Examples of the the word, accurately , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accurately ), is the 4058 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Very likely that with his knowledge of geometry, he became the first Greek to, accurately ,determine the equinoxes. Prediction of an earthquake In his philosophical work
  2. Flight. The net effect of variations can also be determined by shooting at an, accurately ,known point, a process called 'registration '. All these calculations to
  3. Can only be described by quantum mechanics, in which the electrons are most, accurately ,described as standing waves surrounding the nucleus. Atomic orbitals are
  4. The eyes are open or closed. This is a negative Romberg's test, or more, accurately , it denotes the individual's inability to carry out the test, because the
  5. Experiences felt as if they floated above themselves and were able to, accurately ,recount what had happened in the room even though their bodily eyes were closed
  6. And a few watchtowers also remain in various parts of the city. None still, accurately ,represents the Wall's original appearance. They are badly damaged by souvenir
  7. Become" manifesto" of the movement, presenting in a simple way themes more, accurately ,developed in other works. In India some intellectual references of the movement
  8. It must also model the authors' goals, intentions,and emotional states to, accurately ,reproduce them in a new language. In short, the machine is required to have
  9. To provide adequate care for Sharon, CAA is often very difficult to diagnose, accurately , and is often discovered only after an individual suffers a brain hemorrhage.
  10. Unit," boom slang" (" tree snake" ) and apartheid (" segregation "; more, accurately ," awareness" or" the state or condition of being apart" ). In 1976,high
  11. BRDF) may be required to characterize the scattering properties of a surface, accurately , although the albedo is a very useful first approximation. The albedo is an
  12. Sources: albedo, surface spectrum, and density. The last can only be determined, accurately ,by observing the orbits of moons the asteroid might have. So far, every
  13. One-vote system, trustee elections will become more democratic and will more, accurately ,reflect the desires of our alumni base. " Strategic voting Sincere voting
  14. Latin alphabet. The unwieldy nature of the Japanese kana with its inability to, accurately ,represent terminal consonants has contributed to the degradation of the
  15. That this current is 0.99985 A. Realization The standard ampere is most, accurately ,realized using a watt balance, but is in practice maintained via Ohm's Law
  16. Rate of fire, more in order to force the enemy to take cover than to try to, accurately ,hit them, and was generally practiced by NKVD officers issued a pair of
  17. Number of different standards for the Romanization of Arabic,i.e. methods of, accurately ,and efficiently representing Arabic with the Latin script. There are various
  18. Virtually every language, including Latin, Scottish Gaelic and even Sanskrit, accurately ,reciting written tracts without any prior knowledge of their pronunciation. His
  19. Of a (usually fricative) consonant by a sound, but that process is more, accurately ,termed delocalization. Description Voiceless consonants are produced with the
  20. The shores of the eastern Mediterranean on 21 July 365. His report describes, accurately ,the characteristic sequence of earthquake, retreat of the sea and sudden giant
  21. By Kong MIDI pedals in the 1980s. ) Life son and his bandmates share a desire to, accurately ,depict songs from their albums when playing live performances. Toward this goal
  22. The kind of reasoning done by expert systems. Machine translation To translate, accurately , a machine must be able to understand the text. It must be able to follow the
  23. Visited astrologers to ask about her son’s future. The astrologers had rather, accurately ,predicted that her son would become emperor and would kill her. She replied,"
  24. Prizes, and prestige. The" Serum Run" is another sled dog race that more, accurately ,follows the route of the famous 1925 relay, leaving from the community of
  25. Acts that Apollos was a highly educated Alexandrian Jew, who " spoke and taught, accurately ,enough about Jesus, even though he knew only the baptism of John. " He came to
  26. Instruments, including large mural instruments, to measure star positions more, accurately ,than previously, with a precision of 15–35 arc sec. Taxi Alvin measured the
  27. Sometimes known as IM Arabic. To handle those Arabic letters that cannot be, accurately ,represented using the Latin script, numerals and other characters were
  28. Rifling had been tried on small arms in the 15th Century. The machinery to, accurately ,rifle a cannon barrel did not arrive until the 19th Century. Carelli
  29. 2010),The Ninth: Beethoven and the World in 1824,Faber. **'Treads warily, accurately ,and responsibly round the great sleeping beast ', The Daily Telegraph,3 July
  30. To the Earth's rotation, the time of these calibration observations must be, accurately ,known, or else there will be a systematic error in the measurements. Horizon
  31. For example, the machine may need to understand how an ocean makes one feel to, accurately ,translate a specific metaphor in the text. It must also model the authors '
  32. Transit of Venus. By measuring the transit in two different locations, one can, accurately ,calculate the parallax of Venus and from the relative distance of the Earth and
  33. And Unitarians in the 18th and 19th centuries. Arminianism is most, accurately ,used to define those who affirm the original beliefs of Jacobus Arminius
  34. At the same time, there is seemingly quite a lack of words to express oneself, accurately ,when making an aesthetic judgment. An aesthetic judgment cannot be an empirical
  35. At a distance of around 160 feet (50 m). When the mirrors were focused, accurately , the ship burst into flames within a few seconds. The plywood ship had a
  36. To planets and other objects in the solar system whose motion and distance are, accurately ,known. Diurnal aberration is caused by the velocity of the
  37. Lost or destroyed over time with use, and therefore extant manuscripts cannot, accurately ,date a text family. The great majority of Biblical manuscripts support the
  38. Number of rounds to be fired on the target by each gun once the target has been, accurately ,located—to the guns. Traditionally this data is relayed via radio or wire
  39. In" me" or" eat ". ) Some systems,e.g. for scholarly use, are intended to, accurately ,and unambiguously represent the phonemes of Arabic, generally making the
  40. Not always achieve the intended results though later emulator versions can now, accurately ,reproduce the behavior of Amiga systems. Operating systems AmigaOS is a
  41. Are visible to astronomers and therefore their positions and magnitude can be, accurately ,calculated. Some comets are predictable, most famously Halley's Comet. Yet as
  42. Radar, which calculate the source of incoming artillery shells very, accurately ,and quickly—so quickly, in fact, that return fire can sometimes begin before
  43. Then a jury. The adversarial system has also been attacked for failing to, accurately ,resolve complex technical issues such as science, technology,or tax or
  44. Works are by nature subjective. The inability—or unwillingness—of the author to, accurately ,recall memories has in certain cases resulted in misleading or incorrect
  45. Today the definition of the role of conservation has widened and would more, accurately ,be described as that of ethical stewardship. The conservator applies some
  46. Nor are they often found growing together; but their upper limit corresponds, accurately ,enough to the change from a temperate to a colder climate that is further
  47. Was literature, where she considered Romanticism to be the approach that most, accurately ,reflected the existence of human free will. She described her own approach to
  48. Something from which it ensued, and which we call the ground or reason, or more, accurately ,the motive, of the resultant action. " Choices are not made freely. Our actions
  49. Kind of background, including background with fine structure can be corrected, accurately , unless the molecule responsible for the background is also affected by the
  50. Not require a lot of computational power to emulate the 2600,it is hard to, accurately ,do so. For example, because of the lack of a frame buffer,2600 emulators must

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