Examples of the the word, shield , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shield ), is the 4069 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the guise of a peddler selling women's clothes and jewelry and places a, shield ,and spear among his goods. When Achilles instantly takes up the spear, Odysseus
  2. Shield signifying the same, such as a bag-like garment that contained a, shield , Sometimes the garment and the shield are merged, with a small version of the
  3. Ages decided to return to Athens. Before leaving, he buried his sandals, shield , and sword under a huge rock and told her that, when their son grew up, he
  4. Pore abalone ** Halitosis rubra Leach,1814 – synonym: Halitosis angle the, shield ,abalone * Halitosis quiescent Swanson,1822 – the red abalone * Halitosis Rosa
  5. Protection provided by a high religious authority or the holder of a protective, shield ,signifying the same, such as a bag-like garment that contained a shield .
  6. More powerful and just as intelligent. He commands his army wielding a huge, shield ,made of seven cow-hides with a layer of bronze. Most notably, Ajax is not
  7. As a bag-like garment that contained a shield . Sometimes the garment and the, shield ,are merged, with a small version of the shield appearing on the garment. It
  8. Symbol from the NASA logo was placed on top of the shield , and then across the, shield ,were written the words APOLLO 16. The artwork was bordered in white, with a
  9. Towed gun fires from the ground and any inherent protection is limited to a gun, shield , Towing by horse teams lasted throughout World War II in some armies, but
  10. Of ABM technologies. SDI was an extremely ambitious program to provide a total, shield ,against a massive Soviet ICBM attack. The initial concept envisioned large
  11. May be either parabolic (short feathers in a smooth parabolic curve) or, shield ,(generally shaped like half of a narrow shield ) cut and is often attached at
  12. Command Module (CM) was the crew cabin, surrounded by a conical re-entry heat, shield , designed to carry three astronauts from launch to lunar orbit and back to an
  13. A lunar surface. The vector symbol from the NASA logo was placed on top of the, shield , and then across the shield were written the words APOLLO 16. The artwork was
  14. Featured an eagle with wings outstretched, perched atop a red, white and blue, shield , over a lunar surface. The vector symbol from the NASA logo was placed on top
  15. Name has been extended to many other entities, and the concept of a protective, shield ,is found in other mythologies, while its form varies across sources. Now, the
  16. Their occupation was hunting and war; their arms the bow, spear,axe, a half, shield , nearly in the shape of a crescent, called Delta, and in early art a helmet
  17. And vigilance. His two hands bear the badges of Sophia and Dynamic,the, shield ,of Wisdom, and the scourge of Power. " Hebraic names These Abrasax-stones often
  18. On a convenient chassis to give mobility, usually with just a three-sided gun, shield ,for protection. For instance,202 German Panzer I light tanks were modified by
  19. Combined with their post-battle rewards, prompted them to raise Alaric" on a, shield ," and proclaim him king; according to Jordanes (a Gothic historian of varying
  20. Similar to the original game, the onscreen objects were tinted blue and a, shield ,that depleted with use replaced the hyperspace feature. In addition, the
  21. Shield appearing on the garment. It originally was derived from the protective, shield ,associated with a religious figure when related in myths and images. The
  22. Are three St Andrew's crosses, aligned in a vertical band on the city's, shield ,(although Amsterdam's patron saint was Saint Nicholas). These St Andrew's
  23. S head. The reverse represents Dallas holding a spear in one hand and a, shield ,in the other, and before her stands an eagle on a thunderbolt. Relations with
  24. With her helmet raised high on the forehead to reveal the image of Nike. Her, shield ,bears at its center the aegis with the head of the gorgon (gorgonize) in the
  25. Or qualities, for he was a tall handsome man, but from the cognizance on his, shield , an able man, had a quick eye as well as a strong hand, and could pick what way
  26. Teacher, known for his skill with the bow. Ajax would wield his magnificent, shield , as Teacher stood behind picking off enemy Trojans. Achilles was absent during
  27. Emblem and a scarlet uniform. The main pieces of this armor were a round, shield , a spear and a helmet. Ancient Rome The Roman Army had its origins in the
  28. Of NMD/GMD While the Reagan era Strategic Defense Initiative was intended to, shield ,against a massive Soviet attack, during the early 1990s,President George H. W.
  29. His right hand he grasps a club, or a flail, and in his left is a round or oval, shield , " This form was also referred to as the Anguished. Budge surmised that Abraham
  30. In the fighting. According to the historian Herodotus, the poet threw away his, shield ,to make good his escape from the victorious Athenians then celebrated the
  31. Where worn. The rest of the body was generally protected by means of a large, shield , Examples of armies equipping their troops in this fashion were the Aztecs (
  32. Ajax's death but does ascribe it to his loss in the dispute over Achilles's, shield ,: when Odysseus visits Hades, he begs the soul of Ajax to speak to him, but Ajax
  33. By extension. In Greek mythology The Aegis (), as stated in the Iliad, is the, shield ,or buckler of Athena or of Zeus, which according to Homer was fashioned by
  34. And artists, and the hero who appears on some Dorian coins with the helmet, shield , and sword is probably this Ajax. Other accounts of his death are offered by
  35. While the parts in shadow would be. These temperatures could cause the heat, shield ,to crack or propellant lines to burst. As it was impossible to get a perfect
  36. The Moon and taking them back to the Command Module. It had no aerodynamic heat, shield ,and was of a construction so lightweight that it would not have been able to
  37. Museum),vases and sarcophagus reliefs; at Athens it was represented on the, shield ,of the statue of Athena Parthenon, on wall-paintings in the Theseus and in the
  38. To get the body and bury it next to his friend, Patroclus. Ajax, with his great, shield ,and spear, manages to drive off the Trojans, while Odysseus pulls the body to
  39. Arms is two-tone, with the school's official colors, garnet and blue, on the, shield , The axes represent the school's origins in a rural setting, and the
  40. Killed along with Bin Laden, the woman being killed when she was“ used as a, shield ,by a male combatant ”. Confirmed bin Laden's identity. The body was recovered
  41. Sometimes the garment and the shield are merged, with a small version of the, shield ,appearing on the garment. It originally was derived from the protective shield
  42. Discarded and only the Command Module re-entered the atmosphere, using its heat, shield ,to survive the intense heat caused by air friction. After re-entry, it deployed
  43. With an aegis or Coors, and an extremely long spear. It also had a crystal, shield ,with the head of the Gorgon on it. A large snake accompanied her and she held
  44. Involving the death of parties *Abatement (heraldry),a modification of the, shield ,or coat of arms that supposedly can be imposed by authority (in England
  45. Successful one, demonstrating the capability of the Command Module's heat, shield ,to survive a trans-lunar return reentry by using the Service Module engine to
  46. Be seen as a reflection by crews on ships rounding Cape So union, and a giant, shield ,on the left side, decorated by Mys with images of the fight between the
  47. These items on his person, the Senate nonetheless awarded him with a golden, shield ,displayed in the meeting hall of the Curia, bearing the inscription virus
  48. Traditionally preferred to attack head-on by assembling their forces in a, shield ,wall, advancing against their target and overcoming the oncoming wall marshaled
  49. A smooth parabolic curve) or shield (generally shaped like half of a narrow, shield ,) cut and is often attached at an angle, known as helical fletching, too
  50. By ionization of the air around the Command Module. The possibility of heat, shield ,damage from the O2 tank rupture heightened the tension of the blackout period

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