,in the young Holt. This drove him to seek approval and acclaim through personal
  25. Were the most serious problem facing the country. There is a great feeling of, insecurity ,amongst the population about the chronically poor security situation in
  26. At their peak in the late 1980s. Uncertain land tenure and overall financial, insecurity ,have caused many private farmers to concentrate their capital in the
  27. Has put it at 26 million, not counting some parts of the country due to, insecurity , The only city with over a million residents is its capital, Kabul. The other
  28. Rearmament meant that" the only guarantee intended to guard against the total, insecurity ,of the Straits has just disappeared in its turn. " Indeed, Aras said," the
  29. Injury, incarceration or internal power struggles dramatically heighten the, insecurity ,of operations. Whilst bureaucratic operations' emphasis business processes and
  30. Who internalizes her own privilege and cannot express it except in terms of, insecurity ,and awkwardness, has her body devoured from the inside by the demon Elyria. "
  31. Then in halls, theatres and public houses. When he was in periods of financial, insecurity , his friends would support him with donations. McGonagall was outraged and
  32. Devil," leading Dorian into an unholy pact by manipulating his innocence and, insecurity , " Shakespeare In his preface, Wilde writes about Caliban, a character from
  33. Where security threats are non-existent or negligible.: :See computer, insecurity ,for an example of the failure of this approach in the real world. Core
  34. Or" anxiety" ) to describe a profound and deep-seated spiritual condition of, insecurity ,and fear in the free human being. Where the animal is a slave to its instincts
  35. That outside his secret identity, he was a" nerdy high school student ". The, insecurity ,and anxieties in Marvel's early 1960s comic books such as The Amazing
  36. Potential identification of genetic offspring (referred to as" paternity, insecurity ,") led evolutionary psychologists to hypothesize that, compared to females
  37. Military and other facilities and laid landmines in the north. The resulting, insecurity ,has devastated Niger's tourist industry and deterred investment in mining and
  38. Owners in a form that ensures productivity has been slow. Bank investment and, insecurity ,in the land market contributed to slow development in the 1990s. By 2004 some
  39. Year or two,whether it is right to discuss so openly the security or, insecurity ,of locks. Many well-meaning persons suppose that the discussion respecting the
  40. Such as USB drives. Some of the following items may belong to the computer, insecurity ,article: * Access authorization restricts access to a
  41. Elections scheduled for early 2001 were postponed in February 2001,due to the, insecurity ,caused by the civil war. In May 2001 sanctions were imposed on Liberia because
  42. Who offers the rhetorical question," Wouldn't this be a great world if, insecurity ,and desperation made us more attractive? " He also won positive notices for his
  43. Many companies prefer to leave the country than face the growing corruption and, insecurity , One significant problem is the ongoing gang warfare between the M18 (Mara
  44. The talks have been successful. Rising inflation, economic downturn, poverty, insecurity , and uncertainty are the major problems. Many analysts opine that this freedom
  45. A mixture of ethnic groups on the Aroma plain. Historians theorize that the, insecurity ,caused by slave trading may have contributed to mass migrations of groups to
  46. Up 80 % of the population, the bulk of whom lived in conditions of poverty and, insecurity ,despite Catholic emancipation in 1829. At the top of the" social pyramid" was
  47. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in light of prior American experience going back to, insecurity ,on the historical American frontier such as in Metacom's Rebellion. Faludi
  48. Next four years, the family's living arrangements reflected their financial, insecurity , They lived part of the time in rented quarters in Bath and then, beginning in
  49. S business community. Because of the civil war and its accompanying problem of, insecurity , the number of Westerners in Liberia is low and confined largely to Monrovia
  50. And many other bilateral donors are financing the project. Until the political, insecurity ,in September 1998,Lesotho's economy had grown steadily since 1992. The riots

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