Examples of the the word, unnecessary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unnecessary ), is the 4059 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Prevent the Germans from heading into the Baltic. A position further west was, unnecessary ,as that area of the North Sea could be patrolled by air using blimps and
  2. Or vice versa; programs will behave the same but will run more slowly, due to, unnecessary ,double searching. ) * and match as parentheses usually do: each matches exactly
  3. S Second Army were able to achieve their objectives efficiently and without, unnecessary ,casualties. Montgomery served at the battles of the Lies and Chemin-des-Dames
  4. The use of" real" ( floating-point) numbers for all math operations created, unnecessary ,overhead and degraded performance. Apple soft converted integer numbers to real
  5. Or capture of the whole of Berlin; the wall would presumably have been an, unnecessary ,project if such plans were afloat. Thus, they concluded that the possibility of
  6. Short vowels, which are normally left unwritten in the Arabic script, it is, unnecessary ,to determine the proper case of most words. ) The practical result of this is
  7. Say that this plan would have no effect on grade inflation while increasing, unnecessary ,competition among students and violating the principle of the New Curriculum.
  8. Far more fuel efficient and permits a heavier launch weight. As catapults are, unnecessary , carriers with this arrangement reduce weight, complexity,and space needed for
  9. Characteristics of typical chest pains must be carefully documented to avoid, unnecessary ,labelling patients with heart disease: * Chest pain or Angina sectors with
  10. Missions. By December 1966,the second Block I flight AS-205 was canceled as, unnecessary , and Shirr, Eisele and Cunningham were reassigned as the backup crew for
  11. Of conscious awareness of a choice to interrupt, stop or entirely prevent an, unnecessary ,habitual" misuse ". As unnecessary habits are prevented or interrupted, a
  12. To allow the post-inflation universe to have an arrow of time, makes it, unnecessary ,to adopt any" ad hoc" hypotheses about the initial entropy state, hypotheses
  13. Created all at once while suspended in the air, isolated from all. The body is, unnecessary ,; in relation to it, the soul is its perfection. In itself, the soul is an
  14. The cold weather and the nature of his illness made such a hurried burial, unnecessary , The earliest surviving plants, the Plants de obit Karol, was composed by
  15. That child or young person to be assaulted, in a manner likely to cause him, unnecessary ,suffering or injury to health.; Sexual assault: The offense of sexual assault
  16. Set. This gives us a definite choice of an element from each set, and makes it, unnecessary ,to apply the axiom of choice. The difficulty appears when there is no natural
  17. Has warned that if they" continue to judge Brit Milan to be not only medically, unnecessary ,but also brutalizing and mutilating ... the abhorrence of it expressed by some
  18. For human survival, and there are special instructions for preventing, unnecessary ,violence against plants. Jains go out of their way so as not to hurt even small
  19. Of quantum field theory made the interpretation of antiparticles as holes, unnecessary , even though it lingers on in many textbooks. — Steven Weinberg in The quantum
  20. In 2004,according to the CIA World Factbook). Some critics contend this is, unnecessary , given the low likelihood of international conflict, but these troops are also
  21. S reign, he pursued an official policy of nonviolence (AHIMA). Even the, unnecessary ,slaughter or mutilation of animals was immediately abolished. Everyone became
  22. And vocal mechanisms. After experimenting to develop his ability to stop the, unnecessary ,and habitual contracting in his neck, he found that his problem with recurrent
  23. San Francisco on the lower deck of the bridge, the ferries having been rendered, unnecessary , Alameda was the site of the Southern Pacific's West Alameda Shops where all
  24. That occurs in average bodybuilders is generally unplanned and completely, unnecessary , Non muscle-developing methods Some bodybuilders, particularly at professional
  25. Teacher provides verbal coaching while monitoring, guiding and preventing, unnecessary ,habits at their source with a specialized hands-on assistance. This specialized
  26. Dieselisation to replace steam locomotives * Closure of a few lines, unnecessary ,in a nationalized network, as they duplicated other lines In 1955 the program
  27. Sharon to hospital by helicopter. Doctor Negev and Glad claimed it was, unnecessary , and Negev and the accompanying paramedic feared that carrying him to
  28. Light hand contact is the primary tool for detecting and guiding the way past, unnecessary ,effort. Suggestions for improvements are often student-specific. Exercise as a
  29. The White Sox the home field advantage throughout the 2005 postseason (perhaps, unnecessary ,as the White Sox won every post-season road game they played in 2005). Among
  30. Endeavoured to show, even upon the principles of the commercial system, how, unnecessary , it is to lay extraordinary restraints upon the importation of goods from those
  31. Freedom, efficiency and patience are the prescribed values. Proscribed are, unnecessary ,effort, self-limiting habits as well as mistaken perceptual assumptions.
  32. Had become the optimum survival strategy. " Selfishness," he declared," is, unnecessary ,and hence-forth rationalizable .... War is obsolete. " He criticized previous
  33. Is often created without regard to people with disabilities, creating, unnecessary , barriers to hundreds of millions of people. Even the makers of AT technologies
  34. Industry. Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all, unnecessary ,actions. " #" Sincerity. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly
  35. Atheist. He believed that the existence of God could not be determined and was, unnecessary , He later became attracted to Unitarianism and publicly converted to the
  36. However, requiring two characters to mark the end of a line introduced, unnecessary ,complexity and questions as to how to interpret each character when encountered
  37. To call for a total smoking ban. The CSU dismissed the petition and demands as, unnecessary ,and frivolous, but the referendum proceeded, and the voters voted for the
  38. Beeps from the internal speaker, and tuneful sound playback was considered, unnecessary ,for early business software. When the CD-ROM was introduced, it was logical to
  39. William Herschel's suggested correction to the Gregorian calendar may become, unnecessary ,by the year 4000. Quarters The calendar year can be divided into 4 quarters
  40. Only broadcast frames are forwarded to all other segments. This reduces, unnecessary ,traffic and collisions. In such a switched network, transmitted frames may not
  41. No need to make new ones, since his toughened, callused feet made protection, unnecessary , He forged a new knife out of barrel rings left on the beach. Two vessels had
  42. People. GlaxoSmithKline warned that this one study should not be used to cause, unnecessary ,alarm and concern for patients. Wyeth pointed out that the data were good
  43. While the exercise of his personal authority was too often stained by acts of, unnecessary ,cruelty. He held open courts for the receipt of petitioners and the
  44. Away the presence of ships, or for fear of cluttering up the airwaves with, unnecessary ,reports. Fleet Standing Orders Naval operations were governed by standing
  45. The first manned flight to orbit the Moon, and the E Mission was cancelled as, unnecessary , Since McDivitt's crew had trained for the first LM mission, and he expressed
  46. Exercises in their teacher's presence and in front of a mirror to avoid, unnecessary ,movement of the body or facial grimaces, and one hour of literary study; all
  47. On the ethics of such additions. Critics argued that cairns and posts are an, unnecessary ,man-made intrusion into the natural landscape, which create a false sense of
  48. To interrupt, stop or entirely prevent an unnecessary habitual" misuse ". As, unnecessary ,habits are prevented or interrupted, a freer capacity and range of motion
  49. Formats A lossless compressed format stores data in less space by eliminating, unnecessary ,data. It requires more processing power both to compress the data and to
  50. Transit flow. Lucio Costa planned the streets so that traffic signals would be, unnecessary , Cars and buses would take thoroughfares to travel long distances, then use one

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