Examples of the the word, assurance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( assurance ), is the 4071 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Among them confidentiality, integrity,availability, accountability and, assurance , Hardware mechanisms that protect computers and data Hardware based or assisted
  2. Responsible for providing signals intelligence (SIGINT) and information, assurance ,to the UK government and armed forces. Based in Cheltenham, it operates under
  3. Depends not only on the soundness of the design strategy, but also on the, assurance ,of correctness of the implementation, and therefore there are degrees of
  4. Mexico. Excess humidity meant that the parts did not cure correctly and quality, assurance ,did not detect the problems. The failure to follow procedures resulted in the
  5. Before God. * Eternal security is also conditional: All believers have full, assurance ,of salvation with the condition that they remain in Christ. Salvation is
  6. Functions as high assurance secure operating systems but do so at a lower, assurance ,level (such as Common Criteria levels EAL4 or EAL5). Lower levels mean we can
  7. Assurance that it will not later stop doing so, and in that case, there is no, assurance ,that it can be made to do so again by service or adjustment. Therefore, discs
  8. And working capital must be known before taking the license. There must be, assurance ,that additional licensees will not crowd the" territory" if the franchise is
  9. Process and thereby increases the credibility of the goals chosen by providing, assurance ,that they will not be changed without notice. In addition, the setting of
  10. With Whitley, Kerr commissioned Fraser as caretaker Prime Minister, on the, assurance ,he could obtain supply and would then advise Kerr to dissolve both houses for
  11. Security: CSG is the UK national technical authority for information, assurance , including cryptography. CSG does not manufacture security equipment, but
  12. The Compact Disc logo initially handles nonstandard discs reliably, there is no, assurance ,that it will not later stop doing so, and in that case, there is no assurance
  13. Material quality, also the production process itself is an effective quality, assurance ,measure. In the production process a comprehensive monitoring system ensures
  14. Avowedly poetic voices of Campos, Reis and Person himself spoke with greater, assurance , Ricardo Reis sums up his philosophy of life in his own words, admonishing
  15. Function points in the source code. This process allows developers and quality, assurance ,personnel to look for parts of a system that are rarely or never accessed under
  16. My Lord, your letters have made me a glad man, for these last have put me in, assurance ,of that good fortune which your former mentioned doubtfully. I thank God
  17. Solution. He suggested that the language of the deal would contain an, assurance ,from the Soviet Union to remove the weapons under UN supervision and that
  18. Land of Amitabh Buddha. Rebirth in the pure land of Amitabh is seen as an, assurance ,of Buddha hood for once reborn there, beings do not fall back into cyclical
  19. By God's grace alone; as a hymn of response to forgiveness of sin or as an, assurance ,of pardon; as a confession of faith or after the sermon. "
  20. Cardinal Christian beliefs, primarily the need for salvation (the hope or, assurance ,of all Christians) and the redemptive act of Christ on the Cross as the
  21. Manufacturing and production engineering) *Quality engineering (quality, assurance ,engineering) Materials Engineering Mechanical engineering *Automotive
  22. Strength of products in terms of two components, security functionality and, assurance ,level (such as EAL levels),and these are specified in a Protection Profile
  23. Was uncle to John Ferguson who staked out future North Bay after getting, assurance ,from his uncle and Worthington that it would be the divisional and a location
  24. Treaty for unrestricted commerce. Demands were made for favors and there was no, assurance ,that individual states would agree to a treaty. Adams stated it was necessary
  25. h) and in the binary case they are (m, f,a, b,G, n,h). Unless there is an, assurance ,that domain parameters were generated by a party trusted with respect to their
  26. Legally obliged to provide the Parliament and the Council with" a statement of, assurance ,as to the reliability of the accounts and the legality and regularity of the
  27. Levels) to take effect, national pride received a big boost of confidence and, assurance , the Royal Navy proved its value once more. The success of the Falklands
  28. Systems designed to meet medium robustness levels of security functionality and, assurance ,have seen wider use within both government and commercial markets. Medium
  29. Markets. Medium robust systems may provide the same security functions as high, assurance ,secure operating systems but do so at a lower assurance level (such as Common
  30. Early as 1940,British aircraft raided targets in Germany, debunking Göring's, assurance ,that the Reich would never be attacked; the British were—throughout the
  31. Passion narrative, Jesus prays that God forgive those who crucify him and his, assurance ,to a crucified thief that they will be together in Paradise. Resurrection
  32. Radiation with strong peaks at 41 key and 102 key. It is used in many quality, assurance ,applications, such as line sources and calibration phantoms, to ensure that
  33. Over long periods of time. This is particularly true in industrial quality, assurance ,(QA),forensic and environmental applications. Analytical chemistry plays an
  34. In my heart. There came something more: strength and serenity, a wonderful new, assurance ,about life, a fresh perception of myself in the world around me. Born-again and
  35. Parts that had been incorrectly made and not detected by the company's quality, assurance , The investigation resulted in an emergency airworthiness directive that
  36. Robustly enough to protect DoD and Doe classified information. Medium, assurance ,suggests it can protect less valuable information, such as income tax
  37. For protecting the public, standards of practice, disciplinary issues, quality, assurance , and maintenance of competency. There are an estimated 49,000 chiropractors in
  38. Proposed a US$2.4M fine against the company for its failure to follow quality, assurance ,requirements while producing fiberglass components at its plant in Chihuahua
  39. The standards, enabling them to read and write nonstandard discs, there is no, assurance , in the absence of explicit additional manufacturer specifications beyond
  40. See also Design-bid-build). In many jurisdictions, mandatory certification or, assurance ,of the work is required. Depending on the client's needs and the jurisdiction
  41. Is especially careful to warn them against an inordinate desire for a complete, assurance ,of salvation. In his Exposition of Psalm 147 for example, he states: The gospel
  42. Destruction. The terms' information security, computer security and information, assurance ,are frequently incorrectly used interchangeably. These fields are interrelated
  43. Including Honeywell SCOOP, USAF SAC DIN, NSA Blacker and Boeing MLS LAN. ) The, assurance ,of security depends not only on the soundness of the design strategy, but also
  44. With its oversized single pip. Casino dice have flush markings, offering the, assurance ,that this brings them very close to providing true uniformly distributed random
  45. And a Security Target for product descriptions. None of these ultra-high, assurance ,secure general purpose operating systems have been produced for decades or
  46. The CAN Testing Service, evaluates distributions automatically for quality, assurance ,metrics of varying usefulness and assigns them a" quality" rating. CAN. Pm
  47. Been working with zoos and Aquarian around the world encouraging them to create, assurance ,colonies of threatened amphibians. One such project is the Panama Amphibian
  48. With IMF approval. By accepting the obligations of Article VIII, Egypt gives, assurance ,to the international community that it will pursue economic policies that will
  49. Paul teaches that through and freed from sin. Believers should celebrate in the, assurance ,of salvation. This promise is open to everyone since everyone has sinned, save
  50. Envoys to each of these countries during 1996–97 as a reaffirmation of India's, assurance ,to strengthening cooperation with these countries in a spirit of South-South

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