Examples of the the word, referendum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( referendum ), is the 5696 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Winter Olympics in Vancouver and Whistler, with Olympic organizers winning a, referendum ,held in the city of Vancouver. British Columbia has also been significantly
  2. A super majority of legislators' votes, the consent of regional legislatures,a, referendum ,process, and other procedures that make amending a constitution more difficult
  3. The British decision not to allow an American option on the Newfoundland, referendum , Cold War Following co-operation in the two World Wars, Canada and the United
  4. All indigenous territories, and municipalities and regions that so choose by, referendum , operate under a form of indigenous self-governance on the basis of their own
  5. Constitutional amendments on the role of parliament. These were rejected in a, referendum ,the following May at the same time as parliamentary elections which left
  6. Must be approved by the entire Alabama legislature and, frequently,by state, referendum , One criticism of the current constitution claims that its complexity and
  7. Other bodies. The Autonomous Community of Andalusia was formed in accord with a, referendum ,of February 28, 1980 and became an autonomous community under the 1981 Statute
  8. After almost three centuries, a devolved Scottish Parliament was opened after a, referendum ,in Scotland. The opening of the new parliament was presided over by Winifred
  9. Polls have indicated that this is not supported by the population. While a, referendum ,in 1995 on independence was defeated by a substantial margin, the Bermuda
  10. Before the first full term. Arkansas' governors served two-year terms until a, referendum ,lengthened the term to four years, effective with the 1986 general election.
  11. From Belarus responsible for the fraudulent parliamentary elections and, referendum ,on 17 October 2004,and for human rights violations during subsequent peaceful
  12. A committee to draft a national constitution. The constitution was approved by, referendum ,in 1991. In 1992,Blaine Compare was elected president, running unopposed
  13. Del fuel:" improvement of the charter" ) was never subject to a, referendum ,but only approved by the Navarrete Cortes (parliament). Political violence
  14. The statehood movement gained its first real momentum following a territorial, referendum ,in 1946. The Alaska Statehood Committee and Alaska's Constitutional Convention
  15. CSU dismissed the petition and demands as unnecessary and frivolous, but the, referendum ,proceeded and the voters voted for the smoking ban. Minister-presidents of
  16. With overwhelming support of the Colombian people, had attempted to hold a, referendum ,allowing a vote that would overturn the 2-term limit for presidents, but this
  17. A coalition cabinet made up of five Liberal and three Conservative ministers. A, referendum ,on electoral reform prior to this election had instigated an elimination ballot
  18. Of massive communist land reforms and industry nationalizations in a policy, referendum ,known as" 3 times YES" ( 3 ray TAKE; 3xTAK),whereupon a second vote rigged
  19. The Charlottetown Accord (the latter of which was rejected through a national, referendum ,). Since the Quiet Revolution, sovereigntist sentiments in Quebec have been
  20. 18,500-seat Baker Bowl for a percentage of the gate. On November 7,1933,the, referendum ,on the Blue Laws passed in Philadelphia, and it became law. After the Eagles
  21. Assembly. The term for the president is five years, but because of a 1996, referendum , the election that was supposed to occur in 1999 was pushed back to 2001. Under
  22. Of Armenia's parliamentary and presidential elections and constitutional, referendum ,since 1995,citing polling deficiencies, lack of cooperation by the Electoral
  23. Overwhelmingly for independence from Ethiopia in a United Nations-monitored, referendum , *1997 – Maria massacre in Algeria: 42 villagers are killed. *2003 – Beijing
  24. Boycotted by the great majority of the Serbs. The turnout in the independence, referendum ,was 63.4 per cent and 99.7 per cent of voters voted for independence. Bosnia
  25. Adopted a Declaration of Independence which was affirmed by a nationwide, referendum ,in December 1991,when the Soviet Union was officially dissolved. An estimated
  26. De Andalusia, is celebrated on February 28,and commemorates the 1980 autonomy, referendum , The honorific title of Hilo Predilection de Andalucía (" Favorite Son of
  27. Autonomous regimes for the (Western) Basque Country was approved in a later, referendum ,but the autonomy of Navarre (amejoramiento del fuel:" improvement of the
  28. Members were chosen by social and economic groups in Bavaria, but following a, referendum ,in 1998,this institution was abolished. The head of government is the
  29. A parliamentary member representing the AVP political party, proposed a, referendum ,for the people of Aruba to determine Aruba's separate status or" Status
  30. Labour Party (then in the Opposition) had called for a boycott of the, referendum , having an unquantified impact on the result. There are few accredited
  31. The suppression of independent media outlets in the country and the fraudulent, referendum , A resolution of the European Parliament declared that the personal bank
  32. To decorate the hoist of the Belarusian national flag, adopted in a disputed, referendum ,in 1995. Cuisine Belarusian cuisine consists mainly of vegetables, meat (
  33. Of state or provincial legislatures may be required. Alternatively, a national, referendum ,may be required. Details are to be found in the articles on the constitutions
  34. Votes. The Senate, in a plenary session of December 20, 2006,ratified the, referendum ,to be voted upon by the Andalusian public February 18, 2007. The Statute of
  35. Of Bosnia and Herzegovina sovereignty on 15 October 1991 was followed by a, referendum ,for independence from Yugoslavia on 29 February and 1 March 1992 boycotted by
  36. Thousands of demonstrators taking to the streets in support of demands for a, referendum ,of confidence in him. The unicameral parliament (also called the National
  37. Voting and election irregularities in the November 1996 constitutional, referendum ,and parliament by-elections. The Belarusian government is also criticized for
  38. Lowest in the United States. The current state constitution requires a voter, referendum ,to raise property taxes. Since Alabama's tax structure largely depends on
  39. In 1995 Bavaria introduced direct democracy on the local level in a, referendum , This was initiated bottom-up by an association called Meir
  40. Choose the National Song, held as an optional additional question in the 1977, referendum , on various issues. Advance Australia Fair received 43.29 % of the vote
  41. Belarusians, with sizable minorities of Russians, Poles and Ukrainians. Since a, referendum ,in 1995,the country has had two official languages: Belarusian and Russian.
  42. Of Basques abstained (55 %) and some even voted against it (23.5 %) in the, referendum ,of December 6 of that year. However, it was approved by clear majority at the
  43. Population of Armenia voted overwhelmingly for independence in a September 1991, referendum , followed by a presidential election in October 1991 that gave 83 % of the vote
  44. The laws against the department stores opening on Sundays were ended by, referendum ,in 1990. Recent efforts to overturn the laws restricting automobile dealerships
  45. Temblor, and thousands of refugees flowed across the Bay. In 1908,a statewide, referendum ,that proposed moving the California state capital to Berkeley was defeated by a
  46. From the loss in 1997. The party was still divided over Europe, and talk of a, referendum ,on the Euro was rife. As Labor remained at the political center the Tories
  47. Which was reaffirmed in the reformed Statute of Autonomy submitted to popular, referendum ,February 18, 2007. The preamble of the present 2007 Statute of Autonomy says
  48. To sell natural gas to Brazil through 2019. The government held a binding, referendum ,in 2005 on the Hydrocarbon Law. The US Geological Service estimates that
  49. Majority in the House of Representatives or a simple majority in a, referendum ,to be amended or repealed. Written versus unwritten / codified versus
  50. Was rescinded in 1995,although the process can begin again after a, referendum , Law The Aruba legal system is based on the Dutch model. Instead of juries or

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