Examples of the the word, refusal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( refusal ), is the 5400 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pagan Greek and Roman writers. Edward Flannery writes that it was the Jews ', refusal ,to accept Greek religious and social standards that marked them out. Hecataetus
  2. To play exhibition games and not receive any pay. In 1943,Roy Zimmerman's, refusal ,to play an exhibition game, without compensation, resulted in his trade from
  3. In payment for the Athenian olive-wood of which the statues were made. Upon the, refusal ,of the Alginates to continue these offerings, the Athenians endeavored to
  4. Of the subcontinent and, in particular, British policy in the region. His, refusal ,to continue his campaigns deeper into India prevented a clash with the East
  5. Selectivity is the most common problem, although eating rituals and food, refusal ,also occur; this does not appear to result in malnutrition. Although some
  6. In possession of whatever land they personally cultivate... and the positive, refusal ,of the protecting power to lend its aid to the collection of any rent
  7. In West Wales. Richard had appointed Rays Lieutenant in West Wales for his, refusal ,to join Buckingham's rebellion, asking that he surrender his son Gruff app
  8. Female members. Camp briefly resigned his membership in 1949 to protest their, refusal ,of admission to Hilda Terry, creator of the comic strip Teen. According to Tom
  9. Detail by the poet. Enraged over the death of Patrols, Achilles ended his, refusal ,to fight and took the field killing many men in his rage but always seeking out
  10. Child, a magistrate of the first class may, upon proof of such neglect or, refusal , order such person to make a monthly allowance for the maintenance of such
  11. Trouble in Africa ". The outcome of the controversy was a de facto Nigerian, refusal ,to withdraw its troops from Agassi and transfer sovereignty. The Nigerian
  12. He addressed Disraeli's most personal and private appeal: With Gladstone's, refusal ,Derby and Disraeli looked elsewhere and settled on Disraeli's old friend
  13. Of the government's relief effort as inadequate were aggravated by its, refusal ,to legalize labor unions or introduce a minimum wage. Demonstrations and riots
  14. To be sealed and confidential by law. The authors have been steadfast in their, refusal ,to divulge their sources and at one point faced jail time. On February 14, 2007
  15. In that fight, Corrales' corner surrendered despite Corrals' steadfast, refusal , Medical concerns Knocking a person unconscious or even causing concussion may
  16. And deposited them at Athens as hostages. After the death of Cleomenes and the, refusal ,of the Athenians to restore the hostages to Leotychides, the Aeginetans
  17. With Canterbury, expulsion would require the Archbishop of Canterbury's, refusal ,to be in communion with the affected jurisdiction (s). In line with the
  18. All Aegean Macedonia. These unacceptable demands together with the Bulgarian, refusal ,to demobilize its army after the Treaty of London had ended the common war
  19. Into the organization known as" Checkmate" while stuck in prison due to her, refusal ,to turn states evidence against her employer. While he was unable to prove that
  20. Unopposed after the opposition boycotted the election because of Compaoré's, refusal ,to accede to demands of the opposition such as a sovereign National Conference
  21. For the Amsterdam Central Station and the Rijksmuseum, which led to a, refusal ,of Protestant King William III to open 'that monastery '. In 1924,the Roman
  22. Bus Boycott is held in Bristol to protest the Bristol Omnibus Company's, refusal ,to employ Black or Asian bus crews, drawing national attention to racial
  23. Bell notified Rooney of Thompson's offer to buy the Eagles and his, refusal ,to sell. Rooney had the Steelers' board of directors offer Bell a 20 %
  24. Is above us. "“ Agnosticism,” said Rat zinger,“ is always the fruit of a, refusal ,of that knowledge which is in fact offered to man ... The knowledge of God has
  25. Mondale raised controversy over" the Phillips Report ", despite Phillips ', refusal ,to characterize it as such before Congress, and was angered by what he
  26. By generous gifts and loans, and by business reverses, but,mainly by the, refusal ,of Congress to reimburse him for monies that he had loaned during the
  27. And Kant made a distinction between beauty and the sublime. What was new was a, refusal ,to credit the higher status of certain types, where the taxonomy implied a
  28. That it would not remain neutral in a new Balkan war, due to Bulgaria's, refusal ,to cede the fortress of Sistra as promised before the First Balkan war in
  29. Formulas of the home front genre. " Another controversy centers on his alleged, refusal ,to acknowledge Japan's wartime guilt. In one of Kurosawa’s last films
  30. Illness, and performed the ceremony of the coronation of King Charles I. His, refusal ,to license the assize sermon preached by Dr Robert Winthrop at Northampton on
  31. To her property. Totally broke, he turns in a panic to Jenny, who explains her, refusal ,to help him out in the song" Make your own bed" – an adaptation of the ideas
  32. Cotton" misperception of the world economy led to bad diplomacy, such as the, refusal ,to ship cotton before the blockade started. The
  33. By the British Government's support for the Airbus, which coincided with its, refusal ,to back British Aircraft Corporation's (BAC) proposed competitor, a
  34. Outfitted in a USMC Class A uniform, which was a satire of Oliver North and his, refusal ,at that point to speak up about his participation in the Iran-Contra Affair
  35. March 1,1781. The process dragged on for several years, stalled by the, refusal ,of some states to rescind their claims to land in the West. Maryland was the
  36. Suggests the hide from a young, emaciated camel. Njál's saga describes the, refusal ,of a wife, Hallgerður, to cut her hair in order to make an emergency bowstring
  37. With the Soviet non-invasion of Poland during the 1980-1981 crisis and later, refusal ,of Mikhail Gorbachev to use military force when Poland held free elections in
  38. Story, he is kidnapped by Ricky and held as punishment for his inability (or, refusal ,) to provide the main characters with free tickets to a Rush concert. In the
  39. The Soviets and the other occupying powers. These included the Soviets ', refusal ,to agree to reconstruction plans making post-war Germany self-sufficient and to
  40. B. C.). It certainly maintained strong Phoenician sympathies, for it was its, refusal ,to join the philhellene league of One silos of Salamis which provoked the revolt
  41. Of sending the Decide. The real occasion of the outbreak of the war was the, refusal ,of Athens to restore the hostages some twenty years later. There was but one
  42. Second Jerusalem temple. Haggai attributes a recent drought to the peoples ', refusal ,to rebuild the temple, which he sees as key to Jerusalem’s glory. The book ends
  43. See ще above). **няма used on its own can mean simply 'I won't' – a simple, refusal ,to a suggestion or instruction. Diminutives and augmentative Diminutive
  44. By Thebes for an alliance with Regina c. 507 BC, but they came to nothing. The, refusal ,of Regina was veiled under the diplomatic form of sending the Decide. The
  45. Appears never to have been enrolled or to have come into effect. Owing to the, refusal ,of the chief officers of the corporation to take the oath of allegiance to
  46. Hysteria" in which Lomborg criticized what he claimed was environmentalists ', refusal ,to accept a cost-benefit analysis of environmental questions, and stressed the
  47. Contained in a letter, written in 1988,in which he states the reasons for his, refusal ,of the Crawford Prize. He declined the prize on ethical grounds in an open
  48. Move in chess),arguably to get out of their recording contract. Arista's, refusal ,to release the album had two known effects: the negotiations led to a renewed
  49. The strength of the GPL 3. In addition, the interview covered Linus Torvalds ', refusal ,to adopt the GPLv3 for the Linux kernel. He was an employee of Sources from
  50. Moment in the development of his persona. Some have suggested that his frequent, refusal ,to comment on his work, to speak about himself (confining himself in

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