Examples of the the word, accessibility , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accessibility ), is the 4060 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nature, began referring to him publicly as" Hank" in order to suggest more, accessibility , The nickname quickly gained currency, but " Henry" continued to be cited
  2. Implementation. These core characteristics are volatility, mutability, accessibility , and addressability. For any particular implementation of any storage
  3. Was higher than in the recent past, although concerns remained regarding the, accessibility ,of polling places in rural areas. Alfonso Portillo's landslide victory
  4. Initiative of 1987 formally promoted community-based methods of increasing, accessibility ,of drugs and health care services to the population, in part by implementing
  5. Derived type enhancements: parameterized derived types, improved control of, accessibility , improved structure constructors, and finalizes. * Object-oriented programming
  6. A definition of entropy based entirely on the relation of adiabatic, accessibility ,between equilibrium states was given by E. H. Lies and J. Invasion in 1999.
  7. In part by implementing user fees. The new strategy dramatically increased, accessibility ,through community-based healthcare (including community ownership and local
  8. Type checker. The various object-oriented programming languages enforce member, accessibility ,and visibility to various degrees, and depending on the language's type system
  9. Finds a particular instance out of the set of all television objects. Member, accessibility ,Many languages support the concept of information hiding and encapsulation
  10. Ports as being in a good state of conservation in terms of sustainability, accessibility , and quality. Nonetheless, the level of tourism on the Andalusian coasts has
  11. Casual gamer. Casual games derive their name from their ease of, accessibility , simple to understand gameplay and quick to grasp rule sets. Additionally
  12. Regardless of disability or severity of impairment. Examples include Web, accessibility ,a set of guidelines and two accessible web portals designed for people
  13. Cross, in the two countries existing on the island and Cyprus Red Cross has no, accessibility ,to North, ICRC declared its will to recognize Cyprus Red Cross. Activities of
  14. Spawned many emulators, one of whom was Antonio Salary. Their emphasis on, accessibility ,brought huge successes in opera, and in vocal music more widely: songs
  15. Are inaccessible to disabled people. More recent stations were designed for, accessibility , but retrofitting accessibility features to old stations is at best
  16. Pursuits journalism and magazines, both on paper and online. The increased, accessibility ,of outdoor pursuits resources has been the source of some negative publicity
  17. With more than 17 United States periodicals about beading alone, resources, accessibility , and a low initial cost of entry continues to expand production of hand-made
  18. With their eyes. Accessibility Software In human-computer interaction, computer, accessibility , ( also known as Accessible computing) refers to the accessibility of a
  19. Sounds representing colors. The GNOME desktop environment provides colorblind, accessibility ,using the gnome-mag and the lib colorblind software. Using a gnome applet, the
  20. Abstract classes that represent the interfaces of the class. Other prominent, accessibility ,schemes (with example languages): * Instance vs. class accessibility : Ruby
  21. Then available to other program units, including the capability to limit the, accessibility ,to only specific parts of the module. * A vastly improved argument-passing
  22. Universe (the problem of dark energy). The physical sciences With increased, accessibility ,to and elaboration upon advanced analytical techniques in the 19th century
  23. Is a relatively short document and written in plain language in order to ensure, accessibility ,to the average citizen. It is said that it is the part of the constitution that
  24. Technology is increasing, accompanied by concerted efforts to ensure the, accessibility ,of information technology to all potential users, including the blind. Later
  25. Set priorities in improving the timeliness, transparency,reliability and, accessibility ,of financial and economic data. Some countries initially used the GDDS, but
  26. A built-in screen reader, called Voice-over. The movement towards greater web, accessibility ,is opening a far wider number of websites to adaptive technology, making the
  27. Have become smaller, the number of panels have been reduced. The popularity and, accessibility ,of strips meant they were often clipped and saved; authors including John
  28. The cellular basis of learning and memory, because of the simplicity and, accessibility ,of its nervous system, and examined in hundreds of experiments. Vertebrates The
  29. v. Elder Becket Architects and Engineers, Inc., was focused on the wheelchair, accessibility ,of a stadium project that was still in the design Phase, MCI Center in
  30. Can bind enzymes that modify the histones at the promoter; this will change the, accessibility ,of the DNA template to the polymerase. As these DNA targets can occur
  31. Condition is known as the" heat death of the Universe ". Entropy and adiabatic, accessibility ,A definition of entropy based entirely on the relation of adiabatic
  32. Fully accessible to wheelchairs; much attention was paid to quick and effective, accessibility ,for all passengers. The stations have high platforms, matching the floor height
  33. Recommendations and are illegal in HTML5. Good semantic HTML also improves the, accessibility ,of web documents (see also Web Content Accessibility Guidelines). For example
  34. Now is a blueprint for all stadiums and other public facilities regarding, accessibility , Paralyzed Veterans of America (or“ PVA” ) v. Elder Becket Architects and
  35. People. More recent stations were designed for accessibility , but retrofitting, accessibility ,features to old stations is at best prohibitively expensive and technically
  36. To middle, high and senior secondary respectively during the year 2004-05. Now, accessibility ,to schooling is available within the radius of 1.10 km,1.38 km,1.66 km and
  37. And rhetorical traditions in which he was trained. The quality and ready, accessibility ,of Ciceroni an texts favored very wide distribution and inclusion in teaching
  38. Accessibility schemes (with example languages): * Instance vs. class, accessibility ,: Ruby supports instance-private and instance-protected access specifiers in
  39. Sustainable design, historic preservation (US) or conservation (UK), accessibility , and other forms of specialist consultants. Many architects elect to move into
  40. Attendance at science fiction conventions and comics conventions and his, accessibility ,to fans. In the early 1970s,critic and writer Thomas Disc identified Martin
  41. The same type but use different storage pools. Also, the language provides for, accessibility ,checks, both at compile time and at run time, that ensures that an access value
  42. Art Theatre, Stanislavski wrote of the importance of simplicity, directness and, accessibility ,in art. From 1894 onwards, as part of his painstaking rehearsals for Karl
  43. Computer accessibility (also known as Accessible computing) refers to the, accessibility ,of a computer system to all people, regardless of disability or severity of
  44. Enlargement, the new states that joined since 2004 added the problem of solving, accessibility ,to the transport agenda. The Polish road network in particular was in poor
  45. Following properties: It is monotonic with respect to the relation of adiabatic, accessibility , additive on composite systems, and extensive under scaling. Standard textbook
  46. Person in a wheelchair against a blue background, meant to designate handicap, accessibility ,at a glance * Interstellar Alliance, an alliance in Babylon 5 to fight the
  47. Systems, there is an increasing shift to low-floor buses primarily for easier, accessibility , Coaches are designed for longer-distance travel and are typically fitted with
  48. A court order requiring the public accommodation to remedy violations of the, accessibility ,regulations) and attorneys' fees, and does not provide monetary rewards to
  49. From unauthorized access, disruption,or modification while maintaining the, accessibility ,and usability of the system for its intended users. Cryptography is the
  50. Which has action choreographed by Hong Kong based Tony Ching. The increasing, accessibility ,to professional action and special effects, coupled with rising film budgets

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