Examples of the the word, fabric , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fabric ), is the 4072 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rice served in a bowl, and other participants were entertained. The worn-out, fabric ,of old clothing was used for baby clothes because soft cloth was good for the
  2. By stitches per inch, which can range from 14 to 40 count, and the appropriate, fabric ,is then chosen. History Cross-stitch is one of the oldest forms of embroidery
  3. Improving air tightness. Since the rate of heat transfer through the building, fabric ,has such a direct influence on air-conditioning requirements the level of
  4. Offers more coverage and support, a strapless bandeau, a rectangular strip of, fabric ,covering the breasts that minimizes large breasts, a top with cups similar to a
  5. Brilliance. " Less formal dresses in Bethlehem were generally made of indigo, fabric ,and a sleeveless coat (bight),made from locally woven wool, was worn over
  6. Have played pivotal roles in the development of the city and its rich social, fabric , The most recent memorial is dedicated to war hero Sir Albert Coates. Ballarat
  7. More expensive than plate armor. A mail shirt interwoven between two layers of, fabric ,is called jazzeraint, and can be worn as protective clothing. Mail typically
  8. Reign, the city's population reached about 500,000 people. However, the social, fabric ,of Constantinople was also damaged by the onset of Plague of Justinian between
  9. Techniques that increased the amount of arable land. Algeria's social, fabric ,suffered during the occupation: literacy plummeted, while land development
  10. Abacus is still commonly used by individuals who are blind. A piece of soft, fabric ,or rubber is placed behind the beads so that they do not move inadvertently.
  11. Is resistance to alteration: liquid ink, such as from an ink jet head or, fabric ,ribbon, becomes absorbed by the paper fibers, so documents printed with liquid
  12. The club, Jeffrey spots Frank in the audience fondling a piece of blue-velvet, fabric ,he cut from Dorothy's robe. Jeffrey follows Frank and spends the next few days
  13. On air-conditioning requirements the level of insulation in the building, fabric ,should be considered when selecting an air-conditioning unit. Pipe insulation
  14. Balancing between maintaining existing norms to perpetuate an ethical social, fabric , and violating them in order to accomplish ethical good. Training in the LI of
  15. Cleverly dissimulates his preoccupation with Emanuel Kant's philosophy. Its, fabric ,includes striking alliterations, wild rhythmic combinations, day-to-day
  16. Clergy, academics and lawyers * Strap, an elongated flap or ribbon, usually of, fabric ,or leather Science and technology * Band (radio),a range of frequencies or
  17. Include a standard for the number of stitches across a standard swatch of, fabric , An individual crocheter begins work by producing a test swatch and
  18. France in the 18th century, and contend that the hooking of loops through fine, fabric ,in Seymour work evolved into" crochet in the air. " Most samples of early work
  19. Agent. It is also used as a mordant (i.e., a fixing agent) for dyes in, fabric , Biological role Chromium has no verified biological role and has been
  20. Must flow over the wing and generate lift. A flexible wing is a wing made of, fabric ,or thin sheet material, often stretched over a rigid frame. A kite is tethered
  21. In the Block II suits with Beta cloth, a non-flammable, highly melt-resistant, fabric ,woven from fiberglass and coated with Teflon. * Block II had already been
  22. To form a picture. Cross-stitch is often executed on easily countable even weave, fabric ,called Aida cloth. The stitcher counts the threads in each direction so that
  23. Strung onto thread or soft, flexible wire, or adhered to a surface (e.g., fabric , clay). Types of beads may be divided into several types of overlapping
  24. Produce interesting visual effects, such as diagonal stripes. Process Crocheted, fabric ,is begun by placing a slip-knot loop on the hook (though other methods, such
  25. In this case judicial independence. Crochet (;) is a process of creating, fabric ,from yarn, thread,or other material strands using a crochet hook. The word is
  26. Prehistoric period of Greece. It was recognized that the character of both the, fabric ,and the decoration of the Mycenaean objects was not that of any well-known art.
  27. System. Many modern drum kits use a mount with felt or otherwise dampening, fabric ,to act as a barrier to hold the cymbals between metal clamps: thus forming the
  28. A crash pad. These are generally thick, rectangular foam pads with a heavy-duty, fabric ,shell. They are opened and placed at the base of a boulder to cover
  29. From very early periods, but there are no surviving samples of crocheted, fabric ,in any ethnological collection, or archeological source prior to 1800. These
  30. Of curling, but are universally referred to as brooms. Curling brushes may have, fabric , hog hair, or horsehair heads. Modern curling broomsticks are usually hollow
  31. Its time and with its own distinctive character, making up a dense urban, fabric , Other distinctive features of Copenhagen include the abundance of water, the
  32. Machines, electric motors, tires,knitted wear, hosiery,shoes, silk, fabric , chemicals, trucks,instruments, microelectronics,jewelry manufacturing
  33. Thus, although traditional Southern culture is part of Atlanta's cultural, fabric , it's mostly the backdrop to one of the nation's leading international cities
  34. Judith Uncle, Joan Rolls Bragg, Kay George (who is also known for her, fabric ,designs),APII Congo, and multimedia, installation and community-project
  35. The City's urban landscape. The destruction of the City's older historic, fabric ,however allowed, and continues to allow, the construction of modern and
  36. As soon as time or accident had removed the artificial supports, the stupendous, fabric ,yielded to the pressure of its own weight. The story of the ruin is simple and
  37. Those actions taken by the conservator to directly intervene with the material, fabric ,of the object. Such actions include surface cleaning such as varnish removal
  38. 9-metre long bands of fabric with various uses and are usually sold wherever, fabric ,for men's clothing is sold. Most of the malls and leading brands have there
  39. Organic compound that has been used by humans since ancient times is the, fabric ,dye Tyrian purple. The brominated indole indigo dye is produced by a
  40. In Europe, it is now increasingly popular to simply embroider pieces of, fabric ,and hang them on the wall for decoration. There are many cross-stitching "
  41. Are used to evoke a sense of national identify. Into various parts of the, fabric ,were built relics and curiosities from historical structures, such as the
  42. Was concentrated on a single point, a " primeval atom" where and when the, fabric ,of time and space came into existence. Starting in 1924,Hubble painstakingly
  43. There are always going to be loose threads which refuse to be woven into the, fabric ,as a whole. The presence of the threads which stubbornly refuse to be
  44. Inexpensively via truck. Self-delivery is often possible by installing, fabric ,water tanks that fit the bed of a pick-up truck. It can be convenient to use
  45. Agrarian systems, and possibly contributed directly to the social and religious, fabric ,constitutive of the Andean civilizational orders. In 1500,Vicente Lane Pinion
  46. Less attention than they deserved, being supposed to be of some local Asiatic, fabric ,of uncertain date. Nor was a connection immediately detected between them and
  47. Forms of cross-stitch. Sometimes cross-stitch is done on designs printed on the, fabric ,(stamped cross-stitch); the stitcher simply stitches over the printed pattern
  48. The early 1980s),face painting, airbrushing,water color techniques, and, fabric , screen printing. In physics, angular momentum, moment of momentum, or
  49. Of bead work techniques in which seed beads are woven together into a flat, fabric ,or a three-dimensional object such as a ball, clasp,box, or a piece of jewelry
  50. Widely available. Hand tie-dyed turbans (sagas) are 9-metre long bands of, fabric ,with various uses and are usually sold wherever fabric for men's clothing is

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