Examples of the the word, pope , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pope ), is the 4051 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. XIII, refused to resign and was excommunicated. Martin V was elected as new, pope ,in 1417. Fossa, as he was again, was imprisoned in Germany. He was freed in
  2. As it is told, the anti pope Benedict XV ', Pierre Tirane, was recognized as, pope ,in Avignon from 1437 to 1470. His successor, the anti pope Benedict XVI (not to
  3. Jurisdiction, the confirmation and benediction had to be conferred by the, pope ,in person, the house being taxed with the expenses of the new abbot's journey
  4. Partly or altogether from episcopal control, and making them responsible to the, pope ,alone, received an impulse from Pope Gregory the Great. These exceptions
  5. With most of them. Other reforms included the always delicate matters with the, pope , In order to get the independence of Portugal recognized by Rome, his
  6. They are often called" sedevacantist anti pope s ". Claiming to have elected a, pope ,in a" conclave" of perhaps half a dozen laypeople, as in the case of David
  7. Protested in vain against the inscription on the sarcophagus:" John the former, pope ,". The 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia remarks that" Undeniably secular and
  8. And under the authority of Pope Adrian IV (the only Englishman to be elected, pope ,), the Angevin's invaded Ireland in 1169. Though initially intended to be kept
  9. Fell into disrepute. Asgard, on the other hand, was embraced by the new, pope ,and the pope 's nephew, Camillo Camphill. Algardi's portraits were highly
  10. Borne this name, including the only English pope , Adrian IV, and the only Dutch, pope , Adrian VI. As an English name, it has been in use since the Middle Ages
  11. Makes no judgement regarding the legitimacy of his takeover of the position of, pope ,in 1045. The Catholic Encyclopedia places him in its List of Popes, though with
  12. Acting as parish priest in his native diocese for twelve years was sent by the, pope ,to Canada as a bishop's chaplain. On his return he was appointed secretary to
  13. Great privileges were conferred upon Abbreviations in the past. By decree of, pope ,Leo X they were created papal nobles, ranking as Comes palatines ('Count
  14. By the chiefs of his order, or when he was directly subject to them, by the, pope ,or the bishop. The ceremony of the formal admission of a Benedictine abbot in
  15. Dimensions. Only they two see the descending angelic warriors rallying to the, pope ,'s defense, while all others in the background reliefs, persist in performing
  16. Papal chancery, whose business was to sketch out and prepare in due form the, pope ,'s bulls, briefs and consistories decrees before these are written out in
  17. Sovereigns gradually encroached on the rights of the monks, until in Italy the, pope ,had usurped the nomination of all abbots, and the king in France, with the
  18. The Anti pope and features the resurrected Pope Alexander VI, the last Borgia, pope , * Walter M. Miller's novel A Canticle for Leibowitz makes repeated reference
  19. Bull UNAM Sanctum (1302) presents themes of the unity of Christendom with the, pope ,as its head in which the allegorical details of the metaphors are adduced as
  20. The Tomb of Urban VIII (1628-47),with a central hieratic sculpture of the, pope ,seated in full regalia and offering a hand of blessing, while at his feet, two
  21. According to Asset because of Pope Marines’ friendship with King Alfred the, pope ,granted an exemption to any Anglo-Saxons residing within Rome from tax or
  22. Immense hosts which arrived, to his consternation and embarrassment, after the, pope ,preached the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont later that same year. Not
  23. Went to Rome in 1625 with an introduction from the Duke of Mantra to the late, pope ,'s nephew, Cardinal Ludovic Ludovic, who employed him for a time in the
  24. By Gertrude, he had to take the city by force on 21 February 896,freeing the, pope , Arnulfo was greeted at the Monte Silvio by the Roman Senate who escorted him
  25. To Pope Adrian I, and was later sent on three important embassies to the, pope , in 792,794 and 796. In 790, he was named abbot of Pendulum, also called Anti
  26. However, in Bernini's tomb, the vigorous upraised arm and posture of the, pope ,is counterbalanced by an active drama below, wherein the figures of Charity and
  27. Roman Emperor in 891,Arnulfo threw his support behind Hangar. In 893,a new, pope , Formosa, not trusting the newly crowned co-emperors Guy and Lambert, sent an
  28. In 1722, he moved to Rome, where he introduced his operas' new style. The new, pope ,Benedict XIII invited Vivaldi to play for him. In 1725,Vivaldi returned to
  29. Too costly. In this relief, the two principal figures, the stern and courageous, pope ,and the dismayed and frightened Attila, surge forward from the center into
  30. Religious orders based in Palestine and politically largely independent on the, pope , the Knights Templar's, the Hospitals, and the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher
  31. Ability, for Gregory was the abbot of St Andrews as well as being, pope , which left the day-to-day running of the abbey to Augustine, the prior.
  32. Included now only part of the Abruzzo and Naples, obtained 10,000 men from the, pope , but the cardinal leading them signed a truce with Alfonso. Giovanni Fora
  33. He was next sent by the Pope to the Emperor Sigismund to ask his aid in the, pope ,'s efforts to end this Council, which for five years had been encroaching on
  34. Has a higher percentage of Catholics among the German states. The current, pope , Benedict XVI ( Lang "Joseph/IN"> DE">Joseph Alois Rat zinger),was born in
  35. Support the East Anglican mission. Augustine received liturgical books from the, pope , but their exact contents are unknown. They may have been some new mass
  36. 1968 – Pope Paul VI arrives in Bogotá, Colombia. It is the first visit of a, pope ,to Latin America. *1971 – J. Edgar Hoover and John Mitchell announce the arrest
  37. Rose and bowed. His letters were received kneeling, as were those of the, pope ,and the king. No monk might sit in his presence, or leave it without his
  38. And Greenland. Then the archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen had a falling-out with the, pope ,and in 1105 a separate archbishopric for the North was established in Land.
  39. To René of Enjoy, Louis III's brother. This solution was opposed by the new, pope , Eugene IV, who was nominal feudal lord of the King of Naples. As the
  40. Utility. These actions led to a serious diplomatic conflict between the, pope ,and Portugal. After being excommunicated for his fugacities by Pope Honors
  41. By Gregory IV, went to Rome to receive the gallium directly at the hands of the, pope ,and to be named legate for the northern lands. This commission had previously
  42. Died 1234),and Mary, who married Philip I of Namur, were legitimized by the, pope ,in 1201 at the request of the king. Little is known of the personality of Agnes
  43. Disrepute. Asgard, on the other hand, was embraced by the new pope and the, pope ,'s nephew, Camillo Camphill. Algardi's portraits were highly prized, and their
  44. Offices. The Medici's had supported Fossa in his campaign to become cardinal and, pope , Once in office, John XXIII made the Medici Bank the bank of the papacy
  45. That he described Basel as a western Babylon. He likewise supported the, pope ,at Ferrara and Florence, and worked hard in the attempt to reconcile the
  46. Several saints and six pope s have borne this name, including the only English, pope , Adrian IV, and the only Dutch pope , Adrian VI. As an English name, it has been
  47. As well. The council resolved that all three pope s should abdicate and a new, pope ,be elected. Gregory agreed and John initially did as well, but then he fled the
  48. Of Naples, who protected Gregory XII in Rome. Following his election as, pope , John spent a year in Bologna and then joined forces with Louis II of Enjoy to
  49. Listed as an anti pope , the Holy See's Annmarie Pontifical classifies him as a, pope , not an anti pope . In line with its above-quoted remark on the obscurities about
  50. Where one side of the choir alternately responds to the other. (The latter, pope ,St. Gregory I the Great is not known to have composed any Gregorian chant, the

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