Examples of the the word, prospective , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prospective ), is the 4070 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And Commander-in-chief of the armies raised or to be raised for service in a, prospective ,war. He reluctantly accepted, and served as the senior officer of the United
  2. Running, setting the house rules, reviewing the accounts and interviewing, prospective ,residents, some of whom became characters in his books. He would scour prisons
  3. In 1941,the city purchased of what is now Fort Carson to try to lure a, prospective ,Army installation. During this time the U. S. Army established Camp Carson near
  4. S success depends on a number of factors. Among these are: * Clientele's (or, prospective ,clientele's) cultural diversity * Clientele's culinary sophistication and
  5. Of commercial disputes arising out of unpredictable torts (as opposed to the, prospective ,choice of law clauses in contracts discussed in the previous paragraph)
  6. Interact with genetic dispositions. There is fairly consistent evidence from, prospective ,studies that recent life events and interpersonal relationships contribute to
  7. Seas. Other cruising authors have provided both inspiration and instruction to, prospective ,cruisers. Key among these during the post World War II period are Elect and
  8. For a buyer. In late July, a long list was narrowed down to ten, and those ten, prospective ,investors were then narrowed to three, all of whom offered over $1 billion for
  9. That he is to be a father; the two thieves gambling for the spoils of their, prospective ,robbery; Marie and Wolf posing for their portrait while the broken-hearted
  10. Required. This involves passing a police background check and a health check. A, prospective ,immigrant worker will not be granted a permit if certain medical conditions are
  11. S energy, mood,sleep and eating behaviors. Functioning A recent 20-year, prospective , study on bipolar I and II found that functioning varied over time along a
  12. Of the battlecruiser and the commissioning of the first ships. While the, prospective ,enemy for Britain had previously been a Franco-Russian alliance with many
  13. Fake copies of The Tech,MIT's campus newspaper, while, prospective , students were visiting for their Campus Preview Weekend. Articles included "
  14. Vampire's Tomb, another unrealized film). The scenes were filmed to show to, prospective ,financial backers. Lugosi died soon afterward on August 16 and the footage
  15. Have gained empirical support. For example, researchers in New Zealand took a, prospective ,approach to studying depression, by documenting over time how depression
  16. Grounds for an annulment. " It is normal procedure for a priest to ask the, prospective ,bride and groom about their plans to have children before officiating at their
  17. With the optimal strategy when there is only one candidate with a positive, prospective ,rating. Another strategy is to vote for the top half of the candidates, the
  18. Of its own satellite on orbit will be Azerbaijan's first action in realizing, prospective ,projects to turn itself into a country with a space industry. Demographics From
  19. During the Competes stay in the Hills where Granny tags the preacher man as a, prospective ,husband for Kelly. Unfortunately, Granny learns that Matthew is married. Just a
  20. And Playa de San Juan, with the benign climate being the best tool to bring, prospective ,buyers and tourists who kept hotels reasonably busy. The tourist development
  21. Watusi and have called for it to be granted co-official status with Arabic in a, prospective ,new constitution, Morocco is the only country where Taillight is an official
  22. And the Japanese government collaborated with Allied GHQ in compiling lists of, prospective ,war criminals, while the individuals arrested as Class A suspects and
  23. Have attempted to set forth a sort of list of“ Detective Commandments” for, prospective ,authors of the genre. According to" Twenty rules for writing detective stories
  24. Approval voting strategy that votes for those candidates that have a positive, prospective ,rating. This strategy is optimal in the sense that it maximizes the voter's
  25. P, p'- isomer) and breast cancer later in life. Unlike previous studies, this, prospective , cohort study collected blood samples from young mothers in the 1960s while DDT
  26. Astronaut Center in Cologne, Germany was established. It selects and trains, prospective ,astronauts and is responsible for the coordination with international partners
  27. Been put up for sale by its owner, a resident of New York City. Learning that a, prospective ,buyer had plans to build several houses on the property, they formed a
  28. The sonic boom, takeoff-noise and pollution. By 1976 four nations remained as, prospective ,buyers: Britain, France,China, and Iran. In the end only Air France and
  29. Is still very popular today, ladies used them to communicate with suitors or, prospective ,suitors without their family or chaperon finding out. This use was highly
  30. Requires franchisors to produce a disclosure document which must be given to a, prospective ,franchisee at least 14 days before the franchise agreement is entered into. The
  31. TTP). * DDT is associated with early pregnancy loss, a type of miscarriage. A, prospective ,cohort study of Chinese textile workers found" a positive, monotonic
  32. Corporate business law differs dramatically from state to state. Many, prospective ,corporations choose to incorporate in a state whose laws are most favorable to
  33. New group in 2006,though this aspiration had to be cancelled due to their main, prospective ,partners, the ODS and Pis, being unable or unwilling to break away from their
  34. And the abeyance is said to be terminated. On the other hand, the number of, prospective ,heirs can grow quite large, since each share potentially can be divided between
  35. U. S. in the second half of the 20th century came to the conclusion that most, prospective ,assassins spend copious amounts of time planning and preparing for their
  36. Concentration. Recently, a post hoc analysis of the IDEAL and the EPIC, prospective ,studies found an association between high levels of HDL cholesterol (adjusted
  37. From a fund that receives contributions from their home congregations; however, prospective ,missionaries are encouraged to contribute the cost of their missions to this
  38. I have caught something),mi Estes Katina (I have been caught) *Present, prospective ,: mi Estes keystone (I am going to/about to catch),mi Estes Dakota (I am
  39. Yellow–blue color range which could lead to a 35 % reduction in the number of, prospective ,pilots who fail to meet the minimum medical threshold. Art Inability to
  40. Fayetteville, Arkansas. The BRI technology has been purchased by INES. Another, prospective ,technology is the closed-loop ethanol plant. Ethanol produced from corn has a
  41. Criminalization as a way to make potential criminals pay or suffer for their, prospective ,crimes. In this case, criminalization becomes a way to set the price that one
  42. An EEA where breast development was a sign of health, youth and fertility in a, prospective ,mate, and fat was a rare and vital nutrient. Research methods Evolutionary
  43. Engineers also advise and collaborate with medical device producers regarding, prospective ,design improvements based on clinical experiences, as well as monitor the
  44. Of Crispus was, perhaps,Constantine's desire to keep a firm grip on his, prospective ,heirs, this – and Fausta's desire for having her sons inheriting instead of
  45. Which was rewarded by an order for three prototypes on 25 February 1958 as a, prospective ,low-cost fighter that could be supplied under the Military Assistance Program
  46. Inherent biases, views and predictions; during this examination, each, prospective , juror must" speak the truth" so that counsel and the court may decide whether
  47. French void to see. ) In modern American court procedure, the examination of, prospective ,jurors for their qualification to serve, including inherent biases, views and
  48. Signatories of the public Treaty of Dover that allied England to France in a, prospective ,war against the Netherlands. However, the Cabal Ministry they formed can hardly
  49. System for tracking and recording every stage in the sales process for each, prospective ,client, from initial contact to final disposition. Many SFA applications also
  50. Under current regulations by the Food and Drug Administration on the basis of, prospective ,randomized study and clinical trials. It was also approved for the control of

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