Examples of the the word, ci , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ci ), is the 12557 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To be right Northern. If a decomposition R=c1R⊕c2R⊕ ... CNR exists with each, ci , a centrally primitive idempotent, then R is a direct sum of the corner rings
  2. Nach Mozart (Variation-study after Mozart). Chopin wrote Variations on" LA, ci , darem la many" ( the duet between Don Giovanni and Berlin) for piano and
  3. The sum without changing the polynomial. It is nevertheless common to refer to, ci , as the coeffi ci ent of xi, even when CI happens to be 0,so that xi does not
  4. So that ll is between OK and LM in the dictionary and ch is between cg and, ci , and in 2010 the tenth congress of the Asso ci ation of Spanish Language
  5. Standard Esperanto, vi has always been used since the beginning. For example, ci , appears in neither the Fundamental Dramatic nor the UNSA Libra. Do In Do, in
  6. And English horn, Op. 87 (1795) *Ludwig van Beethoven's Variations on" LA, ci , darem la many ", for 2 oboes and English horn, WoO 28 (1796) *Elliott Carter
  7. With the idea to offer the GTO as a dealer option package that included a 389,CI, engine rated at 325 or. The entire Pontiac lineup was honored as Motor Trend's
  8. Also his first collaboration with Nicoletta Bras chi. In 1984,he played in Non, ci , resta che plantar (" Nothing left to do but cry" ) with the very popular
  9. it's raining ". Zamenhof created an informal second-person singular pronoun, ci , ( thou),and capitalized the formal singular pronoun Vi, following usage in
  10. S other works include: a Krakow for piano and orchestra; Variations on" LA, ci , darem la many" for piano and orchestra; fantasia on themes from Polish songs
  11. Ge \franc the last inequality holding because p/q is not a root of f and the,CI, are integers. Thus, we have that | f (p/q) | ≥ 1/in. Since | f ′ (x0) | ≤ M
  12. Example) from languages that do have the T–V-distinction. Some have imagined, ci , as an archaic term that was used before and then fell out of common usage;
  13. On Google have shown that while TU is only slightly less common than VU in Do, ci , is used less than half of one percent of the amount vi is in Esperanto.
  14. Put to the back of a sentence or clause to add emphasis e.g. " Rower, ci , nie pupil" ( I won't buy you a bicycle)," OD plate cream" ( I've been
  15. And (ch, h ) and (chi, hi ) *affricates (c),(dz),(CZ),(dz),(ć, ci , ),(dz, dzi) Neutralization occurs between voiced–voiceless consonant pairs
  16. Heaven (Duet:" Au Renoir days un mode of la vie est failure" /" Ma lasso, ci , vedremo in un mono million" ).: This duet was twice revised by Verdi Philip
  17. Wierzyć comes" to believe someone" ) *in certain expressions (CZY Pomona, ci , się Piacenza? " Do you like the song? ", Jest mi piano" I'm cold ", Jest Nam
  18. Be used as a noun to describe the working copy.; Commit: A commit (checking, ci , or,more rarely, install,submit or record) is the action of writing or
  19. On Esperanto and only later reluctantly; later he recommended against using, ci , on the grounds that different cultures have conflicting traditions regarding
  20. Are soon alone, and he immediately begins his seductive arts. (Duet:" LA, ci , darem la many – There we will entwine our hands" ). Elvira arrives and thwarts
  21. F' ( x_0) \right\vert \, Now,f is of the form \sum_in CI xi where each, ci , is an integer; so we can express | f (p/q) | as: \left\vert f (p/q)
  22. They are replaced by the alveolar sibilants. (hi becomes ZI, chi becomes, ci , Shi becomes is, and RI or may sound like. ) This is also common in the
  23. Masculine (IL),feminine (El),and neuter (of) third-person pronouns. #, ci , while technically the familiar form of the word" you" in Esperanto, is
  24. Pain as a tool of interrogation. A http://www.galluppoll.com/content/?, ci ,15160&pg 1 CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll" found that sizable majorities of
  25. DB9. Unless customers checked an option, the Tempest's power plant was a 194.5,CI, inline-slant-four-cylinder motor, derived from the right bank of the venerable
  26. Likewise for the soft sounds when not before these letters (e.g. Italian ‹, ci , gi ›, Portuguese ‹ ç j ›). Furthermore, in Spanish, Catalan,Oc ci tan and
  27. In 1932. Pontiac began by selling cars offering 40 hp (30 kW) 186.7,CI, ( 3.1 liter) (3.25x3.75 in,82.5x95mm) L-head straight 6-cylinder engines in
  28. L (r, c ), where i, r,c 0,..., ( N − 1) Note that the expression: (r +, ci , ) mod N will pass once through each value as I varies from 0 to N − 1,but only
  29. Put salty duck egg yolk, rousong (crushed dried pork) or other stuffings in, ci , fan than. Main courses; The FHA Die Chinese mitten crab (The FHA Die (大闸蟹) is
  30. Include the Bing (大饼) (Chinese pancake),youth (deep-fried dough stick),CI, fan than (steamed sticky rice ball) and soy milk. Among“ Four Heavenly Kings
  31. Two versions of Wade–Giles Romanizations for each of the pinyin syllables ZI, ci , and is. ** tau for CSU, but it still remains ts- before other vowels, as in
  32. Influential literary figures, and was a prolific poet, mainly in the classical, ci , and Shi forms. His poems are all in the traditional Chinese verse style. As did
  33. Woo 28,Woo 40,Woo 46). Others include Frédéric Chopin's Variations on" LA, ci , darem la many" from Don Giovanni (1827) and Max Reger's Variations and
  34. Maker Armand Peugeot, who formed his own car company. In 1895,1205 cc (74,CI, ) Spaniards finished 1–2 in the Paris–Bordeaux–Paris race, one piloted solo by
  35. In December 1831,Robert Schumann, reviewing Chopin's Variations on" La, ci , darem la many ", Op. 2 (variations on a theme from Mozart's opera Don
  36. D = 1 to n do for i = 0 to (n − d) do j = i + d FI, j = FI, j − 1 + f´ + f´j, ci , j MIN (i j) + FI, j In computer s ci ence, a binary tree is a tree data
  37. The area of Chu during the Warring States period. As a new literary style, chu, ci , abandoned the classic four-character verses used in poems of Shi Jing and
  38. Letters s, z,c, dz,n are used; before other vowels the combinations' is, zi, ci , DZI, ni are used; when not followed by a vowel the diacritic forms ś, ź,ć, dź
  39. And Irish male (tonsured, servant ). The early Brythonic cu has become Welsh, ci , genitive or nominative plural can, the word for hound or dog, with a positive
  40. Being performed onstage, using an excerpt of Rampage, rampiamo, che IL tempo, ci , gabba (Chorus of Warlocks and Witches from Act 2,scene 2) from the 1973 EMI
  41. Just like you in modern English. An informal second-person singular pronoun, ci , does exist, but it is almost never used in practice. It is mainly intended to
  42. Is silent in the digraphs ‹ ch ›, ‹ GH ›; and ‹ i › is silent in the digraphs ‹, ci , › and ‹ GI › before ‹ a, o,u › unless the ‹ i › is stressed. For example, it
  43. 2 lines L (c): c 0,1 :4 lines L (r, c ): P (c) and the points P (( r +, ci , ) mod 2,i),where i 0,1: r, c 0,1 Existence of finite orders As was
  44. Left\vert f (p/q) / f' ( x_0) \right\vert \, Now,f is of the form \sum_in, ci , xi where each CI is an integer; so we can express | f (p/q) | as: \left\vert
  45. Tuan (steamed sticky rice ball) and soy milk. Among“ Four Heavenly Kings ”, ci , fan than belongs to typical Shanghai food. Ci fan than is made of warm steamed
  46. Po noise Belize, nosse fire, nosse belt Partake, : S' IL est REI, ci , djoû la, nos mourns!: Li Liberty vat k' on sacrifice is eye, : Po-z è law
  47. Gh › indicate or preserve hardness (and) before ‹ i, e ›. The digraphs ‹, ci , › and ‹ GI › indicate or preserve softness (and) before ‹ a, o,u ›. For
  48. It is nevertheless common to refer to CI as the coeffi ci ent of xi, even when, ci , happens to be 0,so that xi does not really occur in any term; for instance one
  49. For ra ci ng. In spite of a GM unwritten edict against engines larger than 327,CI, ( the size of the Corvette's) in intermediate cars, DeLorean (with support
  50. N = \prod_at (a_i + b_i\sort n)^ using much smaller coeffi ci ents' AI, bi,and, ci , For instance, Archimedes ' cattle problem may be solved using a Well equation

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