Examples of the the word, blank , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blank ), is the 4068 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of these loops can vary somewhat depending on the reed maker. The bound reed, blank ,is then wrapped with thick cotton or linen thread to protect it, and a conical
  2. Hammer until the next end, when two or more points may lie. This is called a, blank ,end. Scoring without the hammer is commonly referred to as stealing, or a steal
  3. Many of which were shells, but including at least one 300 pounds shot at point, blank ,range. Despite losing her bowsprit and her foremast, and being set on fire, she
  4. Other words derived from the root *BAEL- include bleach, bleak,blind, blink, blank , blush, blaze,flame, fulminate,flagrant and phlegm). In the English language
  5. Global variables; instead there is a global vector, which is similar to ", blank ,common" in FORTRAN. All data shared between different compilation units
  6. System took a new form and lives on in abacus. Like the counting rods,a, blank ,on a position on abacus represents 0. T denotes Traditional’S denotes
  7. Usually numbered sequentially, and often divided into chapters. * Flyleaf: The, blank ,leaf or leaves (if any) preceding the back free endpaper. A bookmark is a
  8. That joins the front and rear covers where the pages hinge. * Flyleaf: The, blank ,leaf or leaves following the front free endpaper. ** Copyright page: typically
  9. Two pixel increments because the internal display counter is not incremented on, blank ,scan lines during non-continuous graphics modes. Exile: sampled speech Exile
  10. By division and border experience. In these places, the bricks will become a, blank ,canvas for artists, intellectuals and young people to tackle the wall
  11. Recordable CD Recordable Compact Discs, CD-Rs,are injection molded with a ", blank ," data spiral. A photosensitive dye is then applied, after which the discs are
  12. Cause' of death. The next lines,'Due to, or as a consequence Of" were, blank , Haley made a succession of bizarre, mostly monologue late-night phone calls to
  13. And Titus, for example) and which states that Jesus gave the Apostles a ", blank ,check" to lead the Church as they saw fit under the guidance of the Holy
  14. To the Congress. The Articles, however,were unsigned, and the date was, blank , Congress began the signing process by examining their copy of the Articles on
  15. Like the oriental monasteries generally, is surrounded by a strong and lofty, blank ,stone wall, enclosing an area of between 3 and 4 acres (12,000 and 16,000 m²)
  16. Alternatively, the team with the hammer could peel rock after rock, which would, blank ,the end, keeping the last rock advantage for another end. This strategy had
  17. Mathematics had been set back by a month:" Before, when I looked at a piece of, blank ,paper my mind was filled with ideas. Now all I see is a blank piece of paper. "
  18. Confusion may arise if neither team scores points in an end, this is called a, blank ,end. The blank end numbers are usually listed in the farthest column on the
  19. Modes, two are configured so that the final two of every ten scan lines are, blank ,and are not based on the contents of RAM. If 16 scan lines of continuous
  20. Rarely published and are typically destroyed or remain private. Notebooks are, blank ,papers to be written in by the user. Students and writers commonly use them for
  21. CD. The die then goes into a press and the physical image is transferred to the, blank ,CD, leaving a final positive image on the disc. A small amount of lacquer is
  22. One CD, is usually 2 to 3 seconds. This method produces the clear plastic, blank ,part of the disc. After a metallic reflecting layer (usually aluminum, but
  23. Flavescent and famine),with Greek falls (white),French Blanc (white, blank ,) (borrowed from Old Frankish),and with Russian белый, belyi (" white,"
  24. Machine tools, handtools, and blueprints. The maker cuts out the bell, blank , using hand or power shears. He hammers the blank over a bell-shaped mandrel
  25. Had settled in the city. One of these, the " Dutch church libel," written in, blank ,verse, contained allusions to several of Marlowe's plays and was signed,"
  26. Usually aluminum, but sometimes gold or other metal) is applied to the clear, blank ,substrate, the disc goes under a UV light for curing, and it is ready to go to
  27. To be" hand edited" could even be produced with spaces of extra Null (, blank ,tape) so that a block of characters could be" rubbed out" and then
  28. To an incoming message),SP is space, and NFL is the null character (, blank ,tape). Note: the binary conversions of the code points are often shown in
  29. Programming through computer graphics. It is typically inserted into otherwise, blank ,backdrops or used to replace local billboards that are not relevant to the
  30. By the historic significance of the battle that he represented it with a, blank ,page in his Henry VII (1502). For Professor Peter Sacco, the battle was
  31. For signs (and occurrences) of danger, and,feeling like your mind's gone, blank ," as well as" nightmares/bad dreams, obsessions about sensations, deja VU, a
  32. Blind doors to maintain symmetry. Blind windows were often used along otherwise, blank ,walls. Colette Colonies were narrow decorative columns that served as
  33. When inserting the reed on the local. To finish the reed, the end of the reed, blank , originally at the center of the unfolded piece of cane, is cut off, creating
  34. At a piece of blank paper my mind was filled with ideas. Now all I see is a, blank ,piece of paper. " After he won the bet, he promptly resumed his amphetamine
  35. For the Atari can be executed using either an emulator or copied directly to a, blank ,cartridge making use of either a PROM or EPROM chip. This allows the
  36. Up or on edge, being easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating or mind going, blank , irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or
  37. Tool or lead, after which the text was written by the scribe, who usually left, blank ,areas for illustration and lubrication. Finally, the book was bound by the
  38. Ballots can be of at least four semi-distinct forms. The simplest form is a, blank ,ballot where the names of supported candidates are written in by hand. A more
  39. The advantage of being reusable: the wax could be melted, and reformed into a, blank , The custom of binding several wax tablets together (Roman pupillary) is a
  40. The pages by about 1/8” all round. These overlaps are called squares. The, blank ,piece of paper inside the cover is called the endpaper, or end sheet: it is of
  41. Elizabethan tragedian, next to William Shakespeare, he is known for his, blank ,verse, his overreaching protagonists, and his mysterious death. A warrant was
  42. Will be displayed as two blocks of 8 scan lines, separated in the middle by two, blank ,scan lines. In order to keep track of its position within the display, the
  43. Who rises from shepherd to warrior. It is among the first English plays in, blank ,verse, and,with Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy, generally is considered the
  44. That appears to be useful on the cockpit voice tape. The tape appears to be, blank ,or erased. " In its report on the CVR, the NTSB identified the unit as an L-3
  45. Colours),640×256 (2 colors),320×200 (2 colors — spaced display with two, blank ,horizontal lines following every 8 pixel lines),640×200 (2 colors — spaced
  46. The next end. If a team can't score two points, they will often attempt to ", blank ,an end" by removing any leftover opposition rocks and rolling out; or, if
  47. A member of a Lovecraft one. In 1920 Smith composed a celebrated long poem in, blank ,verse, The Hashish Eater, or The Apocalypse of Evil which was published in
  48. Followed by an alexandrine. Alexandrines rarely appear in Shakespeare's, blank ,verse. In the Restoration and eighteenth century, poetry written in couplets is
  49. The maker cuts out the bell blank , using hand or power shears. He hammers the, blank ,over a bell-shaped mandrel, and butts the seam, using a notching tool. The seam
  50. Group A book is a set or collection of written, printed,illustrated, or, blank , sheets,made of ink, paper,parchment, or other materials, usually fastened

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